Monday, February 6, 2023

Sunny Monday

Helper Kitty

Last night (Sunday night), I didn't turn the big gas heater on at all and used the electric space heater in the family room.  I had it set at a low temperature, but, close to where I was seated, so I stayed nice and warm.  I turned it off before I went to sleep.  I have made my bed with layers of quilts and blankets - there is a quilt and a blanket under the flannel fitted sheet, and I cover myself with a flannel flat sheet, two blankets, and two quilts!  Plus, I wear a pair of wool socks that I knitted and, last night, I wore my knitted neck warmer, as well!  I was comfortably warm, but, not hot.  I'm not kidding when I say I feel cold.    

This morning, when I woke up, the house was at 54F.  I turned on the gas heater for a short time while I said my morning prayers and drank my cup of tea.  The thermostat has now been set at 65F, but, I turned the heater off before it reached that temperature.  I was dressed in layers and I felt comfortable.  Besides, it was a sunny day and the afternoon high went up to 67F.  (But, the night time low will be 48F, tonight.)

After I turned the heater off, I got busy with dusting the living room, dining area, and family room.  Then, I vacuumed the living room, dining area, hallway leading to the bedrooms, and the kitchen.  I started on the family room, but, when I vacuumed under one of the sofas, I discovered that my daughter had accidentally left a pair of socks under there!  I managed to pull one of the socks out of the vacuum cleaner, but, the other sock had got lodged in the vacuum cleaner hose!  (It's a canister vacuum cleaner).  I disconnected the hose and took part of the handle apart but, I couldn't see where the sock might be lodged.  I am assuming it is lodged somewhere because there is no suction power when I turn the vacuum cleaner on.  I didn't feel like pulling the manual out and taking the whole thing apart, so, I left that for tomorrow.  But, that was the end of the vacuuming (and housework) for today!  Later, I cleaned the litter box and took the trash cans to the end of the driveway to be picked up, tomorrow, but, that was all.

In the afternoon, it was 67F and breezy outside and 62F inside the house.  So, I opened a couple of windows and the front door to create some air flow, to hopefully warm up the house, but, it didn't do much!  I walked outside for a bit and it was warm in the sun, but, cool in the shade.  I had considered watering the front garden, today, but, it was too windy and by the time the wind died down, it was after sunset and too cold to be watering!  

Once again, I spent the afternoon sewing, repairing the quilt.  As you can see, Dancer was on hand to lend a helping paw and do some quality control!  Well, he might have slept on the job, a bit, but, that was after he took a good look to see that I was doing the repairs properly.  

Oh, and the gas company sent me my monthly energy report for November 19 - December 19, 2022, showing how much the "energy efficient" houses used (34 therms), how much the "similar" households used (67 therms), and how much I used (134 therms).  Yes, I know how I compare with other households; maybe they don't feel as cold as I do!

I was going to do a meal plan, today, but, I didn't.  Brunch was a scrambled egg and a piece of toast.  I was going to have soup for dinner, but, I had fried potato slices, instead, and half an apple.  I just wasn't hungry for a full meal.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Dancer's help with various projects
- Sunny days and warmer afternoons
- My stash of quilts and blankets!
- The electric space heaters and electricity to run them
- What I managed to accomplish today

Today's joyful activity was sewing in the afternoon sunshine with Dancer!

Tuesday plans include a visit to the cemetery (my mother's death anniversary), maybe a trip to the Temple, and more quilt repairs, of course.  My daughter is scheduled to fly back from Hawaii, tomorrow; I hope she'll have a safe and smooth flight back.

How was your Monday?  Did you have a good start to your week?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. You are keeping warm and comfortable and that's the main thing, I'm glad you have a good stash of quilts and blankets. I haven't worried too much about putting the central heating on but the government help we are currently receiving towards bills will end in April and although it has been helpful the cost of gas and electricity is still high and due to increase again. Does Dancer like to be on your lap as he could help to keep you warm? He certainly likes to help with your sewing projects.

    1. I'm thinking twice and thrice about turning on the heat now, Eileen. I put the main heater on for about 10 minutes last night and then, turned it off. It was chilly in the house this morning (it's still chilly for that matter, about 56F/13.33C) but, I haven't put on the heating. It's warmer outside (66F/18.88C) and I opened a couple of windows and the front door to try to get some of the warmer air in from outside! However, I am feeling cold!
      I'm glad you are receiving some government help with your heating costs! Our state's governor has requested a federal investigation into the cost of gas to determine if there has been some market manipulation by the gas companies that our gas costs are so much higher than in other states.
      Unfortunately, Dancer is not a lap cat. He will sit next to you, but, not on your lap! He does like to help with sewing projects, though! :D

  2. You really do feel the cold. Just reading what you have on your bed to stay warm and what you wear is a testament to that.
    54 in your house is too cold so I'm glad you turned your furnace on.
    I will be curious to see how much a savings the efforts you are making reap. I like that you can chart it weekly and they estimate your bill based on your usage thus far.
    Thank goodness we are on the good side of the cold weather on our way to spring.
    You were busy yesterday getting a lot of household chores done.
    That helps with staying warm :)
    I hope you get the sock out of the vacuum!
    Dancer is back on the job helping and doing his quality control thing.
    Thank goodness for that.

    1. I do feel the cold, Debra. But, now, I'm determined to do what I can to keep the gas bill down! I turned the heater on for about 10 minutes last night and then, turned it off, again and didn't switch it on this morning. It's 66F outside, so I opened windows and the front door to see if I can warm up the house that way. The governor is calling for a federal investigation to see if the gas companies are guilty of market manipulation; apparently, we are paying nearly 600% premium on our gas here, when compared to other states! I hope we all get a refund!

