Friday, December 20, 2019

Doctor's Appointment on Friday

I went to the already scheduled oncologist appointment, today.  My appointment was at 1:00 p.m., which meant I had to leave the house before 12 noon.  I got up at 10:00 a.m. and was up and dressed in good time.  I bagged up the knitted hats and took along a box of chocolates to give to the staff at the clinic.  I got to the clinic on time and didn't have to wait long before being called in. 

The blood test results were mostly good, I was told, except there were some elevated levels in one area and my white blood cell count was high.  I explained about the cold and cough.  I was prescribed an antibiotic and told to come back in one month for a follow-up visit.  They didn't want to give me my bone density injection until my blood test results were more normal.  I will redo the blood tests before my next visit.

I handed in the hats I had knitted and was told they will be much appreciated by the patients. 

I drove to the pharmacy on the way home and picked up my prescription.  I also stopped by the grocery store to pick up some half and half for my daughter's morning coffee, a box of her favorite cereal, some bananas, and some shrimp.  I spent just under $15 for the groceries.

After I came home, I ate something and took the first dose of antibiotics.  I had to take two tablets today; after that, I will be taking one tablet a day for the next four days.  The pharmacist said I could take the tablets with or without food, but, I always prefer to take with food.

When friend M came to do the garden, I gave him his Christmas gift and asked him to water the front garden for me.  I haven't been feeling well enough to water it, for the past couple of weeks.  It is supposed to rain, next week, but, I thought the garden could do with a bit of watering. 

I am making myself a cup of tea now and after I drink it, I need to make my daughter's bed and cook the shrimp.  I will cook a little rice, too, and we can have that for dinner, along with some dhal (from the freezer). 

Today, I am grateful for:
- A good visit with the doctor
- Antibiotics
- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Being able to give the hats to the clinic
- My daughter will be coming home, tonight 

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter. I didn't water today, since the rain will hopefully do it for me on Sunday. That was sweet of you to buy half and half for your daughter's coffee...

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Looking forward to her visit. :) Yes, she likes half and half with her coffee. I prefer flavored creamer, myself, but, these days, I am drinking tea.

  2. Hopefully the antibiotics will work their magic and it'll be the end of your cough and cold. How lovely that your daughter is home for Christmas. I know you will make the most of your time together.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. The antibiotics are helping, but, I was still up most of the night, coughing, even after taking cough syrup. It'll take a few days to fully go away, I am sure.

      It's good to have my daughter home, again. We haven't planned much; just going to take it easy and relax.

      Hope you are feeling better, too.

  3. Glad you were able to get attention for you cold during this visit and didn't have to have a separate visit for that. Hopefully, the antibiotics will speed your recovery.

    1. I was very glad that I was able to get the prescription for antibiotics, yesterday. I'm sure the antibiotics will help.

  4. I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful weekend, Bless.

    I too prefer half and half with my coffee and tea, but try not to drink it too often. :)

    1. Thank you, Nil. We are both planning to take it easy, this weekend.

      I like condensed milk in my tea! :D

  5. the coughing can drive you to the brink ... hope you are near the end of this 'bug' so you can have a great time being with your daughter-
    I am with Paige for the next 'however long she needs me' as her surgery is about noon on the 26th ... she has 2 older children who can care for themselves, but the 2-year-old is quite another story- this will be a busy few weeks, but we are all anticipating a good outcome-
    get well .. all my fondest regards-

    1. Thank you, Barb. The cough is slowly getting better.

      I'm glad you will be with Paige for as long as she needs you. I am praying for her surgery to go well, for a complete and easy recovery and healing, for everything to be well. Sounds like you'll have your hands full, but, how comforting for the children to have Grandma with them.

      My best wishes to you and yours, Barb. Take care.

  6. Let's hope that the antibiotics will quickly put you back into health and energy! At least you have your daughter with you now so you have moral support.
    Yesterday I made gluten-free shortbread and mince pies and today I made a fruit cake with regular flour. I wrapped more gifts and visited my friends up the road. Tomorrow the tree will be coming in and it won't take long to decorate as there aren't enough branches on it to hold too many ornaments. Move over Charlie Brown!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I am starting to feel a lot better. I even wrapped a few gifts, today!

      I'm sure your house smells delicious with all the baking! Have fun decorating the tree!


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