Friday, January 3, 2025

2024 Grocery Spending Totals

Old (2017) Grocery Receipt

I am trying to figure out my budget for 2025, especially my grocery budget, and thought it would be interesting to see how I did with my grocery spending in 2024.

My grocery budget is meant to cover only food for humans.  It includes beverages and snacks, but does not include Dancer's food or any household items such as paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. I have separate budgets for those. 

In 2024, for most of the year, January through October, my monthly grocery budget was $100 for food for one person (myself).  When my daughter came home for short visits during the year, I didn't increase my basic grocery budget.

Even when my daughter came down for a week long visit in November and stayed the whole month, I had some unspent grocery money carried over from previous months and I didn't think it would be necessary to increase my budget to include groceries for her.  But, then, I volunteered to host Thanksgiving and I had to augment my November grocery budget with money that would have otherwise gone into savings.

And when it became apparent that daughter was staying with me for December, too, I increased the December grocery budget to $200 (again, by taking $100 that would have otherwise gone into savings).  The December budget was also augmented with money set aside for the almsgiving and December's "Miscellaneous" budget category to pay for the extra treats I indulged in at the Sri Lankan store!  It's the one place where I will buy what I want without demurring about the price.  A trip to the SL store is cheaper than taking a vacation, I tell myself!

In 2024, I shopped just once or twice a month on some months and in others, I shopped three or even four times.  Some months, I stayed under my budget and carried over the extra funds to the next month.  Other months, I went over the budget and "borrowed" from the next month's budget (on those months, I had less that $100 to spend on groceries). And in November and December, I augmented the grocery budget with money from elsewhere!

Here's what I spent on groceries over the year:

January: $84.64

February: $82.41  

March: $115.49 

April: $115.39

May: $70.77

June: $58.65

July: $134.40

August: $78.79

September: $38.61

October: $90.59

November: $258.21 (daughter was home all month, plus, I hosted Thanksgiving; November's budget was augmented with money that would have otherwise gone to savings)

December: $195.02 + $237.56 at the Sri Lankan store (daughter was home all month, plus, I held the almsgiving; December's budget was increased by $100 and further augmented from the almsgiving/prayer gatherings budget and December's "Miscellaneous" budget)

Spending Totals:

$1,322.97 (without what I spent at the SL store)
$1,560.53 (including what I spent at the SL store)

Yearly Grocery Budget = $100 x 12 = $1,200 (plus funds from the almsgiving budget)

I spent $360.53 over what I had budgeted for the year, or, almost a $1 a day extra, although that extra amount was covered by funds elsewhere in the budget, earmarked for special groceries (for the almsgiving) or money that would have gone into savings.  An extra $1 a day doesn't sound like a lot, but, it adds up, doesn't it?  

I am going to draw a line under that total for the year and start the new year with a new budget for groceries!  But, that will be another post!  I have already done my first grocery shop of the year.  A dozen large eggs have gone up in price to $8.99; $1 more than what I paid last week!  

As always, I am grateful for:

- The availability of groceries
- Being able to buy groceries
- Having a little leeway in the budget to shift funds around and free up funds as needed
- Being able to spend a little extra without going into debt to pay for it
- Being frugal for the most part in order to afford the occasional splurges

Do you keep track of your grocery spending during the year?  Did you manage to keep to your budget?  Did you go over it?  If so, were you able to cover the extra spending?  Were you bored to tears when reading this post?  

On the Second Day of the New Year


Decorative Brass Plaque

It's only the second day of the new year, and already, it feels like it's been a long time since New Year's Day!  

Last night, after I had posted my blog post, I had a text message from K, my former neighbor T's daughter, letting me know that T passed away earlier in the afternoon with both K and her brother R by her side.  It was expected news, but, still, it made me feel sad.  Rest in peace, T. 

Today was a sunny, warm day with a daytime high of 76F.  Beautiful weather for January, although the forecast says we'll be down to the mid 60s, tomorrow.

I decided to clean the brass plaque shown above; it's one of a pair that hang on either side of the fireplace mirror.  I use lemon juice to clean it.  It is hand carved and from Sri Lanka.

Then, I cleaned the kitchen stove top, including under the burners since I let the milk overflow at the start of the New Year.  Baking soda and water do a wonderful job of cleaning the stove top.  

Aunt C called while I was cleaning the stove and I took a break from cleaning and chatted with her for a bit.

