Saturday, April 18, 2020


Today, I sewed six masks to give to my friend's daughter.  She came by, after work (she is an essential worker) for them.  I had her wait in the car while I placed the bag of masks, and the bag of lemons I had picked for her mother, in the trunk of her car.  I wore my own mask when I did that. 

After the masks were sewn, I continued to sew the seams on my sweater.  I couldn't finish sewing the sleeves, so, will try to finish sewing it, tomorrow.

Friend M came over in the evening to tend to the garden and I gave him the spare masks I had made for him. 

In between sewing masks and sewing the sweater, I started the car (thank goodness it started!), did a little bit of weeding while the car engine ran, watched news, practiced the piano, and chatted with friend R and friend A, who called to thank me for the masks and the lemons. 

It was cloudy in the morning; the forecast called for rain, but, it didn't rain and the afternoon was warm and sunny.  I had held off on watering the garden (other than the peach tree), thinking it might rain, but, since it didn't rain, I will water, tomorrow.  There is no more rain in the forecast for the next several days.

Today, I struggled to drink my water, but, I managed to drink 7 cups of water, in addition to the two cups of tea.  I will see if I can drink one more cup of water before I go to bed.  I didn't drink any orange juice. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- The sunny and warm afternoon
- Being able to sew more masks and give them to friends
- My fabric stash
- An abundance of lemons
- Phone calls from friends

Today's joyful activity was sewing.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. You are an angel making all those masks, Bless, I'm sure your friends appreciate them very much.
    Unfortunately, my car didn't start when I tried it last week, but I'm just going to leave it for now, as I can manage without it. I've been cycling to work instead, which is quite pleasant now the roads are quiet. X

    1. Not an angel, Jules, just doing what I can to help. I hope the masks will come in useful.

      I'm sorry your car didn't start, but, at least you can manage without it. I think, after all this is over, there will be quite a few cars needing to have the batteries recharged or replaced! I didn't realize you still had to go to work during the pandemic! Stay safe!

  2. A friend here is involved in a headband project. These bands have buttons which hold the mask elastic and prevent chafed ears. I may try and make some.

    1. My daughter was telling me about them, Angela. It'll be one way to use up the button collection, won't it?

  3. They are still debating about homemade face masks here and so far, the advice is that it isn't necessary. I have a feeling it may change though.

    You've reminded me that I need to start the car so that'll be done some time this weekend. Apart from that, I watched Phantom of the Opera this morning, had a very long phone call with Julie, and will look for another TV series to binge watch later today.

    1. Well, the homemade ones are not nearly as effective. They don't keep the Covid-19 virus away from us (virus is small enough to pass through the weave of the fabric). But, what they do is minimize our own droplets of saliva from being projected when we talk, sneeze, cough, etc. We wear these masks to help protect others, and they, in turn, by wearing their own masks, will help to keep us protected. In the city of Los Angeles, the wearing of some sort of facial covering is required when out and about, grocery shopping, etc.

      Sounds like you've had a very pleasant day, so far, Eileen. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

  4. I have sewn one mask so far and it was a very frustrating experience because my sewing machine was acting up. I'm going to try again today, since we all need one to go out and they are running short of masks at my son's work. Wish me luck.

    1. Good luck, Live and Learn! I did have some trouble with one mask that I sewed, yesterday, with the bobbin thread being all loopy! I took the bobbin out of the case, reinserted it as if putting in a new bobbin, and it seemed to work! Hope your machine cooperates, today!

  5. That's wonderful that you were able to help out your friend's daughter with masks for her work.
    It's so important to help where we can to aid people that are working during this time.
    I have not made any yet but I have a few masks that I ordered and have given a few out to my friends who don't have masks and don't sew.

    My friend came over the other day and I put some in a bag that I left on our patio for her. I walked outside to say hello ( we were probably 15 ft apart.)
    It was good to see her.
    I dropped off some toilet paper to her a couple weeks ago since she was almost out and I had extra. We just waved through her window.
    These times are so strange aren't they?

    I meant to mention the other day about how M had you prune the branches of the peach tree as they are still to young and fragile to hold the fruit.
    I like hearing stories like that. How we coax things along until they can stand on their own.
    With children, with plants.

  6. I thought it was going to rain today. So far it hasn't. I watered my garden yesterday, too. The masks are great. I washed the one my neighbor made me. It is drying on the clothesline right now.

    1. I, too, thought it might rain, today, but, it didn't. I will have to water the garden, tomorrow.

      Glad your masks are working out well. :)

  7. You are doing well with making a lot of masks. Is your stash going down? :)
    I finally finished my taxes. Now my next job is to catch up on e-mails!

    1. Ha, ha, if the stash is going down, I haven't noticed! Each of the masks I make requires two 9 x 7 inch pieces of fabric - I am still using what I have in my scrap baskets!

      Well done on getting the taxes finished! Enjoy catching up on emails! :)

  8. You are so kind to make masks for your friends.

    The other day I went to the health food store, and wore a mask and gloves.

    1. I enjoy doing it, Nil. I feel like I am doing something to help someone else, even while staying home.

      I'm glad you took the steps needed to protect yourself and others while doing the shopping, Nil. Stay safe!

  9. You keep very busy and productive days, with purpose. Making masks for others is a wonderful contribution. I've noticed that you are also keeping up with your piano and you must be making great strides. I watched the 2 hour special last night by Lady Gaga and realised that music is a great healer for a lot of people.

    1. I'm trying, Susan. To paraphrase what someone said, I don't want to be a part of the problem; I want to try and be part of the solution. :) I've taught myself several more pieces in the piano book. Maybe not quite as many as I might have if I had weekly lessons, but, I've learned at least one new piece per week. I, too, watched that special last night. :)


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