Thursday, March 2, 2023

Beginning March


Wait!  I didn't finish posting about February yet!  LOL!

Tuesday, February 28, it was partly cloudy and partly sunny during the day; the rain held off until evening and then, it rained all night!  I had my doctor's appointment in the early afternoon.  The regular receptionist was on vacation and the previous receptionist had come out of retirement to help out.  She informed me that there was a problem with my insurance, that the doctor no longer accepts my insurance; that I would need to contact my insurance company and ask for a different doctor or, if I change my insurance, then, call the doctor's office to see if the new insurance will be accepted.  This was all news to me and I wondered why I was not told any of this when the doctor's office called to confirm my appointment, etc.  I thought it would have been nice if someone had told me this before I drove to downtown, but, then, I thought, it was OK because the car got a bit of a run.  However, before I could say anything, the doctor called out to the receptionist, who asked me to wait a minute.  Then, she came back out and said the doctor would see me, after all!  LOL.  I guess the former receptionist was a bit confused!

Anyway, I had my appointment with the doctor and she went over my lab test report with me.  It was mostly fine, but, there were one or two areas where I was either above or below the normal range.  So, we discussed some changes I needed to make to rectify those things and I was told to return for a follow up visit at the end of May.  

After I came home, I relaxed and took things fairly easy for the rest of the day.  I had eaten a scrambled egg for brunch before I went to my appointment; I ate leftover rice, leftover sauteed shredded turkey, and more cucumber slices for an early dinner and later, I had some cheese and crackers for a snack.  

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:

- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- The rain held off while I was driving
- The doctor did accept my insurance and saw me
- The blood test results were mostly good
- The rest of the day was uneventful

Tuesday's joyful activity was knitting (I started a new sweater)

Damaged Garage Roof Tiles

Wednesday was March 1st and as usual, I made milkrice and seeni sambol (spicy onion relish).  I went out into the garden to pick a lemon and some curry leaves and while it was sunny, I noticed a dark cloud overhead.  It was also very cold.  The next thing I knew, it was hailing!  Pea-sized hail, not golf ball sized, and they melted quite quickly once they fell on the ground, but, still, it was quite exciting!  I realized that it hailed last Wednesday, too!  I took a couple of photos and went back indoors.  Dancer was rather intrigued by the sight of the hail bouncing off the steps and watched from the sliding glass door for a bit.  It hailed for about 10 minutes.

But, it had stopped hailing when M arrived to tend to the garden.  He tidied the front garden where some of the eucalyptus bark had fallen and he finished adding the rest of the pea gravel to the parkway!  The parkway project is now complete and I am very happy!  M enjoyed a plate of milkrice and seeni sambol before he left.  He gave me a five star rating for the food!  LOL!

In the afternoon, I sewed on the quilt a little more (had to stop when my hand started cramping) and watched some online videos.  Later, I watched news.  According to the local news, this month's gas bills will be lower, by an estimated 67% from the January bill. because the wholesale price of gas has come down - I will believe it when I get the bill! I'm still keeping the thermostat turned down to 65F!  Although, I did raise it to about 70F, on Monday, when it was so cold.

Later, I called friend R and we chatted a bit.  Still later, I video chatted with my daughter.

Brunch had been milk rice and seeni sambol.  I'm afraid I had more milkrice with chicken curry for dinner, followed by some of my home canned peaches and non-dairy whipped topping.  

On Wednesday, I was grateful for:
- The parkway project has been completed
- M's help with the garden all these years
- Working appliances
- The start of a new month
- Sunshine after the hail

Wednesday's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter. 

Plans for Thursday include doing a load of laundry and some kitchen cleaning.

How was your day?  What are your plans for Thursday? 


  1. So happy that the insurance question got figured out. Dealing with insurance can be a pain at times, but I'm glad to have it.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, I'm very thankful to have medical insurance! :)

  2. First and foremost I am so glad your doctor still takes your insurance.
    I envy your ability to go pick lemons and curry leaves. I do know one of my neighbors has a Meyer lemon tree that does well most years, but it must be planted in the perfect spot to protect it when the weather gets really cold (rarely but it does happen a time or two each year)
    While you are having to turn on the heater, we had to turn on the a/c yesterday. The great pollen dump has begun here, so I can't leave the house open for a few weeks.

    1. Thank you, Anne.
      Maybe if you plant a Meyer lemon in a pot and move it around or cover it with burlap during the really cold spells, it might do well?
      It has warmed up to 60F, this afternoon, and the heater is off! Sorry to hear that you have to deal with all that pollen! Having the a/c on sounds like a good idea. :)

  3. I am always interested that you can go out in the garden and pick something up ---nothing will be outside here until after Memorial Day. That is when we can safely plant something. Crazy! Have a wonderful day- xo Diana

    1. It's nice to be able to garden year round, more or less. Summer can be brutal, but, even then, there's something to be picked, usually.
      Thank you; hope you, too, are having a good day. :)

  4. I'm glad the 'issue' with your insurance was a non-issue and that the doctor was prepared to see you. Maybe the temporary receptionist had just got herself confused?

