Monday, April 17, 2017

Ease-into-the-Week Monday

Seems like I need Monday to ease into the work week, after the weekend!  I woke up in time to take my first antibiotics dosage and made myself a cup of tea.  But I found it hard to get going.  I sat in front of the heater, drinking my tea, and checking my emails, trying to persuade myself to get dressed and drive to the office.  Lest you think me lazy, some of the medications I take make me ache in my joints and my bones; the aches seem worst in the mornings when I first wake up, when every move feels  painful and I feel stiff.   Eventually, however, the stiffness wears off and I am able to move around without any problems.  I've been told to take some over-the-counter pain medications, if needed, but I try to avoid doing so, as I am already taking so many medications.  It might be that yesterday's shenanigans with the fencing project also contributed to some of this morning's aches and pains, as well!   

Earlier, I had thought I had rather be in the office when I take the diuretic for the first time, just in case there was an allergic reaction; my office colleagues could call the paramedics or drive me to the clinic, if needed.  But, some of the side effects could include dizziness, blurred vision, and loss of hearing!  I thought, what if I don't have an allergic reaction, but experience blurred vision, etc., later in the day, when I might be driving home?   So, I decided that being at home on the first day of the medication might be better!  Not that it was too hard to twist my arm into staying home!  LOL.

I spent most of the day working on office work.  In between, I checked on the seedlings (I've a second patty pan squash seedling about to sprout!) and my fencing project (it was still standing!  Hooray!).  I also gave myself permission to take an afternoon nap on the sofa and to go easy on the To Do list!   

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to work from home
- A nap on the sofa
- An hour spent reading for pleasure
- More sprouting seeds!
- No undue side effects from the diuretic, as far as I can tell

Today turned out to be a vegetarian day by default!  Brunch was a banana, the two pieces of cheesy bread my neighbor included with yesterday's dinner, and some of the yogurt and cucumber salad she made.  Dinner was the feta cheese and spinach spanakopita my neighbor's daughter had made, followed by the remaining half of the ear of corn I had boiled earlier, and half a fresh pear.  There might have been a slice of cake with some cream as an afternoon snack, as well.  LOL. 

Monday's To Do List:
- Go to the office - WORKED from home, instead.
- Continue to tidy the house
- Dust
- Vacuum
- Paperwork
- Plant some of the new succulents
- Empty the waste baskets/kitchen trash - DONE
- Take trash cans to the curb - DONE
- Water the seedlings/calendula, etc. - DONE
- Renew 2 library books - DONE

I also did the daily stuff like washing the dishes and some "as needed" stuff like refilling the sugar bowl. 

All the items not done will get carried forward until they get done, eventually!

Tuesday (and Beyond) To Do List:
- Go to the office
- Call the oncologist's office
- Put gas to the car
- Bring the trash cans in
- Put away laundry
- Continue to tidy
- Dust
- Vacuum
- Paperwork/filing
- Plant the new succulents

How was your Monday?  Don't  you wish that Monday could be part of the weekend, too?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. I am so pleased that the medication doesn't seem to have adverse effects, I know what you mean about medications, I sometimes feel that if I was shaken, pills would tumble out of me, as I have stuff for RA and now the Thyroid, plus medications for the side effects of the said medications!!!
    Tuesday is almost over for me and it is early to bed as I am very tired. Tomorrow, I have a bible study with a friend in the morning and I want to go to the hardware store for some curtain rods.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday. Sharon

    1. Oh, yes, the pills to counteract the side effects of the other pills! Sometimes, they need additional pills for their side effects!

      Hope you didn't overdo things, Sharon. Try and rest as much as you can on Wednesday. Take care.

  2. Well I think you deserve that piece of cake because your meals are all healthy! Good idea to stay home and work instead of leaving your home while taking your meds. Yes side-effects are many for medicines! I take benedryl for car sickness when I travel, but of course I am a passenger in the car because it makes me so drowsy! I know if you don't feel well, especially if your bones ache etc, it is really hard to do the simplest task of getting up and about! Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. I used to get car sick as a child. Much better, these days. I hope you are having a lovely day, today.

  3. Wise to work from home on Monday and perhaps until you are done with the new Rx - better safe than sorry.

    Your food intake sounded very nice to me as I eat very little meat. Afternoon cake and cream 😊

    Monday I was able to get my Easter dishes etc. put away. Only need to get hubby to give me a hand with the leaf in the dining room table. I can no longer crawl under the table to release the catch due to fear of vertigo.

