Saturday, December 14, 2019


I could tell when the cough syrup wore off, last night, because I woke up coughing and couldn't fall back into a deep sleep after that.  I should have just taken another dose, but, I didn't want to.  Instead, I tossed and turned for the most part and then, got up at 7:00 a.m. and had my morning tea.  Later, however, around noon, I took another dose of cough syrup and spent most of the afternoon sleeping! 

Friend M stopped by in the evening to spray the peach tree (and to check on me).  I don't usually spray the fruit trees, but, he found signs of some sort of borer beetles and we'd like to save the tree if possible. 

I took it easy, today, too.  I'm starting to feel a little impatient with myself - after all, it is only a cold and cough, not the flu!  But, it seems to have knocked me down, more than it should have!   In between naps (and feeling a bit light-headed because I was probably dehydrated), I watched some TV, knitted, and cleaned Dancer's litter box.  Cousin P and friend R called to check on me and, of course, I video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:
- The morning mists cleared and we had sunshine in the afternoon
- Cough syrup!
- Afternoon naps
- Friends and family checking on me
- A restful day

I am hoping I am over the worst of this cold.  I feel like I lost the better part of this week, being sick!

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. I hope you get to relax a lot, until you are fully recovered.

    Yesterday (Saturday) I had a meeting at the college. And I spent the rest of the day crocheting. 😊

    1. Thank you, Nil. I don't have much planned for this week. Are you done with your classes for this semester?

  2. It's definitely pamper yourself time and I hope you turn the corner soon. Colds are such miserable things aren't they? Mum always made us a hot lemon drink to help with coughs, just sliced fresh lemon and sugar in boiling water then drink it as hot as possible. The adults had whisky added to theirs but I stick to the non-alcoholic version. It does seem to help.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I am feeling a little better, today, but I shall give your mum's hot lemon drink a try.

  3. Cold medicine at night is often a delima for me. If I take it, it can keep me away. If I don't take it, the cold symptoms keep me away. I guess that's what naps are for.

    Colds just have to run their course, but they can be debilitating in the meantime. You will feel better soon enough, but take care of yourself while your waiting.

    1. This time, my cold has taken its own sweet time to run the course, but, I am starting to feel a little better, now.

    2. I don't know how the word "awake" ended up as "away" each time. I will blame on auto correct and not my typing. :)

    3. I knew it wasn't your typing, Live and Learn. :)

  4. colds are most annoying- when I get one, I seem to feel too ill to accomplish anything, but not quite sick enough to admit defeat and go to bed- I fall into a 'cold limbo' maybe- hope you are on the recovery side of this one you have made your very own-
    this is the time I should be out getting things taken care of in the yard here, but procrastination has me in its steely grip- I will regret this when spring comes and all those unfinished things cause extra work and a delay in seeing the yard looking bright and tended- since our particular little ecosystems are very different (we do have some real winter weather plus it is usually wet and soggy from rain)we grow little citrus here, but peaches love us and various species do well- I have found that once the peach trees have survived a few years, they tend to be easy care and good producers ... the same with some apples- how I wish for success with citrus though ... I moan at the prices when not too far south of us (in the Rio Grand valley) they thrive and help keep the country in vitamins-
    do take care of yourself and enjoy getting ready for your daughter to arrive- I send you the fondest of thoughts-

    1. Thank you, Barb. I am starting to feel better. Cut yourself a little slack for procrastinating on getting the yard ready for winter. I think you might be a bit distracted with other things, right now. (((HUGS)))

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm making a big fuss about a cold and cough, aren't I? Hope all is well with you.

  6. Hope you are feeling better, Bless. Anything affecting our ability to breathe is just so debilitating and exhausting. Sending heartfelt best wishes.

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. I am feeling better, now. I guess I was more run down than I realized.

  7. Wow, that is one mean and stubborn cold! But you will beat it in the end and it will go miserably away and you will be able to do all the things that you want to get done.
    We had a wee bit of freezing rain followed by heavy snow and we have magnificent scenery, every last twig and even the whole washing line covered with snow. Unfortunately it takes its toll on the bushes and the one in front with the Christmas lights on may have part of it broken and it is all bending down to the ground! Well, that's winter for you! I've just been watching DH's plane land via I saw it all the way to the terminal! He will drop in on DS and then a two hour drive home so it won't be too long before he is back.

    1. I am really struggling with this cold, Bushlady. All that snow sounds beautiful, but, I hope your DH will have clear roads and a safe drive home.

  8. That's too bad. You know your body. A lot of people get sick this time of year. I used to make a homemade cough syrup with onions carmelized in honey. It worked really well. It sounds gross; but it was actually tasty.

    1. I guess I was more run down than I thought! Or, this is a particularly virulent cold! A combination of both, I guess. I drank some lemon with honey and that helped, too.


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