Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Blood Tests on Wednesday

I stayed up reading, last night, but, I let myself sleep in, this morning.  Then, I watched some of the impeachment proceedings. 

In the afternoon, I went to the lab to get my blood tests done, in preparation for my appointment with the oncologist on Friday.  It is a regularly scheduled follow-up visit (and I'll get my injection to build up bone density, as well), but, the blood tests check for the cancer markers, white blood cell counts, iron levels, etc.  They collected four vials of blood!  I am also hoping that the doctor (or nurse practitioner) will be able to check me out for the cold and cough, as well, when I go in on Friday.  It is a lot better, but, it is still lingering.  I'm getting a bit tired of all the coughing and blowing!

I felt very cold when I came home!  It was in the low 50s, but, that's cold to me!  I put the heater on and huddled under a blanket on the sofa and watched the rest of the impeachment proceedings.  I knitted a bit, while I watched.

Cousin P called to let me know that she went to see friend T in the hospital and gave me an update.  She is alert, but, apparently has a long way to go before she can leave the hospital.  I haven't been to see her because I don't want to infect her with any of my germs.

It is one week till Christmas and I haven't sent out any cards, yet, I haven't finished buying or making all my gifts, I haven't wrapped anything yet, and I haven't decorated!  I need to have my first two gifts ready for giving on Friday and the majority of the rest of the gifts will be given out on Christmas Day.  This might be the year of gift cards! 

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to sleep in
- Blood tests went well
- The car started without any problems
- I had a safe drive to the lab and back
- A working heater

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?  How are your holiday preparations coming along? 


  1. Still quarantined. Still dashing to the bathroom regularly. All Christmas plans on hold. If still bad tomorrow the doctor will do tests, but she hopes the bug will have got out of my system by then.

    1. Oh, no, Angela! You sound worse off than I am! I hope you get over the bug and feel better, soon! Please do take it easy!

  2. I also habe to decorate and wrap my gifts, so much to do! Have a lovely day!

    1. I guess we all think we have more time than we do to get things done, Natalia. Hope you get your decorating and wrapping done in the next few days! Thank you; hope you, too, have a lovely day.

  3. You can only do what you can do. You've had a cold, but I think many of us look at the approaching holiday thinking about what we had hoped to do, but haven't. Taking care of yourself is the best gift you can give. And if you'd like, gift cards are good, too. :)

    1. You are right, Live and Learn. I guess we all have high expectations of what we would like to do for the holidays and not always able to accomplish it all. I've a feeling the gift cards will be even more appreciated than actual gifts, except, perhaps by the youngest members of the family who'd prefer a toy they can play with immediately!

  4. Fingers are crossed for good results from the blood tests and the appointment with your oncologist. I hope they can help with your cough as well.

    It's good to hear that your friend T is alert. Is she able to speak or has that been affected by the stroke?

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Apparently T is able to speak, so that is good news. I hope to be well enough to visit her, next week.

  5. I am so glad you are faithful about follow-ups with your doctors- finding anything early is so important-
    my shopping for the children/g'children is complete, and I have finished all the things I am making with one rather huge exception- I have stalled out on a blanket for one of the g'daughters- I decided to make a very very simple knit one, and it is just so boring that I have to force myself to work on it- I took the easy way and got her something else ... the blanket will be ready whenever- with all the shopping, I did manage to completely overlook provisions for wrapping- i know many get all creative with newspaper and brown bags etc, but an unfortunate (and rare) episode of clearing out has left me without those too- stay tuned to see if I resort to garbage bags with a bow on them!
    hope you continue to feel better- best regards and fondest wishes as always-

    1. Thank you, Barb. Yes, I attend all the follow-up doctor visits. There are four doctors I see regularly. The visits are usually scheduled for every 3 months and they are staggered, so, I usually have one appointment a month, occasionally two!

      Well done on getting all the gifts bought or made (with the exception of the blanket!). Oops, on the wrapping supplies, though! Sounds like you might have to go and get a roll or two of wrapping paper or a few gift bags! Or, how about some pillowcases - they can use the pillowcases, afterwards. The garbage bags with bows might be a good alternative, too. :)

  6. Hi Bless, Yesterday was very healing. I read an entire book, took a sauna, walked Lula, and did yoga. I am finishing up my Christmas cards today. I still have some lights to put up at the cabin. I'll finish that this afternoon.

    1. Sounds like you had a lovely day, Stephenie. Very restorative! Will you be spending Christmas up at the cabin?

  7. Definitely go with the gift cards. There's no point in putting any unnecessary pressure on yourself.
    I hope you manage to get some help for your cough and begin to feel better soon. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, the gift cards will be the way to go, I think. :)

  8. I’m glad your blood test went well. 4 vials! That’s a lot of blood.

    It’s cold and rainy here, but the lowest is 57°F. Still too cold for me. 😀

    1. 57F is cold for me, too, Nil! Our rain is in the forecast for next week. I told my daughter she'll be bringing Berkeley weather down with her!

  9. I hope your blood tests give good results and that you get some help from the visit to the doctor on Friday. At least you have had the good sense to keep resting whenever possible.
    I have bought two more gifts and also found out that I have a little longer to find a gift for one particular friend as she is already away at the children's! One panic delayed. I have done some wrapping. The Christmas tree is on the porch, we managed to find one in the woodlot after brushing snow off several firs. I keep putting off baking, I just don't have the energy somehow to get into it. Well, soon desperation will work where procrastination took over!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I shall find out the blood test results, tomorrow. Sounds like you are making good progress on your holiday preparations. Maybe your granddaughter can help with the baking? Energy is the one thing that seems to be in short supply over here, too! The spirit is willing, but, the actual energy to get up and do things seem to be lacking!

  10. Yes - Gift Cards it is then. An easy and appreciated gift no doubt.

    I did some baking today. Nothing too difficult. I like to give a little treat to my neighbors that are kind enough to gift me with wonderful vegetables from their gardens in the summer.
    I make out in that deal for sure :)

    Looking forward to good test results for you.


    1. Thank you, Debra. I'll find out about the test results, today.

      I'm sure your neighbors appreciate your baking them some treats. :)


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