Friday, July 7, 2023

One Week into July

Lois Lane Kent Mango

The newly transplanted Lois Lane Kent Mango doesn't look too good, does she?  Her leaves feel dry to the touch.  We watered it when we transplanted it on Wednesday, I watered it yesterday (Thursday) and M will water it again, today, too, so I hope it will survive.  It's been a survivor, so far, while the others (Clark Kent SuperMango and Conner Kent Mango both died).  In case anyone is wondering about the names, the variety of mango is called Kent Mango and it seemed appropriate to name the first mango seedling Clark and the rest sort of fell into place!

Yesterday (Thursday), the pharmacy called to let me know that Dancer's new medication was ready for pick up.  I drove there in the early afternoon and collected the medication (the dosage is twice the strength of the previous one).  Then, I gave into temptation and went into the doughnut shop next door to the pharmacy and bought myself two doughnuts - a glazed doughnut and one with a chocolate glaze.  This is the first time I've been in a doughnut shop and bought doughnuts since before the initial lockdown.  Neighbor S had given me some doughnuts a couple of times, but, I have not bought any myself in over three years.  As I mentioned to one of my friends, last night, when did a regular doughnut go up to $1.65 each?  The fancier ones like bars and twists were $1.85 and higher!  I was not surprised, exactly, as I had expected prices to have increased, but, at the same time, I was a bit taken aback!  I wonder if the prices are the same at my local doughnut shop, up the road from me?  (I am in a less upscale neighborhood than where I was, yesterday, when I bought the doughnuts).  The doughnuts, however, were delicious.  I enjoyed them after I had eaten a slightly healthier egg salad sandwich for brunch.  

I spent the rest of the afternoon, yesterday, doing some paperwork, renewing my car registration, and paying bills, including the monthly gas bill.

Feel free to skip this next section about the gas bill - unless you are Debra, in which case, it is required reading for her!  LOL!


I am fascinated by how the gas bill breaks down: 

The gas bill for the billing period 5/18 - 6/19 (32 days) was $43.23.
I had used 22 therms, which was 8 therms above the baseline of 14 therms (probably due to those couple of cold mornings in June when I turned the big heater on!).  The rate per therm for the baseline was $0.86390; the rate for over the baseline was $1.30922.  The charges for the gas used (called Gas Transportation on the bill) was $22.56.
But, in addition, there was a "Customer charge" of $5.26  ($0.16438 per day for 32 days); a Gas Commodity fee of $8.67 (22 therms x $0.39403), which brought the total gas charges to $36.48 ($5.26 + $22.56 + $8.67).
Then, there were the various taxes and fees on the gas charges, based on the number of therms used, amounting to $6.74.  Those fees and taxes are the State Regulatory Fee of $0.07, the Public Purpose Surcharge of $2.49 (part of which goes to help low income customers pay reduced rates), the City Users Tax of $2.90, and the Local Franchise Fee Surcharge of  $1.29.
Add them all up and the total bill comes to $43.23.  

This gas bill was higher than the previous one of $29.61, which was a bit disappointing.  The next gas bill is estimated to be $29.63.  I'm not using the heater, now, of course.  


Resuming regular blog post...

After I paid the bills, I took a nap!  Later, I watered most of the fruit trees and vegetables in the garden.  

I had a long conversation with Aunt C, yesterday, in the evening, and another long chat with friend R.  Later, I video chatted with my daughter.  She had been on-call for jury duty this week, but, she was not required to report for jury duty in person; she has now been released from jury duty for this time.   

Today, Friday, has been a relatively relaxed day.  It was sunny and warm, but, with a high of only 79F not exactly hot.  I did a bit of weeding in the garden, clearing one of the planting beds where we had snow peas and lettuce growing.  M finished clearing it, added some manure, and planted some really, really old vegetable seeds I had with me - some of which had been packed for 2010 planting! Four varieties of tomatoes, two varieties of squash, and (gasp!) zucchini! We both doubt if any of them will grow, but, I didn't want to continue to keep the packets of seeds.  We'll see if anything grows, if not, seven packets of seeds have been decluttered!  I still have a few more packets of old seeds - we might plant them next week and see what happens.  

In other news, neighbor T's house has a real estate agent's sign out in the front yard.  It doesn't actually say, "For Sale" on it, but, it is implied.  I took a photo of it for the summer photo scavenger hunt, but, I might hold out for a sign that actually says "For Sale" or "Sold".

Thursday's brunch was an egg salad sandwich and doughnuts.  Dinner was rice, chicken curry, lentil curry, and green beans.

Friday's brunch was a tuna salad sandwich; dinner will be leftover rice and curries.

