Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Day

Wish you all a happy Christmas.  May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you all year long.

I haven't had a good day, today.  Woke up feeling lightheaded, nauseated, upset tummy, hot & cold, bone ache, etc., etc., etc.  Slept more or less the whole day.  Not how I would have liked to have spent Christmas.  One of my cousins dropped by with gifts and I felt like crying.  I could barely lift my head off the pillow.

Late last night, my daughter cut my hair for me, as the dropping hair was creating a mass of dread-locks and it was hard to comb through:

The New Me
This is the shortest my hair has been since I was a teenager!  Eventually, even this will fall off, of course. 


  1. Please just rest. Your medical appointments are enough activity. You've been pushing yourself too hard and your body needs to use it's resources to heal and fight the cancer cells. Don't repeat the pushing by trying to take down and pack/put away the decorations. It's not worth it.Just have your daughter put the things in boxes and get them out of your sight.
    I know you want to maintain "normal" as much as possible, but things aren't going to be normal for quite some time. "Things" can wait. Merry Christmas...REST.

    1. Thanks, Marylynn. I'm heeding your advice and resting. Thank you so much for caring.

  2. Bless, my heart is breaking that you have to go through all this. If I could take this all away and make you better I would do it in a heartbeat. You are showing amazing strength through this difficult time.
    I know that the loss of your hair may be sad and painful for you, but I pray you find encouragement in knowing that this means the treatment is working and every strand that falls out brings you one step closer to regaining your health. Though your body may undergo some changes at this time, your heart is still just as beautiful as it always has been!
    Please take it as easy as possible and give in to your body's demands for rest.
    You are much loved, my friend, and I hope it helps to know you are kept close in many hearts and prayers of your readers.
    Hugs to you and your daughter!

    1. Thank you, Dawn. You have such a beautiful way with words. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season.

  3. Sending hugs and prayers. You are being incredibly brave but it is impossible to understate how tough this is. Take care x

    1. Thank you, Sybil. On the good days, I feel fine, almost like nothing is wrong. On the not so good days, I'm just knocked right back, and it worries my little girl so much. Yes, I know, she's 22 years old, but still, when Mummy is sick, she's still a little girl seeking reassurance that all will be well.

  4. Bless :-( I'm so sorry. Get yourself plenty of rest.

  5. BLess, I am so sorry you were sick on Christmas day.. My heart feels so sad for you and for your sweet daughter, Just know I am praying for you and your daughter.. May you feel better soon.. Hugs.

  6. So very sorry you're feeling badly Bless! And your daughter is doing so well with the added responsibility ... A reflection of the wonderful mother you've been to her! Hugs and prayers are sent your way!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. I'm feeling better, today. Hope you had a lovely day, yesterday.


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