Peach Flowers (with orange tree in background and feijoa tree behind it)
The unusually warm days have tricked the peach tree into thinking it is spring and it has started flowering and even leafing out!
Flowers and Buds |
I just hope the colder weather in the forecast (there is a frost warning for the nights) won't damage the flowers! I am hoping for another plentiful supply of peaches, this year, too!
Today has been another warm, sunny day. I was woken up by a kitty batting at my nose! His strategy worked and I got up from a dream in which I had returned to work because I was bored with being retired! LOL.
I finished dusting the living room, today, and returned the blue and white china to the fireplace shelves. I also picked some fresh flowers for the altars and made a small arrangement for the mantel:
Winter Flower Arrangement: Paperwhites, Pine Branch, and Rosemary Sprigs |
When I was out in the garden, I noticed something near the sweet potato vine - it was the top of a sweet potato! I dug around it with my fingers and found, not just one, but, two sweet potatoes!
Sweet Potato Harvest!
With my hand for size comparisons |
I looked to see if there were more, but, I couldn't find more and I didn't want to pull up the vines as they are still growing. I plan to root the tops of these two, as well as the two that we bought from the grocery store, and plant them. Maybe I should have M make a proper planting bed for them!
Today, my daughter made tamagoyaki (a Japanese rolled omelet) and a fresh fruit salad with apples, tangerines, blueberries, and pomegranate, for brunch. She had rice and some of the chicken stir fry as well with hers; I had the rice and chicken stir fry a couple of hours later, for my lunch. I am not making a formal meal plan for this week, but, we have a little bit of the chicken stir fry left, some chicken curry, a couple of hamburger patties, and most of the roast beef that I made, last week (I really should slice and freeze some of it for another time). I might have to cook some vegetables to go with them, but, we will finish up the leftovers before we cook something else for meals, this week.
In the afternoon, neighbor T called and we chatted a little bit. Later, I vacuumed the family room and daughter put second sofa back in its usual place under the window, to make an L-shaped seating arrangement (I had moved the second sofa to face the other sofa to make room for the Christmas tree in front of the window). The room needs to be tidied a bit, but, I am keeping that for tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment to do a blood test in the morning. Plans for the rest of the day include tidying the family room and maybe doing a load or two of laundry. The front garden should be watered, too.
Today, I am grateful for:
- Sweet potatoes from the garden!
- Fresh flowers from the garden
- Daughter making brunch
- A working vacuum cleaner
- A sunny, warm day
Today's joyful activities included harvesting sweet potatoes and picking flowers from the garden.
How was your Sunday? What are your plans for Monday?
Those sweet potatoes are lovely! Happy eating!💖
ReplyDeleteThank you, Susan. :)
DeleteHow exciting that you've grown some sweet potatoes. Maybe the conditions in your garden suits the vine and it could be a good producer for you in the future. Are you going to cook something special with them?
ReplyDeleteIt's the first time I was able to grow sweet potatoes and actually get something! I think I might make some sweet potato fries with them or just bake them. :)
DeleteOh such pretty flowers on the peach tree - fingers crossed no killing frost. And 2 sweet potatoes from your garden, maybe that plant is just showing off to your okra plant.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mary-Lou. Well, the lone okra was from the grocery store, but, I've had more luck with my sweet potato vine than any okra that I've planted! :)
DeleteThat must have been fun to find the sweet potatoes. It wouldn't have been so fun for me, because I don't like sweet potatoes. :)
ReplyDeleteThe peach blossoms are so pretty. We had a peach tree at our old house and it was beautiful in the spring. We never quite successfully competed with the squirrels and insects, so we never got many peaches.
It was a lot of fun! I was so thrilled to have found them! I spent a little time this morning, looking to see if there were more, but, didn't find any.
DeleteI'm keeping my fingers crossed that the peach flowers aren't blooming too early! When we had our old peach tree, I had to fight with the birds for the peaches. Last year, they left the peaches alone! No squirrels in my garden because of the garden cats!
It's nice to see a sign of spring! I sure hope the frost doesn't do any damage. You did a great job with the sweet potatoes and they sure look like a nice size too. Your flowers are beautiful as well. I'm so glad you are enjoying this time you have with your daughter. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to see the signs of spring, especially in the middle of winter! Thank you - I am very proud of my sweet potato harvest! :D Hope you have a great week, yourself, Martha.
DeleteHow exciting to find the sweet potatoes! Here in my part of Canada the winter has not been too bad and some people have found some pansies starting to bloom but this is very unusual!
ReplyDeleteI was very happy to find the two sweet potatoes! Yes, I imagine it is unusual to find pansies blooming in January!
DeleteWhat a fun thing - looking around and finding some food grown by your own hands.
ReplyDeleteThey are a nice size too.
Your peach tree looks so pretty. Hope Mother Nature cooperates with the peach tree's plans.
It was very exciting to find the sweet potatoes! I am now debating whether to pull up the vines the see if there are more or leave them in the ground to maybe grow more! In the meantime, I plan to root the tops of these two that I harvested and plant them, too. Along with the cabbage core that is rooting in a cup of water on my kitchen counter! :D
DeleteI hope the peach tree will produce some fruit this year, too. If not, well, the flowers are very pretty. :)