A short time later, a cup of coffee was accidentally knocked over, so I cleaned that up and mopped the floor in that area.  Some of the coffee had splashed on the closed linen closet doors so I washed the closet doors.

Then, I decided to do a random act of cleaning and washed the nearby spare room door, the door to my daughter's room, and the bathroom door!  

Daughter had woken up with some stomach cramps earlier in the morning, but, she seemed fine.  She tested herself for Covid for the third time and since all three tests showed negative for Covid and her throat was fine, we decided that she doesn't need to be in the room and we don't need to wear masks when she's out of her room.

In the early evening, around 4:00 p.m., we went for a short drive to locate the medical building where she has to go for her podiatrist appointment tomorrow morning.  The medical center is a collection of several buildings and we didn't want to get lost in the morning and end up being late for her appointment.

On the way back, I stopped to put gas to the car.  Gas was $4.25/gal. and I put just over 10 gallons and paid $42.62.  I budget $50/month for gas, so that was fine.  

After we came home, I cooked a meatball curry with some of the frozen meatballs and warmed up some curries I had frozen, earlier.  I cooked a pot of fresh rice for daughter, but, I ate leftover milkrice with the meatball curry and some sambol that friend S had included in the platter of New Year treats she gave us.  

Something in the dinner didn't sit well with daughter, however, and she was sick to her stomach.  She's been sipping lemon-lime soda and I gave her some saltine crackers to eat.  I hope that whatever bug she's having will leave her system soon.  She's supposed to be on vacation this week and she's been ill most of the week.

I spoke with friend R later in the evening and exchanged emails with a friend. 

I did do some of the cleaning I had planned to do, but, I didn't do the sewing I wanted to do.  I did crochet  a bit, though.

I also received the good news that my mammogram results were clear.  The detailed report would be sent to my oncologist, but, I'm glad that there was nothing to be concerned about.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter's Covid test results were negative 
- Her scratchy throat had cleared
- My mammogram results were good
- The availability of gas for the car
- Working appliances

My joyful activity for today was crocheting.  I'll be able to show a completed project very soon!

Plans for Friday include taking my daughter to her podiatrist appointment in the morning, maybe ordering some groceries, and tending to the garden with M in the evening.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year: 2025

New Year's Breakfast Compliments of Friend S

Happy New Year, everyone.  May your new year be abundantly blessed!

Boiling Milk Until it Overflows = Abundance

As the New Year was rung in, I lit the stove for the first time in the new year and boiled a pot of milk until it overflowed to signify abundance.  There is rice boiling in the pot on the back burner to make milkrice.

This morning, my Sri Lankan friend S and her husband brought over the platter of milkrice and other Sri Lankan New Year treats.  They didn't stay long because they were on their way to deliver a platter of food to friend R, as well, before S had to go to work.  But, I was able to give them their Christmas/New Year's gift as well as the gift my daughter made for their daughter.  

In the afternoon, I watered the front garden and portions of the back garden.  I picked three more pineapple guavas (feijoa) and some lemons.

New Year's Resolutions/Goals/Aspirations:

Once again, instead of resolutions, I am going to keep to the goals and aspirations I've had for the past couple of years which are:

Better Health:  I aspire to attain better health by doing the various things I know I need to do, which are:
- attend medical appointments
- do the various tests my medical team wants me to
- continue to take my prescribed medications
- attain a healthier weight
- maintain my blood sugar levels
- increase my stamina and strength through exercising more  

Better Time Management:  I aspire to manage my time better, by being mindful of how I spend my time, prioritizing what needs to be done, and procrastinating less. 

Being More Organized:  I aspire to being more organized in my daily life, with established routines and a tidy house.

Living a Well Balanced Life:  I aspire to live a balanced life, by paying attention to all the different areas of my life.

Word of the Year

My 2024 Word of the Year was Promptly.  I chose this word because I tend to procrastinate too much and that, in turn, impacts many other aspects of my life!  I am afraid that I wasn't as prompt as I had hoped to be and still procrastinated quite a bit.  

However, it's a new year and a new beginning.  So, I will choose a new word of the year: THRIVE

Today, on the first day of the new year, I am grateful for:

- A new year and a new beginning
- Friends bringing New Year treats
- Water for the garden
- Fresh fruit from the garden
- A sunny and warm day

Today's joyful activity was celebrating the New Year.

Plans for tomorrow include doing some sewing, cooking, tidying, and cleaning.  

How was your New Year's Day?  What are your plans for tomorrow?

Oranges and Lemons