Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Rainy Days

Tuesday Dinner: Baked (Frozen) Fish Fillets, Savory Rice, Snow Peas

It rained on Monday morning, but ceased for a while in the afternoon.  It was cloudy, but, warmed up to 63F in the late afternoon, and I aired out the house.  I had a fairly productive day; I put away the laundry I had done, earlier, ran the dishwasher and washed a few other dishes by hand, cleaned the litter box and swept the bathroom, took the trash can to the end of the driveway, picked more snow peas (you can see them in the photo above) and lettuce from the garden, and did my meal plan for the week.  In the evening I had a long phone chat with my aunt C, chatted a bit with friend R, exchanged emails with a couple of friends, and video chatted with my daughter.  It started to rain again, in the evening, and it rained practically all night.

It was still raining when I woke up this morning!  Quite heavily at times, but, it stopped for a couple of hours in the afternoon before it started to rain again!  During the break in the rain, I went outside to bring in the trash can and to check on the garden.

I had scheduled an appointment with my tax accountant for this afternoon, and, at first, when I heard that there would be quite a bit of rain today, my first instinct was to call and ask to reschedule the appointment.  Yes, it is a very southern California thing to do.  Rain puts a halt on everything!  But, I decided that I would brave the weather and keep the appointment as rescheduling might be difficult.  I need not have worried.  My tax accountant emailed me in the morning asking me to cancel the appointment and reschedule it...due to the rain!  She said she didn't want me to get sick, getting exposed to the rain!  LOL.  She also said that both the IRS and State of California has extended the tax filing deadline until October 16, for residents and businesses located in certain counties in California which have been declared natural disaster areas due to the recent storms and Los Angeles County is one such area.  I emailed her back saying I'd be happy to reschedule, but, I would like to get the taxes filed before the regular April deadline.  So, we rescheduled it for Monday, March 27, which is supposed to be a sunny day before the next storm arrives on Tuesday, March 28!  

As a result, I didn't have to go out in the rain! 

I spent the afternoon repairing the quilt and watching some videos (some frugal living videos, a visit to Amsterdam, an episode of a news program I missed watching, etc.)  Afterwards, I watched news and a program on the public television channel about cats.  

I had some toast with jam in the morning for breakfast, today, and a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.  Dinner was baked fish fillets using frozen, battered fish fillets I have in the freezer, some rice I cooked with a little vegetable stock powder, and the snow peas I picked, yesterday.  I put some Sri Lankan bottled chili sauce on the fish fillets.  Sliced apple for dessert.  I have some of the rice, left over.   It's only the second day, I know, but, I'm keeping to this week's meal plan, so far!  LOL.

Daughter's internet connection has been down all evening, so we said our goodnights over the phone, today.

Today, I am grateful for:

- More rain!
- Being able to reschedule the tax appointment
- Not having to drive in the rain (several intersections in my neighborhood get flooded when it rains)
- Working appliances
- Internet access, electricity, etc.

Joyful activities during these rainy days have included chatting with family and friends and watching online videos.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M if the rain permits, more quilt repairs, and some card making.  

How is your week coming along?  What are your plans for Wednesday?



  1. What a considerate tax accountant, worrying about you in the rain. I like the sounds of those frugal living videos & the one for touring Amsterdam. The big tulip festival in Holland, the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens, opens tomorrow & I try to do that tour every year.

    1. Wasn't it considerate of her? I've been going to her for so long now that we've become friends, as well. I'm hoping that cancelling the appointment meant she could work from her home or, at the very least, leave the office a bit early, before the rain started in earnest.
      Some of the frugal living videos are almost funny to me, because the people doing them are just discovering things I've been doing for years! But, others are interesting. I'm enjoying the travel videos - I enjoy armchair travel and I don't have to worry about crowds, etc. :)

  2. That was very considerate of your accountant to reschedule your appointment. I'm sure she is very busy this time of year and rescheduling took some doing. But I'm glad you didn't have to go out in the rain.

    1. Yes, it was, and I appreciate her doing so. I knew she'd be busy and that's why I didn't want to suggest rescheduling, but, when she suggested it, I took her up on her offer! Hopefully, she was able to work from home as a result or, at the very least, leave the office a little early to get home before the driving conditions worsened. :)

  3. That's good that your appointment has been rescheduled for a non-rainy day. It's like here when it snows, normal life in the UK grinds to a halt. I like battered or breaded fish fillets and like cod or haddock the best.