    Booked flights to visit our eldest son in New York. We will have time with their 3 lads while mom and dad are gone on holiday. We have done this before. This allows the nanny to go home at her usual time.

    Tuesday I went to CVS to get milk ($2.19 gal) Ajak dish liquid .88 saved .71 after .39 coupon, Purex liquid detergent 150oz 5.94 saved 5.56 plus I had an add'l $1.50 coupon and got $1 extra bucks back - purchased hubby more jelly beans $2 (all Easter candy 50 per cent off) so that was a good shop.

    Hope your stiffness wears off quickly and you have a good day.


    1. Thank you, Sandy. Sounds like you've been busy, putting Easter stuff away and shopping, etc. How nice to go to New York to be with your grand children while their parents go on holiday! Sounds like a very nice arrangement for all. Ooh, thanks for the reminder about the Easter candy being on sale! I was planning to go to CVS, myself, and get some jelly beans, but forgot! Maybe, tomorrow.

  4. You are so fortunate that you can work from home, especially when dealing with an unknown like a new medicine. Hope today is easier for you!

    1. Yes, it is a blessing, although, if needed, I can take sick time off or vacation time. Today was a better day and I went in to the office.

  5. Medication is a pain at times, especially when you have to start taking more tablets to combat the effects of others. I take a couple of tablets where having no energy is a side effect. I don't actually think I suffer too badly with this to be honest but when I'm feeling lazy I put it down to the tablet lol.

    Glad you seem to be OK off the tablets. I think staying home was the wise thing to do especially when your commute is such a long one.

    I know your supervisor is excellent and you can work from home whenever you feel the need but could you officially work from home a couple of days a week? xx

    1. Sometimes, I think the side effects are worse than what the medication is supposed to cure! The diuretic, for example, can cause deafness! What did you say? LOL!

      Yes, fatigue is one of the side effects of a couple of the medications I am on, but they are not as bad as the fatigue that accompanied the chemo meds., so I am OK with that.

      No, I couldn't officially work from home, but everyone is bending the rules for me, unofficially, to accommodate my needs at this time. So, I could, if I need to, arrange for a more regular schedule where it is agreed I would work from home or take vacation time off on certain given days of the week. In fact, I might speak with my supervisor about it, next week (she's on vacation, this week). It had been an option when I started going back to work; I just thought I'd be able to do more than I can! The old "superwoman" syndrome, don't you know?

    2. That sounds a good idea Bless. From what you've said your commute adds a couple of hours onto your day which you can probably do without at the moment. Xx

    3. Yes, those commutes can tire you out! I say my prayers, listen to the radio or a CD, but still, one needs to be alert and pay attention.

  6. I'm glad you decided to work from home, Bless and that you didn't have any ill effects from your meds.

    1. Thank you, Nathalie. I think "chatting" with you helped me decide to work from home, yesterday!

  7. Proud you worked from home.. Proud the side effects were not too bothersome..But so sorry about the aches and pains from meds.. So hard to take meds that make us feel that way..But ,we have too.
    Bless, does the cancer/treatments etc lead to some of these aches and stiffness too?? Just curious? You have been through so much this past year or so.. I remember when my brother in law had cancer and went through all the treatments.It took him several years to recoup from what he went through.. Just remember to take it easy. Praying for you.

    1. Thanks, Judy. Yes, I have to take a "maintenance" medication for the cancer (for the next 5-10 years), and it is the main cause of the aches and pains. But then, I don't care for the alternative, so much, so I will continue to take it. Possible side effects for this medication include: Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, loss of appetite, body aches and pains, breast swelling/tenderness/pain, headache, dry mouth, scratchy throat, increased cough, dizziness, trouble sleeping, tiredness/weakness, flushing and sweating (hot flashes/hot flushes), vaginal bleeding, hair thinning, and weight change; less common but more serious side effects which require notifying the doctor include: mental/mood changes (e.g., depression), excessive thirst, numbness/tingling/swelling of the hands or feet, unusual tickling feeling, persistent cough, unusual vaginal discharge/burning/itching/odor, unusually stiff muscles, muscle pain, joint stiffness/pain, pain/redness/swelling of the arms or legs, vision changes, bone pain, bone fracture, signs of infection (e.g., fever, chills, persistent sore throat). And there's a list of side effects that warrant immediate medical help! Just reading the side effects is enough to make one feel dizzy! LOL. I don't have all the side effects, but there are some.

  8. I've definitely never thought you lazy!

    1. Thank you! :) I often consider myself to be lazy, especially after I retired! I keep thinking I should be doing more than what I do!


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