Saturday, November 7, 2015

Mummy and Me!

This is what happens when I sit in the armchair instead of the sofa - do you see him? When there's no room to curl up next to Mummy, we curl up behind her! And push Mummy to the very edge of the chair.  And purr loudly!


  1. Hahaha! That is funny! He looks completely comfortable! :)

    1. He WAS comfy; he was on the cushion (the tiny bits of pink showing from behind and under him).

  2. Replies
    1. He's too much! But he's adorable (and doesn't he know it!) :D

  3. Lazy bones. I think cats are all spoiled. But I guess they can get away with it because they are kind of adorable.

    1. That he is, Jess - both lazy and spoiled! He spent practically the entire day sleeping and even now, is lying on the floor near my chair, yawning! :D

  4. What is it about cats that they have such a strong sense of entitlement! We looked after one who could spread out over most of a queen size bed and it was a case of fitting in wherever she wasn't!

    1. LOL. I've had to nudge him aside before I could find a spot on my bed!

  5. So cute when our four legged furry kids (as my husband calls them) want to be with us. I have had two dogs that were little lap dogs who do their best to make me feel better when I've been sick with heart challenges. The one little dog always knew when my heart was going to act up and would try her best to get me to go and lay down. I learned to listen to her. My dad was on hospice last month and they had hospice dogs in the facility. They were so amazing and supportive of the patients and the family members. They would even go and get the nurses if the family wasn't there and the patient seemed too restless. Hugging and petting them was good for everyone. You take care and give that little one extra hugs.

    1. Hi Crystal, you raise a good point. They do say that stroking a pet can lower one's blood pressure, etc. I hope your heart challenges are better now. Sorry to hear about your father.

      Thank you so much for your comments.

  6. Our old evil cat used to try and push me off the bed. The war over who had the right to sit in my chair was legendary. I miss her. And evil though she was, she always gave good cuddles when someone was poorly. Sybil xxx

  7. As a thought, if you are interested in my book Cats in the Bible, if you use the code RW100 in the checkout at you can get it for free. It may inspire you to record cat stories of your own - cats can give the best stories! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you for your generous offer! I will look into it! My daughter wrote a cat story when she was in 4th grade, for a class project (they were learning how books were made). All the children's stories were made into individual hardcover books for a fee and the parents had the "opportunity" to purchase additional copies, as well.


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