Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Meal Planning July Week 2

I'm a bit late with the meal planning for this week!

But, first, a review of last week's planned meals.

This is what I had planned for meals during the first week of July:

Brunches: Milkrice and seeni sambol✔ (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, too, with some chicken curry, as well); toast and cream cheese; cereal and milk, egg salad✔ or and tuna salad✔ sandwiches, pancakes

Dinners: Hamburger✔ (with the ends of bread for the bun; Saturday and Tuesday); Rice, chicken curry, lentil curry, curried sauteed green beans✔ (Sunday and Wednesday); Chicken curry sandwich with potato chips and sliced cucumber ✔(Monday; who needs cold cuts when there is chicken curry?);  coconut roti with leftover chicken curry✔ and lentils or seeni sambol mackerel curry; breakfast for dinner (scrambled eggs and baked potato wedges or pancakes with bacon); baked chicken with vegetables

Snacks/desserts: ice cream bars✔, the last zucchini muffin✔, fresh fruit✔, canned fruit cocktail✔, cereal✔, banana-nut muffins

Brunch - Milkrice with seeni sambol and chicken curry
Dinner - Chicken curry sandwiches, potato chips, cucumber slices

Brunch - Pancakes with chicken curry and lentils (and one with syrup)
Dinner - Hamburger with "bread ends bun" and cucumber slices

Brunch - Egg salad sandwiches
Dinner - Rice and curries (chicken, lentils, green beans)

Brunch - Egg salad sandwich and doughnuts!
Dinner - Rice and curries

Brunch - Tuna salad sandwich
Dinner - Rice and curries

Brunch - Tuna salad on toast
Tea - Banana muffins
Dinner - Coconut roti with chicken curry and lentils

Brunch - Coconut roti with seeni sambol
Dinner - Baked chicken (from the freezer) made over with sauteed onions, tomatoes (from the garden), potatoes, and green peas; banana muffins

It worked out quite well, I think.  I didn't make the breakfasts for dinner; instead, I thawed three baked chicken thighs and added them to sauteed onions, tomatoes, potato, and frozen green peas to make a sort of "skillet dinner", which gave me leftovers to take me into this week!

The meal plan for this week (which started yesterday, on Monday) is as follows:

Brunches:  Banana nut muffins and cheese sandwich (Monday), Toast with butter and peach jam (Tuesday), scrambled egg and hash browns,  pancakes and bacon, blueberry muffins, uppuma (Indian style cream of wheat - haven't had that in a long time), leftovers.

Dinners: Leftover chicken "skillet dinner" with added green beans (from the garden) and sliced carrots (Monday);  Shrimp curry with rice, chutney, and cucumber salad, Sausage stir fry with rice and vegetables, leftovers

Snacks: Fresh fruit (grapes, apples, oranges), canned fruit, muffins, cereal, chips, etc.

That is the plan; we'll see how it all turns out!

Did you do a meal plan for last week?  If so, how did it work out?  Are you making a meal plan this week?


  1. I was giggling about your bread end buns. When I was a kid all of our "buns" were either slices of white bread, or if you were lucky you got the heels of the bread. I was in college before I realized that a patty melt was just a fancy name for my childhood burgers.

    1. It's funny, isn't it? But, the heels of the bread work just fine as hamburger buns! :D Too funny about realizing that patty melt was just a fancy name for your childhood burgers! :D Maybe I'll make my next burger a patty melt!

  2. It was only through blogging that I heard the ends of the bread called heels and I've always called them the crusts. My husband's gran used to save them for him and put dripping on them, I couldn't think of anything worse. I've never had them with a beefburger or hamburger on either, in fact I don't eat the crusts my husband does :-)

    1. The crust to me means the entire outer edge of a slice of bread as in, when you make a sandwich, you cut the crusts off. But, referring to the ends of the bread as the crusts makes sense, too as in the statement, "There was only a crust of bread left". :)
      I love the end crusts when it is a nice, crusty loaf of bread. But, the regular, sandwich bread that I buy doesn't have those crusty ends. I usually save them to make croutons or to add to a bread pudding. But, I've discovered that they made adequate "buns" for hamburgers, too. :)
      I read somewhere that a slice of bread with dripping on it was considered a treat during WWII, when butter was rationed. I save the drippings in a container in the fridge and use when I make fried rice, etc. I save bacon dripping in a separate jar and use some when I make scrambled eggs or American style pancakes. "Waste not, want not" and all that! :D

  3. We had a skillet dinner yesterday with green beans from our garden among other things. It was so good.

    1. There's nothing as good as fresh green beans from the garden, is there? Unfortunately, my green bean plants look like they are done for the season! I guess it got too hot for them!

  4. You do so well with your meal planning! Do you find it tough sometimes when cooking just for one? I don't eat the same things as husband and son and I find myself not eating properly as I just can't be bothered to do something for myself.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. There are times when I don't feel like cooking for myself, but, when I do cook, I make plenty and freeze some of it, so I can always pull something out of the freezer. I also keep things like canned soups, etc., for a quick meal.

  5. Have you ever tried putting the potato chips into the curried chicken sandwich for crunch (I'm assuming you ate them on the side)?

    1. No, I haven't tried that! Yes, I did have them on the side. Maybe, next time, I'll try the potato chips in the sandwich! :D

  6. Your meal planning is going well. Not many changes and you're using up things.
    My husband gave some of his fishing things to a golf buddy who likes to fish. This week his friend brought a large blue fish he had caught all cleaned and ready to go as a thank you.
    We cooked it on the grill and it was very good. We ate some more of it on some fish tacos last night with more left for tonight.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I did make some changes in this week's meal plan partly because I found out that I did not have the frozen shrimp curry that I thought I had and partly because I did a grocery pick up right after I made the meal plan! LOL.
      Oh, what a nice thank you gift you and your husband received! Yum!


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