Friday, March 13, 2020

Rain on Thursday

It has rained all day, today.  It was raining when I woke up and it is still raining at 10:30 p.m.  It's been a continuous, light rain all day.  A grey and gloomy day, too, but, I am grateful for the blessing of rain because it is watering my garden for me!  It is the type of slow rain that really soaks into the ground rather than run off, quickly. 

Yesterday, I had wondered if I should go to a different grocery store, today, to take advantage of some specials they are offering, this week (mangoes are on sale, 3 for $1, for example).   But, the rain helped me to decide to stay home, instead.

I made some egg salad for lunch and dinner was spaghetti with meat sauce.  I browned all of the ground beef I had bought, but used only half of it and half of a can of spaghetti sauce to make my meat sauce.  It still made enough sauce for maybe two more meals for me.  I froze the rest of the can of sauce and the browned ground beef.

Thank you for all your comments on yesterday's post about stocking up and emergency preparedness.  As some of you mentioned, one should always be prepared for any emergency and not panic buy to the extent that store shelves are emptied.  I agree.  Having a well stocked pantry and sufficient household supplies on hand for an emergency is very important.  For me, it is an on-going thing and I have mentioned my attempts to stock up as part of my earthquake/emergency preparedness, from time to time (here, for example, posted in August, 2018 and here, where I posted about my pantry inventory).  I haven't posted a pantry inventory in a couple of years, though.  The post I've linked is from 2017, so, well before the current emergency.  The contents of my pantry have changed (I used to have a lot of canned soups, at one time, and then, I stopped liking them and didn't use them as much; currently, I don't have a single canned soup in my pantry!)  But, I do keep quite a bit of food and other items on hand at all times.

My daughter began working from her apartment, today.  She showed me where she set up her "office corner" in her living area (she has a studio apartment; basically, it is one room with a sleeping area and a living area and a kitchenette along one wall). 

Today, I am grateful for:
- The rain to water my garden
- My house to shelter me from the rain
- A heater working overtime to keep me warm 
- A well stocked pantry
- My daughter being able to work from her apartment

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Friday's To Do List:
- Piano lesson (rescheduled for Friday, this week)
- Clean the bathrooms 
- Do one deep cleaning task
- Errands, if any
- Tend to the garden with M, if it isn't raining

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?  


  1. So nice that your daughter is safe working from her apartment. It is raining here today. Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. You are having spring rain, too! We are having another rainy day, here!

  2. I think we've swapped weather ... you have the rain and we have a beautiful sunny day, though it's not particularly warm yet.

    I'm hoping to do some more shopping later today as I want to get started on some bulk cooking to refill the freezer. Once I've caught up with that I will feel more prepared for coping if this emergency reaches the stage where we are ordered to stay at home.

    1. We might have swapped our weather, Eileen, as it is another drizzly day, here! In fact, our weather forecast predicts rain all weekend and well into next week!

      I hope you have a successful shopping trip, today. That feeling of being more prepared for an eventuality is very important for our well being, I think. It removes some of the stress of the unknown. Hope you have a good day.

  3. It’s good that your daughter can work from home.
    My spring break got extended by another week. I plan to stay home as much as possible.

    1. Thank you, Nil. I'm glad your spring break was extended. Yes, please do try to stay home as much as possible. Better be safe than sorry.

  4. I think I am finally ready to stay hunkered down for the long haul. I bought and delivered some groceries early this morning, came home to watch the prime minister's address, and now I plan on going nowhere for as long as possible. I have been in contact with all my kids but my middle son. Everyone else is fine and staying home. I need to know what is going on at my son's work though.

    1. Susan, I am glad to hear that you are prepared to stay home for as long as possible. I hope you hear from your middle son soon. Take care of yourself and be safe.


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