Monday, July 17, 2023

Meal Planning Week 2 Review & Week 3 Plan

The meal plan for week 2  was as follows:

Brunches:  Banana nut muffins and cheese sandwich (Monday)✔, Toast with butter and peach jam (Tuesday)✔, scrambled egg and hash browns✔,  pancakes French toast and bacon✔, blueberry muffins waffles✔, uppuma (Indian style cream of wheat - haven't had that in a long time), leftovers✔.

Dinners: Leftover chicken "skillet dinner" with added green beans (from the garden) and sliced carrots (Monday)✔;  Shrimp curry with rice, chutney, and cucumber salad, Sausage stir fry with rice and vegetables✔, leftovers✔ Sandwiches, Pot roast with vegetables, Beef curry and waffles!

Snacks: Fresh fruit (grapes, apples, oranges), canned fruit, muffins, cereal, chips, etc.; lime gelatin

Breakfast - Banana nut muffins
Lunch:  Cheese sandwich
Dinner - Leftover Chicken skillet dinner with added green beans and sliced carrots

Brunch - Toast with butter and peach jam
Tea - Banana muffin
Dinner - Leftover Chicken skillet dinner with rice and peach chutney 

(I was planning to have shrimp curry with rice, but, couldn't find the last packet of shrimp curry that I thought I had in the freezer - maybe I ate it and didn't make a note of it in my freezer contents list!  I was disappointed, but, enjoyed the alternate meal enough to have seconds!) 

Brunch - Scrambled egg and hash browned potato
Dinner - Leftover Chicken skillet dinner with rice and peach chutney (same as Tuesday)

Brunch - French toast and bacon
Dinner - Tuna salad sandwich, chips; yogurt

Brunch - Tuna salad sandwich, chips
Dinner - Beef pot roast with vegetables (carrots, green beans, etc.)

Brunch - Pot roast sandwich
Dinner - Italian sausage with rice, chutney, vegetables, etc.; lime gelatin for dessert

Brunch - Blueberry waffles with syrup
Tea - Pot roast sandwich
Dinner - Beef curry with leftover waffles

And that is how Week 2 meals turned out! 

I sliced up the pot roast and froze two packages of it for later meals (and kept a portion out for sandwiches, etc., during the week); I froze some of the beef curry, too, and kept a portion for the week.  I froze the rest of the package of cooked sausages to be taken out when needed.  

I am going to keep the meal planning to a minimum, this week, partly because I need to eat what I've already cooked!

Brunches: Waffles and beef curry (Monday), sandwiches (tuna salad, egg salad, peanut butter, cheese, pot roast or beef curry), milk and cereal

Dinners: Leftovers/made overs; coconut roti with beef curry; maybe macaroni and cheese with tuna or ham (there's a box of mac and cheese that needs to be used up); chicken curry (from the freezer) with rice and vegetable curries. 

That is the plan; we'll see how it all turns out!

Did you do a meal plan for last week?  If so, how did it work out?  Are you making a meal plan this week?


  1. I've planned some meals for this week. I need to use up some frozen food as it's gotten too crowded in the freezer. I never think of making french toast, though I do like it. I'll put that on this week's plan!

    1. I love French toast! Probably not the healthiest thing for me to eat, but, I have them on a fairly regular basis! I hope you make some and enjoy them, Celie. :)

  2. I've ordered just the essentials this week and will delve into the freezer drawers and use some of what's in there. Was your pot roast very tasty as I am fancying some braising steak now? I still haven't used the tin of sardines I bought some time ago so that is on my meal plan for this week :)

    1. Sounds like a good plan, Eileen, to get just the essentials this week and use up some of the items you have in the freezer. The pot roast turned out very well, I think. I seasoned the meat with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, etc., and browned it on both sides, then, added some water, sliced onions, chopped celery, and some Worcestershire sauce and let it cook on low heat (on top of the stove because I didn't want to turn the oven on; but, it can cook in the oven, as well, or in a crock pot) until the meat was tender. I would have added carrots and potatoes, but, I had cooked carrots and green beans in the fridge. Besides, it is easier to freeze just the meat and add the vegetables, later; takes less freezer space!
      Enjoy your sardines on toast! I have one last tin of it and then, it'll be time to buy more!

  3. Your food always looks so good :)
    I have some cauliflower I need to cook so I might make a pureed cauliflower soup. Another blog I read always puts blue cheese in hers so I may do that too.

    1. Thank you, Debra.
      I don't think I've ever had cauliflower soup! I've almost always had it as a curry!


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