Monday, May 7, 2018

Sunday's Happenings

Sunday was one of those days when a reset button would have been useful.  I won't go into details, but I went to bed rather upset and feeling sad about something on Saturday night and the feeling stayed with me for the better part of Sunday and impacted me more than it should have.  As a result, I didn't do half the things I had planned to do.  Instead, I moped and felt sorry for myself; something my mother always told me not to do. 

But, I did put away the laundry from Saturday, put away the dishes, cleaned the bathrooms, and knitted.  Knitting is a big stress reliever, for me.  Oh, and I hemmed a pair of pants.

Neighbor T called in the morning and I chatted with her.  Aunt C called in the afternoon and I had a nice long conversation with her (and with cousin N who shouted out comments in the background!  LOL!).

Later, in the evening, I visited family.  A couple of weeks ago, cousin V had called to tell me that her daughter would be visiting from New York with her baby son (he's the baby for whom I made that quilt, last year).  I had called V on Saturday to ask if Sunday would be a good day for me to visit to see the baby and she had said yes.  But, due to how I was feeling, I was of two minds whether to visit or not.  Eventually, however, I decided I would visit.  There was a cousin who was visiting from Australia, too, who was staying with cousin V, so I would be able to visit her, as well.

On the way, I stopped at a shop and bought two outfits for the little boy - they are a little big, but he'll grow to fit them. 

I had initially planned a short visit, but I was invited to stay to dinner, so I did.  I went with my cousins to pick up Aunt T and another cousin also joined us.  So, it was a nice family gathering and I was glad I had decided to visit, after all.  I guess I did find that reset button, albeit rather late in the day.

After I came home, I video chatted with my daughter and wrote to a friend.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to knit
- Phone calls from friends and family
- Being able to get together with family, including visiting family members
- Managing to find that reset button, eventually
- Being able to overcome negative emotions

Tomorrow, I will attend to the tasks I didn't do today.  

How was your Sunday?  Do you have some days when you wish there was a reset button so you can restart the day?  


  1. I have those days once in a while. I'm glad that you are feeling better now.

    1. Thank you, Nil. I was being overly sensitive about something and silly! But, as you say, we have those days, every now and then, don't we? I hope everything is fine with you as you start off a new week.

  2. We'd make a fortune if we figured out how to make a reset button because everyone needs one from time to time. I'm glad you found one. Sometimes we need to be in a new environment to stop our thoughts and I'm sure having a baby around helped a lot.

    1. It was me being overly sensitive and silly, Live and Learn. When that happens, my daughter usually just rolls her eyes. :D But she wasn't here to roll her eyes at me, so it took me awhile to get over it! I just needed an attitude adjustment, as they say, and be less sensitive.

  3. I hope that whatever was bothering you got sorted or you managed to make peace with it. It's not good to hang onto things. Glad Sunday was a better day!

    1. Yes, I made peace with it, Sharon, thank you.
      "It's not good to hang onto things." That's exactly what I told myself! But it took a little while for me to work it out of my system. :)

  4. ((HUGS)). I'm sorry you needed a reset button. Coincidentally, I need one today. I also received news which upset me yesterday and I've been moping about that (well, trying not to but you know how insidious those things are) and then I got on the scale this morning and I've put on weight but that's definitely my fault. So I'm trying to hit my own reset button today. Weirdly, it helps knowing that I'm not the only one who is undergoing this. Hang in there, Bless. I hope seeing the babies and your friends took your mind off your worries and that your Monday will be much better!

    1. Thank you, Nathalie. I'm sorry you, too, are upset about something. I hope you will be able to put it behind you. I had to give myself a good talking to, but, in the end, it succeeded. I'm sorry your weight went up, but you will soon get a handle on that. Hope you find your reset button, today. :)

  5. I had a lovely Sunday, but was very tired after a houseful of weekend guests, which will be repeated this coming weekend. I took today as my reset day and have done very little other than necessary daily chores and a lot of reading. Heigh ho, heigh ho! Tuesday I have to get my rear in gear and prepare for company round 2!

    1. Sounds like you've got two busy weekends, back to back! Glad you get to rest a little bit, in between. Enjoy your break!

  6. Sorry to hear that you needed a reset button. Sometimes it really takes a while to shake off something that bothers us and I hate when that happens.

    We discovered a secret squirrel nest behind a wooden reinforcement in the rafters over the garage door. You can only see it if you go inside and close the door. We knew a squirrel had been climbing up on the outside corner and sneaking through a gap by the soffit. Squirrel appeared along the two-by-four and was not happy that we had seen it, but I hope she will not try to move her babies. We shut the door and left by the side door and will keep away now.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It really was about something very silly and I was being overly sensitive. Not very proud of how I reacted, but, I guess it just goes to prove that I am human.

      Ooh! Baby squirrels! Better buy a bigger bag of peanuts! Sounds like you'll be having many mouths to feed! LOL.

      I used to have sparrow nests in my garage. Every year, all the old nest materials used to come cascading down and the occasional baby bird that fell out! I closed the gap, from inside, with a pie pan and they stopped nesting there.

  7. Sorry you were feeling "down"! (I tend to feel sorry for myself at times too!) But you put on a brave front and made the most of your weekend! That is very admirable! Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. It seems that I have a bit of a chip on the shoulder when it comes to certain things! Need to work on that! But I am glad I didn't give in and sulk, even though I was tempted to!

  8. I'm so sorry you have been feeling upset Bless. I hope whatever it is can be helped in some way.
    A friend of mine used to refer to it as her needing to be rubbed out and drawn again. X

    1. Thank you, Jules; it's all better now. :) I was being very silly.

  9. I had an episode of feeling sorry for myself this week, too. After a couple of days (such wasted time) I finally stopped the drama in my head and now feel better. It's easy sometimes to get caught up in your own head! Glad you're feeling better now, too.

    1. Thank you, Sandy; I am glad that you, too, are feeling better. I tend to overthink, too much, and brood, instead of taking things at face value. Take care.

  10. Sorry to hear that you were upset, but it seems you have sorted it now. I have those days too from time to time, and often it is because I overthink things and get myself into a state, I find my crochet helps to get me out of it.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, I have sorted it out, now. Probably nothing to get upset about, in the big scheme of things, but, sometimes, I am too sensitive for my own good. :)


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