Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Rain Drops on Roses...

Pink Rose

It rained on Tuesday afternoon.

Yellow Rose

After it cleared, I took these photos and thought of the song from "Sound of Music":

On leaves, too!

Which led to these photos:

"Whiskers on Kittens"

"Hey, I'm trying to sleep, here!"

"Meow?  A song about whiskers and kittens?"
A few of my favorite things.  


  1. Your roses and Dancer are gorgeous! My rose bushes have buds. I am excited for them to open...

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. How exciting to wait for your roses to bloom! Hope you'll share pictures of them when they do. :)

  2. Your roses are absolutely beautiful. I’ve heard that it’s hard to grow roses, so I never even tried to grow them. After this social distancing is over, maybe I’ll buy a plant. 😊

    Dancer looks so innocent.

    Have a wonderful week, Bless.

    1. Roses are not that hard to grow, although, with all your rain, you might have to watch out for powdery mildew on the leaves. They do like sunshine, so, plant them in a sunny spot.

      Don't be deceived by how innocent he looks! He bit my arm, this morning! :o

      Thank you, Nil. Hope you have a good week, too.

  3. Love these snapshots, and I have serious rose envy.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. The rose bushes are enjoying all the rain we've been getting. :)

  4. Beautiful roses, beautiful cat (naughty boy).
    Thank goodness for the fact that we still find beauty amid the doom and gloom. Take care

    1. Thank you, Eloise. Yes, he's a very naughty boy! But, right now, he's sleeping on his towel next to my chair, as calm and peaceful as ever! :)

  5. Dancer and roses make me smile! It's a dull day but not raining and I have just put a peanut in the compost bin for the little vole who hangs out in there. The squirrels haven't been around as much lately and the birds don't seem to like the weather either. The sap isn't running as it was mild overnight and now DH has decided that enough is enough and there will be no more collecting even if it runs tomorrow, as it may be "buddy" by then. Rain and flurries are forecast for the next two days but we will not be out picnicking anyway, will we? I forecast puttering!

    1. Glad the pictures made you smile, Bushlady. Sounds like you won't have a lot of bottling left to do once that last batch is processed. Hope it was a good year and you got enough syrup to last you until the next time. It has just started to rain, over here. I should do some housework, but, all I really want to do is curl up with a blanket and a book!

  6. It is easy to find joy in your everyday, when you have roses as gorgeous as the ones in your garden. You have a wonderful companion in Dancer. And I can't get that song out of my head now. *laugh* Love this post today.

    1. The roses are thriving with all the rain we've been having, lately. Yes, Dancer is a good companion, when he wants to be. LOL, it is a catchy tune, isn't it?

  7. Your roses are beautiful but Dancer steals the show!

    1. Thank you! Dancer says, "Finally, someone who appreciates how handsome I am!" :D

  8. Thank you Dancer for indulging us so that we may see your sweet face :)


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