Thursday, November 26, 2015

Health Update, Shopping, and Christmas Gifts

On Wednesday, I went to see the doctor in the morning.  My blood pressure was a little higher than it had been on the preceding couple of visits, so she was concerned about that.  My blood test results came back OK for the most part.  There was one test result that she was concerned about and so she recommended a change in one of my medications.  I am to see her again, in 3 weeks' time.  

After the doctor's appointment, daughter and I went out to breakfast.  After that, we went shopping!  We went to two different malls, in the morning, and a few other shops in the evening!  In between, we came home, had lunch, and took naps! 

I tried on a couple of hats for when I lose my hair, but I am so not a hat person!  I looked at the yarn in the big craft store to see if they had anything I liked to knit or crochet myself a hat, but I didn't much care for what they had.  I will check what I have in my yarn stash and then, decide if I want to try the fabric store (they carry yarn, too).  In the meantime, I bought a knitted hat from the dollar store - it will suffice to keep my head warm, either worn by itself, or under a scarf.

We bought ink for the printer, a new winter jacket for daughter, some toiletries and personal care products, a big container of protein powder, cat food, a new baking pan (to make corn bread to take to a friend's house, tomorrow), some snacks and treats, and a Christmas gift for my friend's daughter.  Yay!  One Christmas gift bought! 

I make most of my holiday gifts, but there are a few gifts that are bought, as well.  Usually, the gifts are bought when they are on deeply discounted sales.   For example, scented jar candles are regularly priced at $9.99 at the crafts store.  Today, they were on sale, 40% off, for $5.99.  But they went on clearance for $1.69 last year.  With sales tax, they came to $1.84 each.  At under $2 each, they were a very affordable gift, and I bought four.  By shopping the sales, I can keep to my gift budget.  The gift I bought today, however, wasn't on sale.  I actually paid full price ($12.00), because it is a specialized item (an anime plush toy) that rarely, if ever, goes on sale.  I am able to "splurge" on a few such items because I keep the costs low on the rest.

Later in the evening, I called one of my friends and an aunt to check on them.

It's been a good day.  I enjoyed being out and about and shopping.  I won't be doing much of that once I start chemo.  

Today, I spent a bit of money.  I haven't added it all up, yet.  But it included $15 for the doctor's visit, $2 for the parking, $12 at one store for the Christmas gift, $128 at another store for various other items including protein powder ($25), cat food ($16), daughter's jacket ($38), etc.

I am grateful for:

- On-going medical care
- Mostly good blood test results
- A day spent in daughter's company, shopping
- Afternoon naps
- Family and friends

How was your day?


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty good day with your daughter. Hope your blood pressure gets down and the medication change helps.

    1. Thank you, Jess. Yes, we had a good day and I am glad I was able to stock up on a few things for when I'm having treatment. Trying to be as prepared as I can. I know I could always ask my daughter, or cousin, or friends to shop for me, but I feel better if I can be stocked up for the next few weeks.

  2. So happy you had such a lovely day shopping with your daughter.Nothing better...
    Pray your blood work, will be better next go round.

  3. Thank you, Judy. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family. :)

  4. It sounds like you gals had a really fun day! :)
    Prayers coming your way for your blood pressure and for the change in medications to help.
    I remember going through the process of having to undergo cancer treatments and wanting to be as prepared as possible. Something that helped me was to realize that all that I was going through was only temporary and once I got through it my limitations would be lifted off of me and life continues on.
    Once you get through this, Bless, you will feel the relief and renewed energy that comes with the realization that, through your perseverance and faith and inner strength, you have overcome a huge challenge in your life.
    Keep your chin up, Buttercup! You are doing great! :)
    Hugs and Prayers to you and your daughter!

    1. Dawn, thank you for the hugs and prayers and words of encouragement. I hope that all is well with you and your family. Please take good care of yourself.


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