Monday, January 25, 2021

Sunny Sunday

Today was mostly sunny, with clear blue skies, until late afternoon when the clouds moved in.  There is rain in the forecast for tomorrow.

Cousin P called me in the morning and asked me if I could come over for a minute, so, I masked up and walked over (she lives two houses down across the street from me).  I wore one of the dresses she had given me so she could see how well it fitted me.  The reason why she called me over was to give me another bag of clothes with a shirt, a sweatshirt, and a sweater!  I think they will be good for my daughter.  Now it is my turn to go through my closet and see what I can set aside to donate, to make room for the new additions to the closet! 

Neighbor T called in the early afternoon and we chatted for a bit.  Afterwards, I went out into the back garden and did a bit of weeding.  The ground was nice and soft after the rain so it was easy to pull up the weeds.  

Today's Harvest 

I picked two oranges and four radishes from the garden, today.  I have three or four more radish plants still in the ground and that will be the end of the radish harvest, unless I buy more seeds and plant them (these plants are from seeds that M shared with me).  Since I saute the leaves to be eaten as greens, the whole plant gets eaten and there is no waste.

Speaking of food...last night, before I went to bed, I put mung beans to soak and, this morning, I boiled them for our brunch. For dinner, I cooked the rest of the packet of rice noodles that I had.  I had some of the rice noodles with leftover Thai Green Curry soup and my daughter had rice noodles with leftover roast beef and vegetables.  I need to see what I have in the freezer and come up with a list of meal plan possibilities for next week.  

In the evening, neighbor S's daughter N brought us three boxes of cornbread mix!  Apparently, one of her cousins had ordered more than was needed and gave her some of the extras; she had texted my daughter to ask if we would like to have some.  We offered to pay for them, but, she declined.  Daughter gave her some of the flourless oatmeal peanut butter cookies she had made, in return.

Later in the evening, I practiced the piano and then, chatted with friend R.

Today, I am grateful for:

- A sunny day

- Today's garden harvest

- More clothes from my cousin

- Neighbors sharing the cornbread mixes

- Receiving a card from my oldest half-brother

Today's joyful act was harvesting some fruits and vegetables from the garden!

It's time to start posting my regular To Do lists, again, I think! 

Monday's To Do List:
- Dust: living room, family room & dining area
- Clean the fridge
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up
- Piano practice
- Laundry - handwash wool sweaters

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for Monday and the week ahead?



  1. The oranges and radishes look so pretty together. Have you ever thought about an orange and radish salad?

    1. You know, I've never thought of an orange and radish salad! Thank you for the suggestion - I think I might make one!

  2. How lovely to have your own orange tree. I like the smell of orange blossoms & have often looked for either a candle or spray of it, but it doesn't seem to be a scent easily made. You are certainly blessed to have a group of friends & neighbours that share food - it's like your own food co-op.

    1. Orange (and lemon) flowers do have a lovely scent. Maybe you can buy a bottle of orange flower water (used as a flavoring in cooking) and put some in a spray bottle or a diffuser?

      Yes, the exchange of food is an important part of our culture, I think. When I spoke with my friend R, last night, she said her friend A brought her some Sri Lankan food for dinner. :)

  3. It sounds like you had a good day. I love seeing your little harvest from your garden :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. It is always exciting for me to harvest something from the garden! :D

  4. Oh, the harvest looks tasty - such a lovely trio of colors.

    We are experiencing a very rainy Monday, which doesn't fit with my plans, but at least that means I can skip laundry (as they say you shouldn't overload the sewer system by doing laundry when it is raining). I think cleaning the fridge out and perhaps tidying a closet will do instead.

    1. The colors do look nice together, don't they?

      It rained here on early Monday morning, but the afternoon is partly sunny. I, too, need to clean the fridge, today, as I am planning to order some groceries for pick up, tomorrow.

  5. How nice! Clothes, fresh veggies, cornbread mix and greetings! Sounds like a really nice day. I am so glad your daughter is still there. I know you are enjoying having someone else in the house!

    1. It was a lovely day, wasn't it? Yes, I am so happy to have my daughter home with me. Such a blessing! Of course, it helps that we get along well! :D

  6. Those radishes look great - it seems you have found a plant that likes the conditions in your garden. Do you ever let the mung beans sprout? I used to do that all the time, to use in stir fry, but have got out of the habit. Thanks for mentioning them as I'd completely forgotten about doing that so will add some to my next order and start again.

    I'm continuing updating my meal plan today. I've managed to get a telephone consultation with my doctor for tomorrow morning so I will have some idea of the timescale for reversing the test results, etc.

    1. They do look good, don't they? Apparently, they are a cold weather crop, over here! Because the ones I planted last year, in the early summer, didn't do too well at all!

      No, I have not sprouted mung beans simply because I don't like the sprouts! But, my mother used to say that sprouted mung beans (and chick peas, too) were very nutritious. I must ask my daughter if she likes mung bean sprouts and maybe try getting them to sprout!

      I think you will do well with reversing the test results, Eileen. As you might already know, I was diagnosed with diabetes several years ago. It runs in the family, so I wasn't very surprised. I was put on a fairly high dose of medication (except, at the time, I had no idea how high it was!) Eventually, my numbers came down and the dosage was reduced by half and half again, until, I was taken off the medication, completely. That was more than a year ago and I have managed to keep my overall numbers down, mostly through diet and what little exercise I do (definitely not enough, but, I am working on that!). Diet, exercise, and weight loss are key factors.

  7. It sounds like you have a lovely community of family and friends around you. How lucky you are to have such a great support system!

    1. I do, Sharon, and I feel so blessed! I just read your post with the good news about your Mum. So glad to know that she is recovering; I've been keeping her in my prayers.

  8. What a nice grouping of things from your garden. Your radishes grew nice and healthy.
    It's nice that you were able to weed in a nice soft ground.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I had better luck with the radishes, this time, than I did the time before. The rain encourages all the weeds to grow, but, it also makes the ground soft enough to easily pull those weeds! :D


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