Friday, September 9, 2022


It seems to be a time for changes, doesn't it?  In my religion, we believe that everything is transient; nothing remains the same, everything is subject to change. 

My mother used to say that change was good.  It was one of her sayings.  When my mother was born in 1920, she was born in what was the British Crown Colony of Ceylon at the time.  She said that her father, who was the first non-Britisher to hold his post, cried when King Edward VIII abdicated.  That abdication led to a lot of changes, didn't it?

Ceylon, by the way, gained its independence in 1948, retaining the position of Governor General, and, like many former British colonies, became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, which recognizes the British monarch as its head.  In 1972, Ceylon became the Republic of Sri Lanka and replaced the position of Governor General (who had represented the British Crown) with a President, but, continued to be a member of the Commonwealth.

Yesterday (Thursday), when I heard about the death of Queen Elizabeth II, I felt sad at her passing; it marks a change, doesn't it?  May she rest in peace.  May the changes that result from her passing be good.

Yesterday, we had slightly cooler temperatures and I managed to get a few things done, including giving Dancer his flea medications, some paperwork and bill paying, watering a few plants in the front garden with water I had collected in buckets, doing a load of laundry (the sofa dust sheets) before the flex alert went into effect, and making an appointment to take the car in for a service.

Today, Friday, I took the car in for the service.  My appointment was at 10:40 a.m. and this time, I was there for about three hours.  I didn't mind the wait at all since I was waiting in an air conditioned room.  LOL.  Once again, I was about the only person who wore a mask, but, I expected that.  I had taken a sliced apple with me for brunch and midway through my wait, I went outside, stood in an area without any people to eat my apple slices and drink some water, then, put my mask back on and returned to the waiting area.  Today, they checked the engine, did a tune up, and rotated the tires; I was told that I will not need to replace my shock absorbers for another two years, bring the car in again in six months for an oil change, and if I ever want to sell the car, let them know!   LOL!

On the way home, I put gas to the car ($50 worth at $4.95/gal.), then, treated myself to a hamburger and fries from a nearby fast food drive through.  After I came home, I had my hamburger and fries.  Later, I watched news.  We are having a change in the weather as well, with Hurricane Kay, now downgraded to Tropical Storm Kay, moving into southern California!  There was a Flash Flood Alert for some of the counties and this little icon popped up in the corner of my computer:

Weather Change!

It was barely drizzling when M came to tend to the garden and I had him take down the window a/c unit, just in case we get heavier showers (there used to be a time when I could take it down, myself, but, not any more!)  He placed it on the small dining table in the family room, in case I want to put it back up in the window, next week, after the rain is over.  I am not sure if I will need it or not, because the forecast for next week calls for temperatures in the mid-80s, but, if I don't need it, later next week, he will take it to the garage to be stored until next year.  I also asked him to water the garden, just in case it doesn't rain enough to soak the ground.

It has been drizzling on and off all evening.  I'm grateful for the drizzle and I even went outside for a few minutes to feel the rain on my face!  Of course, now it is warm and humid, but, the temperature has come down a bit, outside.  The house is still warm enough to require a fan!  

Friend A called me to ask if I was free to visit her, tomorrow afternoon.  I told her it will depend on how hard it rains, tomorrow, because if it rains enough, the intersections in my neighborhood tend to get flooded!   Some parts of southern California have already had some flash flooding, downed trees, etc., but, so far, we've had drizzle and light showers.  I told A that I will call and let her know in the morning if I can visit her in the afternoon.  

I also spoke with friend R; we check in on a daily basis!

Today, I am grateful for:

- The car was serviced and they didn't say I needed any additional work done!
- Air conditioned waiting areas
- The availability of gas (plus prices have come down from what they had been)
- M helping me with taking down the a/c unit, etc.
- Rain!  The cooler temperatures!   

Today's joyful activity was standing outside, feeling the rain drops on my face!  LOL. 

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. It certainly is a time for change, it was very sudden and so sad to lose our beloved Queen Elizabeth and. I hope King Charles will be an excellent monarch. That's good to hear you have had some much needed rain even though not quite enough and I'm glad your car service went well with no work needed.
    I'm having some garden furniture delivered today but no garden swing....yet :)

    1. We had more rain, after I published my blog post, Eileen. I stayed up to watch the Proclamation of King Charles and I thought it was very interesting and steeped in history. I think he will be a very good monarch.
      Looking forward to seeing your new garden furniture, even if you don't have your swing yet. :)

  2. I've found your blog by a roundabout route as the link in my sidebar that I usually use only displays your blog as html script. I don't think the problem is restricted to me as Eileen said that the same thing has happened to her when she tries to read mine.

    I hope you get to enjoy your rain ... that's a surprise ... but also that it doesn't cause any flooding so you can get to visit A.

    I have the TV on already (it's 9:30am) as I want to watch all the significant royal events. It's the formal proclamation this morning and there is live coverage of the meeting of the Accession Council for the first time. This is apparently something that the King authorised so I think this indicates that his reign will give us a more open monarchy ... more change but for the good.