    Have you made any enquiries about your garage roof yet? It looks worse than I was expecting. Good news that the parkway is finished ... that's a big job you can tick off on your list.

    I'm impressed to hear that you are running a five star eatery ... congratulations! xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I have two types of medical insurance and everyone gets confused by it!
      As for the garage roof, no, not yet; but M said he might be able to take a look at it when the weather settles a bit. Yes, I'm very happy to have the parkway project done!
      Ha, ha, yes, I've a five star eatery! When you and Lady Ella come to dinner, you can verify it! :D

  5. Bills always go up quicker than they come down.

    I'm so glad that you managed to get seen. Sometimes receptionists are more tricky than the doctors!

    Hail is scary, but sort of exhilarating, like any fierce weather. I'm glad that Dancer wasn't out in it.

    1. Yes, bills don't often come down just like that, do they?
      Thank you; I was glad to have been seen by the doctor, too. :)
      Hail is a bit of a novelty for me, so I was very excited to see it! Most year, rain is a novelty, too, and there is a running joke about southern Californians taking earthquakes in stride and getting all excited about rain! :D

  6. Thank goodness your appointment with the doctor went ahead in the end! You must have thought that you were getting the old runaround again with all the rules. What a pity about the roof tiles. Hail was certainly a surprise for Dancer. Tell him we have such a vast amount of snow now that we are not sure where everyone will put the next lot. The other day I saw a neighbour out walking and her dog was happily rolling on its back in the deep snow at the roadside. Something tells me Dancer would not want to do that!

    1. Yes, I am glad that I was seen by the doctor and the insurance issue was resolved.
      M said he could take a look at the roof tiles when the weather was better, so, maybe it's something he can fix for me. If not, I'll ask neighbor E if he could give me his contractor's name and phone number.
      Dancer says he doesn't think he'd like snow, unless it tastes like tuna or salmon! LOL. I'm assuming your other neighbor's dog isn't showing up for daily treats with all that snow?

    2. My doggy friend from next door would have to tunnel like the squirrels, to get to us. I guess we won't see him for a few weeks yet, but we have heard him having a good bark sometimes.

    3. You know he'll be there as soon as he possibly can! :D

  7. I hope that M can fix your roof, or if not you can get the contractor without much delay. Winds and hail can do quite a bit of damage. What a relief for you that the receptionist was wrong and you don't need to find another! Your garden must be in full flower now, warming up and with the rain. Spring starts soon!

    1. Thank you, Celie; I shall as M to take a look at the damage, tomorrow, and see if it is something he can fix. If not, I'll have to call a contractor. Yes, it was a relief that the doctor's office figured out the insurance coverage. The garden is coming along - the cold nights are having an impact and I think some of the stronger rain storms and the winds stripped quite a few flowers off the trees, but, I noticed some tiny peaches and blueberries forming. :)

  8. Ack sorry for the insurance mix-up. They make things so confusing sometimes.

    1. Thank you, Sharon; it was all straightened out, eventually. :)

  9. That must have been a worry about the insurance but thankfully all was well in the end and you were seen by the doctor. You must get your roof looked at as you don't want it raining in. Sorry for the late reply I was unwell yesterday.

    1. I was just glad that the doctor spoke up when she did! Otherwise, I might have left the clinic and it would have all been a big misunderstanding.
      Yes, I will be having my roof checked soon.
      So sorry to read that you were unwell yesterday, Eileen; hope you are feeling better now. No need to apologize for being late to comment. :)

  10. Look at that hail. What a strange weather period your area is going through for you to have hail (now twice!) in LA.
    Yeah for the parkway project being all finished. You can check that off your list :)
    I'm glad your appointment/insurance all worked out. That was pretty frustrating in the moment I'm sure.
    Those garage tiles look pretty damaged. Have you been able to find someone to call? Maybe they can fix your "mulched area" too. lol Sometime that's the hardest part - just figuring out who to call.

    1. We are certainly having some unusual weather! But, I'm glad that I don't have some 16 feet of snow to deal with! That's the amount of snow on the ground in some of the mountain communities!
      Yes! The parkway is done and I am pleased with how it turned out. M did a temporary fix on the roof and he told me to get a waterproofing sealant (still need to order that). But, I do want to get someone to attend to the roof and the mulched area, too! LOL. I have identified at least 4 things just in the garage and the patio to be attended to. That's on the agenda - to at least get a quote.


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