Thursday, February 16, 2023


Opal Apples

Sunny and windy, today!  Today's high was 60F and tonight's low will be 38F according to the forecast.

Neighbor T's daughter K called this morning to let me know that a friend of hers will be coming down from Minnesota to stay at T's house for a few days and help K sort through some of the stuff and not to be too concerned if I should notice activity next door!  I thought it was very considerate of her to let me know.

A short time later, M arrived to tend to the garden.  He gave me an apple he had bought - it's a variety known as Opal apples.  It's the first time I've eaten one and I found it to be quite delicious.  Speaking of apples, this week's grocery ad states that apples are on sale for $0.99/lb. for Gala, Fuji, and Granny Smith apples.  That's a good price for apples at this store (the ethnic market has Fuji apples on sale for $0.69/lb., but, they don't offer curbside pick up).  

I spent the afternoon repairing the quilt and watching online videos while I sewed.  Later in the evening, I watched news and a nature program on TV.  The local news mentioned the case of a retired couple who received a gas bill of $2,000!  Apparently, their previous month's bill was $700; they had direct payment set up, but, the payment didn't go through due to insufficient funds, so, now, the gas company wants the $2,000 bill to be paid in cash!  I suppose I shouldn't complain about my $700 bill!  

Brunch was a sandwich with sliced curried chicken as the filling, followed by the Opal apple.  Dinner was spaghetti and meat sauce with a side salad of lettuce leaves picked from the garden.

Today, I am grateful for:
- M tending to the garden and bringing me an apple to try
- K giving me advance notice that someone will be staying at T's house over the next few days
- My gas bill was only $700 and not $2,000!
- Lettuce from the garden
- The electric space heaters and electricity to run them

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for tomorrow include some paperwork and tidying the kitchen.

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?



  1. Energy bills are through the roof here as well. I think that I'll have to move 'insulation' up the list to try and protect our bills.

    That apple looks delicious. There are some great varieties out there.

    1. Yes, the cost of keeping warm in the winter seems to keep increasing! I'm layering up to insulate myself, but, it is a bit ridiculous! That apple was delicious; the grocery store is selling them for $2.50/lb. (or approx. $1.25 each, according to the store website); I might be persuaded to buy them as a treat, but, I'll probably go with the apples they have on sale for $.99/lb.! :D

  2. I'll look for Opal apples next time I'm putting an order together. Oh that poor couple getting a $2000 bill - I am surprised that their gas company did not send a reminder that the bill was due to come out of their accounts. All our auto pay send a notice at least 10 days in advance, so if there is any difference, you are for-warned. Oh fresh lettuce from the garden, right now in the stores lettuces all pretty much tasteless.

    1. I don't know if their gas company sent them a payment due notice or not - I know I get one when my bill comes due. Maybe they received a notice and didn't look into it and just assumed that the bill would be the usual amount and there'd be sufficient funds in the account? The news report didn't really say. Fresh lettuce from the garden is a treat!

  3. $2000!! Yikes! My oil bill seemed high until I compare it to that gas bill like you did.
    I haven't had an opal apple, either. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

    1. It does seem excessively high, doesn't it? Not many of us can afford to heat our homes if we have to pay that kind of money! Hope you get to try an opal apple; I'd buy it if it goes on sale!

  4. Our energy companies are announcing massive profits so I feel it is very unfair that we are paying such high bills, That is a good price for apples they are expensive here and two we hadn't eaten from last month I took for the horse rather than waste them, I hope she appreciated them but I know she did :)
    Thank you so much for your email and understanding.

