Friday, March 3, 2023


Snow on the Mountains

It was a sunny day, today, with a high of 60F!  Two weeks ago, I would have said, "It was only 60F", but, after the recent cold weather, when the highs would be in the upper 40s, 60F felt warm!  It felt like spring!  I turned the heater off, opened the windows, and aired out the house.   Then, I went outside to walk a bit in my driveway and I caught a glimpse of something white in the distance.  So, I walked to the end of the block and took this photo.  Snow on the mountains!  I texted the photo to my daughter and she said that neighbor S's daughter had texted her almost the same picture, earlier in the day! 

My day was good.  I walked a little, sewed a little, texted with one of my cousins, had a long phone conversation with my half-sister, cleaned the kitchen a bit and ran the dishwasher, watched the news and some online videos, and video chatted with my daughter.  It was her birthday and although she worked and didn't come down to celebrate, I told her to treat herself to a special lunch on my account, which she did, and her friends at her acrobatics class had baked her a cake and made her a card and sung Happy Birthday to her.  

I had leftover milkrice with chicken curry for brunch.  For dinner, I made roti and ate them with chicken curry and seeni sambol.


There are some leftover roti for tomorrow's brunch.

Today, I am grateful for:
- My daughter
- She had a good birthday
- A sunny and warmer day
- Chats with family and friends
- Working appliances

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for Friday include some paperwork and tending to the garden with M.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. That's a great view of the mountains. Thanks for sharing the photo. Sounds like you had a lovely day of many delightful things. Belated birthday wishes to your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou; I passed on the birthday wishes to my daughter.
      Every so often in the winter, if it is cold enough and it rains, I get to see snow on those mountains; it delights me each time I see it! :)

  2. Happy Birthday to your daughter! My friend who lives in your area said that everyone is taking pictures of snow on the mountains. I guess she was right. :)

    1. Thank you, June; I passed on the birthday wishes to her. Yes, your friend is right! We are all taking pictures of the snowy mountains! :D

  3. Belated birthday wishes to your daughter.That's a lovely photo of snow on the mountains, so nice your daughter received it twice :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I passed on your wishes to my daughter. :) She forwarded me the other picture she had received and yes, it was almost identical! LOL.

  4. That is a pretty view of the snowy mountains but I hope the people living up there are managing to dig themselves out! The photo reminds me of when we lived in Italy. It would rain where we were and the mountains would show up with snow. Happy Birthday to your daughter. How kind of her friends to treat her to a cake and card and sing to her!
    It's sunny today, a bit on the cold side but may go above freezing again like it did yesterday. I will probably walk for the mail later.

    1. Yes, the news reports were saying that some areas have received so much snow that people are trapped in their homes and running out of supplies. The crews are trying to clear the roads and bring supplies out to those people. And in some areas, houses are catching fire - no one is quite sure what is causing the fires, but, they suspect damaged gas lines.

      Thank you for the birthday wishes; I conveyed them to my daughter.

      I'm glad you had a sunny day and I hope the temperatures were mild and you were able to walk to collect the mail. :)

  5. I expect photos of snow from Sharon and Mary-Lou but it's not something I expect from you ... what a surprise!

    Belated birthday wishes to your daughter. It sounds like she had a nice time with her friends complete with a birthday cake.

    Do you reheat your leftover roti and if so, how do you do it without them drying out please?

    I've had a quiet day at home and although I've slept for most of the day, I've somehow managed to break my phone so need to buy a new one tomorrow! xx

    1. Photos of lemon blossoms one day and snowy mountains the next day! LOL.
      Thank you for the birthday wishes, Eileen; I conveyed them to my daughter. She did have a nice birthday celebration. :)

      I reheat the roti either on the stove top in a pan with just a drop or two of oil in the pan (essentially re-baking them) or in the microwave. I haven't noticed them getting too dry, but, that might be because I eat them with curry gravy for the most part.

      Oh, no, so sorry to hear about your phone breaking! I hope you can replace it without too much of a problem. I dropped my cell phone by accident some time ago and it cracked the screen, but, the phone still works. Glad you were able to rest and nap. :)

  6. Belated Birthday wishes to your lovely daughter. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; I've conveyed your well wishes to her. I can't believe how quickly the years have gone!

  7. Sounds like a good day. I like the picture of the snow on the mountains.

    1. It was a very good day, Sharon, thank you. Glad you liked the picture. :)

  8. The snow looks very pretty, even if it is causing problems for those who are closer to it. I remember similar views from my town in Japan, looking away to the higher ground. How far away are those mountains? Is it doable for a day's hiking/sightseeing, or are they further away than they look? (I'm not suggesting it is something you would do, I'm just interested by the perspective.)

    1. The mountains are not that far away - a couple of hours of driving on the freeway. Very doable for a day's hiking/sightseeing, etc. I've driven through some of them on my way to visit my daughter, back in the days when I'd drive there (it's a good 6 hours drive from here to Berkeley, if there's not too much traffic); these days, I prefer to view them from the end of my block! :D

  9. How pretty that mountain scene is. I don't recall you ever showing us that before and had no idea you had such a lovely image right there for your gazing :)
    Happy Birthday to your daughter. What did she get for her birthday lunch from you?

    1. It is pretty, isn't it? I think I posted a couple of pictures of the snowy mountains on a post back in December 2019, which was the last time it was cold and rainy enough to have snow on the mountains; it was shortly after Christmas and my daughter and I were on our way to do some post Christmas shopping and she took the pictures through the car windshield. The day wasn't as clear and that, plus the rather dirty windshield, affected the photo quality:
      The photo I took above was taken on a clear day and without the screen of a dirty windshield! :)
      Thank you for the birthday wishes for my daughter. She had Chinese food and some pastries from a nearby bakery for her birthday lunch. :)


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