Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quick Update

Just a quick update:  Yesterday afternoon, I began to feel a bit queasy.  It wasn't too bad and I tried to fight it, but, finally took an anti-nausea pill a little after 4:00 p.m.  A little later, I went for a walk around the block with daughter, to get some fresh air and exercise.    I had a bit of an upset tummy, too, so I rested in the evening, and took it easy.  I finished knitting another hat - I am thinking of making a few extra hats and leaving them at the treatment center for anyone who might like to have one.  I took another anti-nausea pill before I went to sleep.

Woke up feeling a little lethargic, this morning.  Not tired, exactly, just a bit blah.  My mouth felt very dry, even after drinking water.  I felt better after drinking a cup of tea.  I don't feel nauseated, so I haven't taken another anti-nausea pill.  However, I ate a graham cracker and nibbled on a piece of preserved ginger, just as a preventive measure.

Daughter did some grocery shopping for me and brought a friend of mine for a visit.  That was a nice diversion.  Daughter has just returned after dropping my friend off at her home. 

Planning a quiet evening, resting.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Fairly mild side effects
- My daughter's love and caring and patience with me
- Friends and family who call and visit
- Offers of help
- A day of sunshine and warm temperatures

Hope you have all had a lovely day.


  1. Praying for you BLess.. Pray that the nausea will go away for good. SO proud daughter is taking such good care of you. Hugs.

  2. I'm sorry you are feeling some side effects. I hope they all stay mild.

    That is such a wonderful, caring idea to make hats for others at the treatment center.

  3. Grateful that your side effects are somewhat mild Bless. Am sure that it's a bit distracting. But how sweet of you to think of others and make the extra hats. Those who aren't blessed with your ability to make them will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness!

  4. Bless I am continuing to pray for you during this cancer treatment. DH uses biotene rinse and gel for a dry mouth. I hope you are able to rest often when you are fatigued. I am so happy Little Bless is there to be a comfort for you. Take care my friend. Frugal

    1. Thank you, Frugal. I spent the entire day sleeping, today.


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