    1. I, too, was happy that the appointment was rescheduled. Of course, when I was working, I would go to the office when it rained, but, often, when it rains here, the roads get so slick and there are so many accidents, that, TV traffic reporters would recommend that people didn't drive unless absolutely necessary.
      I am not sure what the fish is - pollock, I think. I bought a box when it was on sale and it's time to finish them; there are six more pieces left in the box, so, at least two more meals. :)

  4. I did not know about rain and Californians :) I thought all Americans would be like our Alaskan neighbours. In the past we would visit Haines and enjoy the rain with our Alaskan neighbours. We always marveled at the fact how nobody changed their behavior due to the rain. But maybe they know the sun might not shine for weeks, were in California you probably wait a minute and it is sunny again. The good life!

    1. It depends on where we live! People in Seattle, Washington, for example, will take rain in their stride as they get a lot of rain. But, people in southern California are not that used to rain. Earthquakes, yes; rain, no. There is a video that was done some years ago - a parody about when it rains in L.A. We have been getting quite a lot of rain here, recently.

  5. It seems strange to reschedule appointments because of the rain but it sounds like the localised flooding would make it a bit of a treacherous drive to and from the accountant. I often choose to change my own plans when it's raining but wouldn't cancel an appointment ... but we're more used to rain than you are!

    It was my photo group this morning and my piano lesson with the new teacher this afternoon ... both went well and I've had a good day xx

    1. Yes, people who come from wetter climates find it very strange that here, in southern California, or, at least in Los Angeles, we will reschedule appointments due to the rain! :D

      Glad you had a good day and the photo group and the new piano teacher went well. :)

  6. How nice that you didn't have to make the decision yourself to cancel the appointment. I hope the weather will be perfect for the 27th. Sometimes it is good to have a day indoors. I had a dental cleaning this afternoon, picked up a few grocery items, bought potting soil and bird seed in another store and after I got home, a friend came to walk with me while her husband helped collect sap. After supper I finished making up the bed as I had washed the other sheets in the morning.

    1. It was rather nice to have her suggest that we rescheduled the appointment. :) I, too, hope the weather will be nice on the 27th. We had a tornado touch down in a city not too far from downtown, today!
      You've had a busy day! Glad to hear that the sap is flowing. :)

  7. I'm glad things worked out with your tax appointment and you were able to avoid going out in the rain. I would be like you and still want to keep to the standard filing deadline so that's good you did so.

    I have some little piles of things headed for donation in my garage so this morning I'm going to go get them all boxed up and dropped off.
    Then I'm going to move some things back away from the garage door because - We are getting a new garage door next week!
    I'm pretty excited since the old wooden garage door cannot even be opened (I think the one wire has snapped).
    The garage is generally all neat and orderly but I want to clear out anything that might be in the way by the door. Shouldn't take too long. That's my item to get done today.
    I have gotten a few house things worked on this year and the garage door is an item that has needed to be done for a while.
    The chimney guy is coming Monday for that repair.
    I am spending so much money!! :(

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, I feel it is better to get the taxes done before the standard deadline, just to be on the safe side.
      You are getting so much done! Yay for getting the donations gathered, boxed up, and, hopefully, dropped off! Yay for getting the old non-working garage door replaced and the chimney repaired! Yes, you are spending money, but, it's money you've budgeted or set aside for such things, right? I read somewhere that one should set aside 10% of ones budget towards home repairs. Even if you haven't been doing that, think of it as raising the value of your home. :)

  8. I suppose sweet people need to be careful about getting wet! ;o)

    I've often heard it said that tornados, cyclones and typhoons are all practically the same thing but somehow tornado sounds scarier to me.

    1. Ha, ha, yes! Witches, too, as we learned when watching the Wizard of Oz! :D

      Cyclones, hurricanes, and typhoons are practically the same. Cyclones that form in the west are usually called hurricanes and cyclones that form in the east are called typhoons. But, tornadoes are smaller and more localized and they are a bit different, I think. But, I wouldn't want to experience one!


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