    1. I'm so sorry you are having difficulty accessing my blog, Eileen. I hope it is a temporary glitch. Every so often, when I go to Blogger to open up one of my posts, I am shown the post in html script and I just switch to "compose mode" but, of course, one can't do that when one is reading someone else's blog post! I'm glad you were able to access it in a roundabout way and still post a comment.
      We've had an evening of gentle showers; they have stopped now and hopefully, I will be able to visit A, tomorrow afternoon.
      I stayed up to watch the proclamation of the new king on the BBC News website! They had live coverage and I found it all very interesting. But now, it is 3:30 a.m. and I should get ready for bed. :) I hope you have a lovely rest of the day, Eileen.

    2. Eileen, I also can't access your blog at the moment. I thought you had removed it deliberately for some reason. How annoying. Will keep trying!

    3. It looks like the Blogger issue has resolved itself. Fingers crossed that it was a one off!

    4. Glad to hear that the issue seems to have been resolved. Hope Lady Ella was able to access your blog (see her comment above).

    5. Thanks Bless. Yes, Lady Ella has visited my blog today.

  3. I feel that Queen Elizabeth did her duty for a lot of nations. And it is bound to leave a lot of echoes, no matter where.

    It's so good when you get a car service and you don't have anything to do!

    1. She did perform her duties right till the end, didn't she? She is to be much admired for that.
      I would have been very upset if, after all the work they did on the car, the last time, they found something wrong, this time! LOL. But, yes, it is good to have that all done and out of the way!

  4. Congratulations on your rain! I hope that you get enough to make a difference.

    I'm watching the Proclamations now. Very interesting. I'm thinking about paying a visit to London in the next few days, but am currently undecided due to the large crowds expected.


    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. We have had about 0.25 inches of rain in my area from yesterday's rain, which, is not a lot, but, it is more than what we received in all of July and August! There is a chance of light rain this afternoon; currently (at 11:30 a.m.) it is cloudy, but, dry. The temperatures are cooler, too, which is a real blessing!
      I, too, stayed up to watch the Proclamations and found it all very interesting. These are things I had read about in history books, but, not seen taking place (and never really thought I would, either). If you do visit London in the next few days, I hope you will be able to do so safely.

  5. Yes, it's interesting to think of the changes brought about by Edward VIII. Even if he hadn't abdicated, I suppose Elizabeth would have become Queen eventually, as he had no children ... but we can only wonder what the circumstances of that accession would have been, and how much damage might already have been done by then. Either way, she would not have made history by celebrating a Platinum Jubilee!

    1. It is interesting to ponder, isn't it? By many accounts, the Queen's commitment to duty was fostered by her uncle's abdication. It certainly shaped her life, didn't it?

  6. "May the changes that result from here passing be good ” - what a lovely sentiment. Thank you for your words about our late Sovereign.

    1. She was a monarch for the ages and represented royalty to much of the world, Angela. There were other reigning queens in other countries, too, but, whenever someone referred to the Queen, it seemed we automatically assumed it was Queen Elizabeth II, not any other queen. :)

  7. I think your mother was right that change is good, although some changes are painful, of course. I chose "letting go" as the words for 2022 and it is surprising how that is working out, with many changes happening, people retiring or being moved, new people taking their place. However, it is hard to imagine a world without Queen Elizabeth after having her as princess and sovereign all my life.

    1. Yes, Bushlady, some changes are painful, but, I suppose it was my mother's way of saying that how we perceive changes make a difference, too. I tend to dislike change, but, I'm trying to see change in the positive light that my mother advocated. My word of the year is "resilient". :)

  8. Yesterday I attended a committee meeting (online), graded a stack of test and crocheted a bit.
    Your post reminded me that I have to take my car for an oil change as well. :)

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend, Bless.

    1. Sounds like you had a busy and productive day, Nil. Hope you are able to get the car serviced, too. :)
      Thank you, Nil; I am having a relaxed weekend. I did some laundry, today, and checked on the garden after yesterday's rain. Hope you, too, are having a relaxed weekend. :)

  9. I have no connection to the British Royals, but I am sad that Elizabeth is gone. An amazing woman. How she could remain dedicated and above the fray for 70 years is a feat I'm not sure any other person could accomplish.

    1. Yes, it was quite an accomplishment, wasn't it? :)

  10. I am glad you were able to take care of your car and it was not an expensive endeavor. That is funny that they want to buy your car!
    It must be in prime condition and with low mileage. The used car market has been soaring since covid and prices are so high.
    I have an older car (2007) but it works just fine for my needs and is quite comfortable to drive - I really like it and will keep it as long as I can.
    I'm glad you got your hamburger and fries the other day. I know you like to do that occasionally and the last few times you were out and about you skipped it.
    I see the next post is entitled "After the Rain" and I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Yes, I guess the used car market is doing well. My car is a 2014 model and I haven't driven it much, especially in the last 2 years! :D Sounds like you take good care of your car; as long as it runs well and suits your purposes, then, that's all that matters, isn't it? :)
      Ha, ha, it's a good thing I don't run many errands, because I tend to "treat" myself with fast food when I do! :D


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