Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Rain on Tuesday

Rain Drops on Pomegranate Leaves

We had some rain, today!  Not much; just 0.03 inches, and most of it was just a drizzle, not a proper shower of rain, but, nevertheless, we had a measurable amount of rain, today!  Other parts of the state, especially the northern part, has had much more rain, recently, but, this is the first measurable rain we've had in my area since the beginning of summer.

I had my annual ophthalmologist appointment this morning.  I usually schedule it for the week of Thanksgiving because that's when my daughter is home to drive me home afterwards, after my eyes have been dilated.  Except, this time, with her right foot and ankle sprained and in a walking boot and crutches, my daughter could not drive me.  So, we used a ride share service to take me to the appointment and to bring us back (daughter went with me).  The appointment, itself, went well - no glaucoma, no retinopathy, the cataracts are still too small to require removal, etc.  However, the doctor asked me if I had a cat because he found (and removed) a cat hair that was in my left eye!  I had no idea it was even there!

I had made egg salad last night, and after we came home, I made egg salad sandwiches for our brunch.  Afterwards, I spent about two hours resting in the family room with the drapes closed, until my eyes returned to normal after being dilated, while daughter worked (she had taken the morning off to accompany me to the eye exam and back).  Later, I brought the trash cans in (I had put them out, by the curb, yesterday).

We ordered pizza and pasta for dinner, which was a nice treat.

After dinner, daughter played the piano and we sang Christmas carols, which was fun.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Access to medical care
- Medical insurance to pay for it
- My eyes are fine
- A safe ride to the eye clinic and back
- A little bit of rain for the garden

Today's joyful activity was singing Christmas carols with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow (Wednesday) include the final cleaning and rearranging of the house in preparation for Thanksgiving and having company over.

How was your Tuesday?  If you are celebrating Thanksgiving, are you hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your home?  How are your preparations coming along?


  1. Dancer has his way of making sure you don't forget him. :) Singing Christmas carols around the piano sounds like so much fun.

    1. Dancer has left his mark on me! LOL.
      It was fun to sing with my daughter. :)

  2. Thank goodness no glaucoma ... I can attest that is no laughing matter.
    On the subject of vision, I had to squint to see your raindrops! I am glad you have had a bit of rain anyway. My "lawn" is so waterlogged, it is like an ice rink on our clay soil! I even skidded when I went out to the bins earlier.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, eye health is so important, isn't it?
      I'm sorry you had to squint to see the raindrops. It really isn't a good picture. Sounds like you've been receiving plenty (and more) of rain! Be careful when you are outside; you don't want to be skidding and hurting yourself.

  3. I suspect most cat owners have cat hair in odd places on us! I also have cataracts forming, still very small. Isn't it amazing how medicine has advanced so much that cataract removal can be done relatively quickly? My great grandfather went blind from cataracts, he never had the opportunity to have them removed.

    1. I suppose we do have cat hair all over us! I'm glad your cataracts are also still in the small stage. Yes, it is amazing how medicine has advanced; I hope that it continues to make those advances and we are able to benefit from those advances.

  4. How lovely to sing Christmas carols together! It makes me think of the olden days before people had TV and internet. The only time we have ever done it was when our very musical special friends used to come over at Christmas with their musical children who played for us!

    1. It was fun to sing with my daughter and we were laughing so hard over the 12 Days of Christmas song that we were crying and gasping for air.
      My mother said that when she was growing up, her father refused to get a radio for the house because he thought that , with a radio in the house, the children will stop singing in the evenings. My mother and her sisters all played the piano and she and her siblings all had lovely voices.

  5. I'm glad your eye appointment went well, although yikes at the cat hair! X

    1. Thank you Jules. Yes, I had no idea that there was a cat hair in my eye!

  6. That was a good solution to going to the eye doctor's. How much was the ride? How far was it? Just curious.
    How funny that you had a Dancer hair in your eye and didn't detect anything! You would think it would've irritated your eye so that you would've noticed.
    Singing Christmas carols with your daughter sounds lovely. In your response to Bushlady, I enjoyed the story of your grandfather not wanting a radio as it might make the children stop singing.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, taking a ride share was very helpful and I didn't have to ask someone to oblige me. The distance was less than 5 miles and it cost about $50 for the round trip, including tips. The actual rates depend on time of day and demand, I guess, and it could have cost a bit more than it did, but, daughter had a coupon that she applied to the ride going to the clinic. It certainly cost more than what I would have paid for gas and parking if I had driven myself. But, about 3 years ago, I asked my cousin's daughter to drive me to another eye appointment (that time, I had to go to downtown L.A.), and I gave her $50 for her trouble, so, it's about what I would have expected to pay.
      Yes, it's weird that I had a Dancer hair in my eye and didn't feel it!
      According to my mother, her father couldn't sing a note, but, he enjoyed listening to my grandmother and the children sing. :)


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