At the end of the first week in July, I am grateful for:

- Dancer's new medication was available
- Being able to pay my bills online
- Chats with family and friends
- M's help with the garden
- Sunny, warm days

Joyful activities have included enjoying some doughnuts and tending to the garden.

I don't have any specific plans for the weekend.  I would, however, like to do some sewing, decluttering, and sort out the kitchen.

Do you have any plans for the weekend?


  1. Mmmm! Donuts! 🍩 Thise are a rare treat for me, as they run my blood sugar levels up very high, but so delicious! The best donut shop we ever had in town closed several years ago. We have one, but it’s not the same. Glad you got to enjoy that special treat! And yes…the price of everything has gotten astronomical! Hope Dancer’s new medicine helps him feel better soon! Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, I, too, need to be careful about how much sugar I consume, but, I felt the need for a treat! I think doughnuts were under $1 the last time I bought some! :D
      I, too, hope that Dancer will feel better, soon. :)

  2. That's good that you treated yourself to donuts, they're not something I buy so can't compare the price for you. Everything seems so expensive now. I don't really study my gas and electric bill too much as I am happy with my supplier and the monthly cost has just come down although it is still twice as much as it was a year ago. I do hope Dancer's new medication helps him feel better.

    1. Well, doughnuts are going to be an occasional treat, not that I buy them that often. The only time I didn't like doughnuts was when I was having chemo - my taste buds changed completely and I was off my usual favorites like chocolate and doughnuts!

      We generally have one provider for gas and one provider for water and electricity, depending on where you live. There is no choice of providers and shopping around for the best prices, unlike for telephone services and TV/cable. So, we are stuck with whatever prices they charge; if you want a different provider, you have to move to their service area. My summer gas bills tend to be lower than my winter ones, of course. But, I'm still recovering from the shock of that January bill of almost $700 for gas!
      Thank you; I, too, hope that the new medicine will help Dancer. :)

  3. My daughter's company works closely with the UK division of Krispy Kreme. When we visited, she had a huge selection of donuts (you can freeze them) I found some way too sweet for me. Traditional British donuts are just ball shaped with a spoonful of red jam piped into the centre.

    1. Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the best! We have the jam filled doughnuts here, too, as well as ones with a custard filling and a cream filling. They are all very good as far as I am concerned! LOL. The only time I didn't like doughnuts was when I was having chemo and my tastebuds changed! No wonder I lost so much weight, back then! :D

  4. I think donuts are the one treat that I can resist. I like them okay, but would much rather have cookies or ice cream. However, fresh donuts from a bakery shop do sound good. I hope that Dancer's new medicine will do the trick for him.

    1. I wish I could resist them! It would be so much better for my waistline if I could!
      Thank you, June; I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the new medication will help him.

  5. " I wonder if the prices are the same at my local doughnut shop, up the road from me?" Do I detect an excuse for more indulgence into doughnuts? : ) I was just thinking about the Paczki (Polish Donuts) that are usually sold around Lent, especially in Europe. They are absolutely delicious, plain with jam or creamy filling and covered in sugar!

    1. Ha, ha, you never know! I just might have to check out the local doughnuts, just for price comparisons, you know. :D My daughter checked the prices at her local doughnut shop, yesterday! :D She prefers the bars and they are $2.50 each, she said. But, the lady at the doughnut shop usually gives her a free doughnut, so, she got two for $2.50, yesterday, which was quite a deal! :D

  6. HaHa at first I thought you meant after you typed all of those wonderful numbers from your gas bill into your blog post, you took a nap. lol
    Thanks for including all the number minutiae ;)
    But seriously, what is with all of the fees on these utility bills? I don't have a gas bill but my electric bill is full of them. My water bill is pretty simple (especially since once of the bills included a notice that seniors could get rid of one of the fees. So as seniors we had that done. Hey 50 cents is 50 cents and $6 a year is $6 a year. LOL! I crack myself up sometimes.
    Still good job on watching your usage and now you will be able to build back up your lagging budget amount with the warmer months here.
    I hope as I read on both Dancer and Lois Lane are doing well.

    Yeah for doughnuts!

    1. Ha, ha, glad to see that you did your required reading! :D I thought you'd be interested to see the breakdown of the bill and the details. I don't understand quite why we have all these fees, but, I think the gas company breaks them down as a way of saying, "Hey, it's not that we charge so much for the gas, it's all these fees that are added on!" It's their cost of doing business which they pass on to us, the customers, in order to ensure maximum profits for themselves and their stockholders.
      I'm glad you were able to apply for and receive the waiver of that one fee. $6 a year is nothing to sneeze at! :D
      Dancer is doing OK, but, Lois Lane is ready for the compost heap, I think. :(


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