    1. Yes, some of our petrol companies announced huge profits for the period when we were paying $5.00/gal. for gas/petrol for our vehicles. Good for the shareholders, but, a bit of a hardship for the customers.
      I'm sure the apples were appreciated by the horse. :)
      You are most welcome, Eileen. One has to do what one needs to do. By the way, yesterday, there was a stray dog (no collar) running around in my neighborhood and although it seemed rather friendly, it looked like a pit bull and I kept my distance. But, I thought of you and your encounter with a stray dog the other day. :)

  5. Bless, it is always interesting to me in how your day goes. Mine aren’t nearly as interesting but I am trying to make them so in 2023 by writing down jottings and charts of what I need to accomplish and keeping track of how disciplined I am becoming. There are so many areas of my life that needs improvement! Example: I swore off chocolate for 2 weeks but I failed to remember that Valentine day was Tuesday and couldn’t resist the small heart shape box of chocolates Roger gave me…so much so that I also ate them on Wednesday. The good news is they are all gone now and I have made out a new checklist. I’m resilient if nothing else. I always bounce back to square one.🥴

    1. That's very kind of you to say so, that you find it interesting to see how my days go! :) I don't think I lead a very interesting life, but, I appreciate each and every day that I am able to live and try to make a note of what I did and what happened.

      Well, of course you had to enjoy the chocolates that Roger gave you for Valentines' day! :)

      Being resilient is good! That was my word of the year in 2022! I think it's wonderful that you are keeping track of your accomplishments. I try to do that, too. :)

  6. Yikes that's quite the bill! I'm complaining about mine. I turn my heat down as much as I can, but I'm not going to sit cold - good thing for hot flashes sometimes lol.

    I'm never heard of that kind of apple!

    1. Too funny about the hot flashes! I agree with you on not sitting in the cold. The opal apple was very tasty and, apparently, it doesn't brown after being cut!

  7. I've never heard of Opal apples.
    I was out this morning and returned to be informed by DH that there are 5 squirrels today. There was a fight right by the front door earlier this morning and I had to be careful that it didn't progress through the door into the house! I think the sunshine today has got them all stirred up as they don't always bother to come out when it is dull and damp.

    1. Opal apples are supposed to be a cultivar between Golden Delicious and another variety called Topaz!
      Sounds like the word has spread through the squirrel community that your place is the best location in town for peanuts! :D

  8. I do envy your lettuce picked from the garden:) My plans for today you ask, as soon as i get of this computer, i will walk up towards the mountain here.

    1. The lettuce is loving this cool weather we are having. I am hoping to be able to harvest more leaves before the warmer weather arrives.
      I hope you enjoyed your walk to the mountain, Jozien. :)

  9. Wowza! 2K for a gas bill?
    I am thankful I don't have that kind of a bill either.
    Is an Opal apple crisp and tart or soft and sweet?

    1. I know! That gas bill made me gasp! I thought my $700 bill was bad enough!
      The Opal apple is crisp and has a sweet but slightly tangy taste. Apparently, it doesn't contain the chemical that causes browning in the cut apple - I'm afraid I ate my apple before I could test that statement!

  10. Such a lovely relationship that you and your daughter have, I have 2 daughters and they really do become one's best friends. We are so, so lucky.

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. We are indeed blessed. :)

  11. Oh my goodness - $2000 for a gas bill. Those poor people.
    Did the news report say if they are in danger of having it turned off?
    I was watching a news sort of documentary style program on Youtube which concentrated on 4 or 5 different people/families that were experiencing severe hardship. It followed them week to week - I found it fascinating. I think it was from 2014 and I wondered how those people are now almost 10 years later and now with things even worse as far as prices.

    1. The news report said that they had contacted the gas company to question the "Cash Only" requirement that was stamped on the bill and said that the gas company had said they were not aware of that and will look into it, but, so far, they have not received any further updates from the gas company. There was no mention of the gas been turned off. There had been a state ordered moratorium on utilities being shut off due to non-payment during Covid, but, that was originally in effect until 2021; I don't know if it was extended or not.
      I, too, wonder how people are managing these days, Debra.

  12. An energy bill of $2000 is going to sting! Prices here are very high, but I've been careful to budget accordingly, and hopefully the heating won't need to go on quite as often as we head towards spring. X

    1. It is a very steep bill, isn't it? I've been trying to use less gas, myself; I should receive my bill in the next day or so and I am wondering how much it will be! In the meantime, I'm bundling up! I'll be so happy when the warmer weather arrives!


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