Friday, February 17, 2023


The First Snow Pea Flower

Look what I spotted in the front garden this afternoon!  The very first snow pea flower!  This is one of the snow pea seedlings we planted in the front garden to grow up the trellis.  It hasn't found its way to the trellis, yet, but, it is already flowering!

It was a mostly cloudy day, today.  I stayed up late, last night, and although I woke up once at 6:30 a.m., after only two hours of sleep, I decided to go back to bed!  Then, when I woke up for the second time, it was late morning.  I had my morning tea, said my morning prayers, replied to a few blog comments, read a few blogs, and walked for 15 minutes out in the driveway.  Afterwards, I checked on the plants in the front garden and noticed that one of the pea vines had a flower!  Hopefully, it is just the first of many such pea flowers!  

Afterwards, I had toast with cream cheese for brunch and settled down to sew a few more patches on the quilt I'm repairing.  

Later, I watched the news, called friend R, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen a bit (scrubbed the sink, wiped down the counters and stove top, etc.), and baked a pan of brownies and some potato wedges.  Dinner was rice, chicken curry, peach chutney, cucumber salad, and potato wedges.  

After dinner, I video chatted with my daughter.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- The first snow pea flower and the promise of snow peas in the future
- Blog friends and the blogging community
- Peaceful days
- Working appliances
- Time to sew

Today's joyful activities included video chatting with my daughter and sewing.

Plans for tomorrow include going for my lab tests in the morning and tending to the garden with M in the evening.  I'm also considering putting in an order for groceries to take advantage of a few good deals.  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?   



  1. That flower looks so delicate - what a great promise for the growing season to come!

    1. It does look delicate, doesn't it? I noticed three more buds on some of the other snow pea plants; I'm looking forward to fresh pea pods. :)

  2. Your snow pea flower is lovely and I hope it finds its way to your trellis.
    I am grateful for blog friends too it's so nice to interact with lovely genuine people.

    1. It'll be great if the pea vines climb up the trellis. Blog friends are some of the best. :)

  3. I don't know about Snow Peas. We have Sweet Peas here, I need to get mine planted

    1. Snow peas (Pisum sativum) have edible pods that are often used in Asian stir fries. Maybe you know them as mangetout? Sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) is grown more for its fragrant flowers and the pods are not considered to be edible.

  4. That is a very pretty snow pea flower. I hope the plant does climb up the trellis, the others, too. I think you are living in the wrong time zone, as your most active time is quite late in the day! But it works for you.
    I was planning to steam clean our bedroom carpet this morning but the hose that belongs to the upholstery attachment is broken and I'm not sure if it will make the rest of the machine leak, so I will wait for DH to fix it. Plenty of laundry being done today anyway, and I am going to make broccoli soup now.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I noticed three more buds on the other snow pea plants, so, I am hopeful that there will be a good crop, this spring. :)
      My sleep schedule is all upside down! Fortunately, I don't need to get up too early, these days!
      Sorry to hear that the steam cleaner hose is broken, but, hopefully, your DH can fix it and you can clean the bedroom carpet later. Sounds like you've been productive doing other things instead. :)

  5. Peas aren't far behind. That's exciting!

    1. Yes! I still have some of the pea pods that I froze, last year, but, I will have used them up by the time the new pods are ready to harvest. :)

  6. Hi Bless, Sounds wonderful. I hope your tests go well. I ran the dogs this morning and got my bivalent Covid booster. Did a lot of cooking in case I have a negative reaction.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I hope you don't experience any negative reaction to the booster. But, it was wise of you to have some meals prepared ahead of time, just in case. :)

  7. How nice that they are growing. Hopefully there will be more. Glad you were able to get out walking again.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I didn't walk today, but, I will walk this weekend. The pea plants are coming along nicely! Including one in the compost pile! LOL.

  8. oh that's exciting - your little snow pea flower is so pretty.
    Potato wedges - yum! Did you put your normal spicey mixture on them?

    1. Yes! It is exciting to see the flowers on the vegetables and fruit trees, isn't it?
      Ha, ha, yes, I seasoned the potato wedges with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, paprika, and parsley flakes, this time. :)


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