Thursday, May 3, 2018

May Gray

May Gray Weather

May Gray is the term the weather forecasters use to describe our weather in May: cloudy, overcast, gray, gloomy, and cold.  We even had some rain, yesterday!

I went to work, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and have had productive days.  At home, I watered the front garden on Monday, took the trash cans out, and did a load of laundry.  On Tuesday, I brought the trash cans in, finished knitting the back of the sweater, and started on the front.  So far, I have done only the ribbing, because I can't decide on what design I want for the front - a cable of sorts, but do I want one central one like with the earlier sweater?  Or something different?

Today, I received a gift in the mail:

Cat Food Coupons from Nathalie
Nathalie had sent me four coupons for cat food that she had printed!  So sweet of her!  Thank you, Nathalie and the garden cats thank you, too!

Today, after I came home from work, I put away the load of laundry from Monday (it hadn't dried enough to put away, yesterday) and I cooked some pasta with vegetables and chicken for dinner:

Pasta with Vegetables and Chicken
I sauted a cut up tomato, carrots and broccoli in some oil, with a clove of garlic and added some previously sauted chicken and onions and a splash of white wine that was leftover from when I hosted the monthly prayer gathering in October.  I don't drink wine, but, occasionally, I will add a little bit to a dish that I am cooking.  I sprinkled half a packet of grated cheese leftover from when we had Italian food for daughter's birthday.  There is enough leftover pasta and vegetables for another meal.

I spent some time, this evening, looking for a document I need.  I have the file folder with a couple of pieces of papers in it, but not the document I need!  When did my files get so disorganized?  I will look for it over the weekend, but, if I don't find it, I will need to obtain another copy!

Aunt C called and I chatted with her for a bit.  Later, I video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Cat food coupons that Nathalie sent
- Productive days at the office
- Relaxed evenings
- Phone call from aunt
- A safe commute to work and back

How was your day?  Can you believe that we are in May, already?


  1. I think we're a bit luckier with the weather here in the UK as our forecast for the next week or so is sunshine and higher temperature.

    1. Glad to hear you are getting some sunshine and higher temps! Today is a sunny day, and much warmer. Weekend is supposed to be hot!

  2. Losing papers is maddening, but I really don't like filing, so it happens more often than I would like. Good luck finding what you need.

    1. I hate it when I lose/misplace documents! I know it is here, somewhere, but not where it should be, which is in the file folder!

  3. My day was a lot calmer than yesterday! I should leave work at 2pm but it was 7pm by the time I did. It rarely happens but when it does, it really does! But I will take a leaf from your book, Bless.
    I was grateful that the problems which arose were easily (if time consumingly) rectified, that I have a job I like and a boss who is grateful for my work. It could be a lot worse! Oh isn't it annoying when the one piece of paper you need is the very one that's been mislaid?

    1. Eloise, sorry you had to work so late, yesterday! Will you be compensated (overtime pay or time off) for it? But, how wonderful that you were able to find things for which to be grateful! So glad you were able to do that.

  4. We had a very grey, drizzly morning when it seemed dark, but it improved by the afternoon. I was also hunting for a piece of paper, the shopping list I needed to take out with me! I never did find it until I came home and it was on the other side of the island counter and hidden from view where I was looking, because there is a large container that we will use to fill with hot syrup when we bottle the last of the maple bounty. However, I did remember everything on the list.
    My cataract surgery went well and was so quick. It was the preparation with endless drops and such that took the time, plus recovery with a very welcome drink of juice and a warm muffin (after fasting since midnight). The following day I had my post-op at a hospital in a town on our route home and the doctor was happy with the way the eye looked. Today, two days after surgery, I found that when I walked into a store or the library, everything looked normal instead of being blurred and needing a few minutes to adjust. I am so happy! Certainly something to be grateful for.

    1. Bushlady, so glad to read that the surgery went well. Sounds like recovery is going well, too. I remember how happy my mother was after her cataract surgery and she could see clearly! Glad you had a safe journey there and back and that you remembered everything on your shopping list! :)


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