  3. Have a blessed day. Regine

  4. Well, I thought that I was cold all of the time, but you win in that department. :)

    1. I am cold blooded! I even wore a knitted hat inside, last night! :D

  5. Thinking of you today, Bless. It doesn't get any easier does it.
    Wishing your daughter a safe and comfortable flight. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; really appreciate your thoughts.

  6. Heat is a constant source of irritation at my house. LOL I like it cool and hubby will jack the thermostat up to 70˚. He has a heater in the bedroom that he will turn up to the mid 70s during the night. Drives me crazy. I sleep best in the low low 60s.
    Monday was good- we had sunshine. Today we have rain-probably freezing rain and more snow coming on Thursday.

    1. It's difficult to agree on a comfortable temperature when one person wants it warmer and the other person prefers it cooler, isn't it? I used to be able to tolerate the cold better, but, not any more. Maybe it's all the weight I lost after cancer - I lost my layer of insulation! :D
      Hope the weather improves for you.

  7. Does Dancer keep your feet warm at night? I miss my cat laying on top of my blankets. Of course being a cat she would lay on my face if i would have let her.
    I think the temperatures you keep are awesome, and for me too 18C ? 65F is not warm enough during the day. I will look tonight how cool it gets at night.

    1. Dancer might sleep at the end of the bed from time to time, but, not on my feet. However, he's often on the bed during the day time, sleeping right in the middle of it!
      I like the temperatures to be on the warmer side. But, I am not happy about getting a $700 heating bill, either, especially when my usage was lower than for the same period a year ago.

  8. I never match up with the 'similar houses' for energy efficiency and I'm sure it's that it doesn't take my being retired and so at home the majority of the time into account. The important thing is to stay warm isn't it, and I'm glad you had the option of using the electric heaters today.

    I hope your visit to your Mum's grave and possibly to the temple goes smoothly for you, and of course, that your daughter has a safe journey home. xx

    1. In the summer, I am often in the most energy efficient category because I barely use any gas. But, in the colder months, then, I do put on the heating. Even so, I didn't use more than I did during this period the previous year; in fact, I used fewer therms (though not by much!) and still the bill was so high because the cost of gas went up. The governor of our state is now calling for an inquiry to see if the gas company did some market manipulation to raise the cost of gas. Yes, I'm glad I have the electric heaters, too.
      Thank you, Eileen; I visited both the grave and the temple, today and my daughter is back safely in her apartment. :)

  9. I think, if you can afford it, you should heat your house to whatever temperature makes you comfortable! I would be cold if it were 54 inside; I'd be shivering! You certainly save on electric in summer. I keep my house very cool in summer, so that is when my electric bill for air-conditioning goes way up! I also have a tank vac and sometimes the hose jams with something (usually a cat toy). I remove the hose from the tank, and have a long stick I push down it. That usually gets the item out. I'm glad Dancer is helping you out!

    1. Thank you, Celie; I resisted heating the house today, but, eventually gave in and put the heater on with the thermostat set at 65F. It's still cold for me, but, it's better than 54F! :D
      I haven't had time to look through the vacuum cleaner manual to see how to remove the hose - I was not able to remove it, earlier. In any case, this vacuum cleaner is at least 20 years old, so, if I need to replace it, then, that's OK, too.

  10. I think Dancer realized that it is an important quilt that you are repairing! I don't think it was warm enough outside to warm up your house at all. But at least you got some fresh air in there. I'm glad you know how to make a cosy "nest" for sleeping. We have electric baseboards in our bedroom and we are turning them up more than we used to, but I have an extra doubled blanket on my side of the bed as I am the cold one.
    Could you use a metal coat hanger straightened out to poke into the vacuum cleaner hose and maybe hook the sock out?
    I didn't go out today and I did some baking this afternoon, an applesauce cake and some squares with jam and almonds. Some of this has gone into the freezer.

    1. Dancer wanted to make sure it was repaired properly! LOL. Yes, opening up the house to the air outside doesn't seem to do much, but, I thought I should try!
      I have to figure out how to disconnect the hose from the vacuum cleaner canister. Once I do that, I might be able to pull out the sock.
      Yum! That applesauce cake and the jam and almond squares sound delicious! I should make another batch of muffins; having the oven on will help to warm up the house! :D

  11. I hope you manage to stay warm. It's horrible to have to think twice about heating the house up. I must admit that, although I really think about the cost and need, I do turn the heat on when needed. It's just too cold in Michigan not to turn it on.

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I don't think it ever gets easier. Mothers are such special women.

    1. Thank you, Sharon; I don't think you can be without having some sort of heating up in Michigan! It's way too cold!

      Thank you, Sharon. Actually, it does get a little easier, but, it takes a long time; several years. I still miss her, but, I don't grieve for her the way I did during those first couple of years.

  12. Brrr, so cold where you live Bless. In winter, I just warm the bed with an electric blanket first, turn it off.... and fall asleep. And also have a heavy crotched blanket on top of my duvet. Obviously it doesn't really get that cold here. My flat is only heated by a 5 bar standing oil heater which is quite small, when winter comes.

    1. I seem to feel the cold quite a bit, Ratnamurti. I'm cold at temperatures that others find to be comfortable. I've received a huge gas bill this month, so I'm trying to cut back on heating! I'm glad it doesn't get too cold where you are!

  13. The aloe flower is so beautiful.
    You reminded me to start my seeds for the various plants I want to grow.

    1. Thank you, Anne. Yes, it's getting to be that time for seed germinating, isn't it? M and I are going to put some broccoli seeds that I harvested from last year's plants, to see if they will sprout. I have four self-seeded broccoli plants growing, already! I need to remind him to buy me a packet of green beans to sow.


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