Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Week's Worth of Outfits

I have managed to put together five outfits - a week's worth - plus two additional possible outfits, with  9 items I had in my closet (not including accessories such as scarves):

1 pair of pants (black)
2 skirts (1purple/green plaid;1 red pleated)
2 sweaters (1 purple;1 cream)
1 blouse (black with red flowers)
2 jackets (1 purple;1 black pinstriped)
1 cardigan (black)

Admittedly, I didn't wear them all in one week, as I only went to the office three times in January and each time it was for one day per week in the last three weeks of January.  This week, I have gone to the office twice (yesterday and today) and am planning to go tomorrow, as well, depending on how I feel. 

Outfit 1:  Black pants, purple sweater; purple jacket
Outfit #1
 Outfit 2:  Black pants, cream sweater, black pin stripe jacket
Outfit #2
Outfit 3:  Purple/green plaid skirt, purple sweater, purple jacket
Outfit #3
Outfit 4:  Red pleated skirt, black blouse (with tiny red flowers), black cardigan
Outfit #4
Outfit 5:  Purple/green plaid skirt, cream sweater, purple jacket/purple cardigan

Outfit #5

I could have worn the black cardigan, as well, with the above outfit, instead of the purple jacket, because the plaid skirt has some black in it as well as green and purple.

I can think of at least two other outfits I could put together with the above nine items: the black pants can be worn with the black blouse and the black cardigan; the red skirt can be worn with the cream sweater and the black pin stripe jacket or black cardigan.

The same items are repeated a bit too frequently for me to feel comfortable wearing the outfits in the same week, in the above order, but, if I had to limit myself to the above five outfits, I might vary the order a little bit so I am not wearing the same item of clothing two days in a row. 

I still need to put together something to wear to the office, tomorrow.  I am thinking of wearing the black pants with a different sweater.
I would really like to replace the pair of black pants, though, as I feel they are too baggy.  However, I do have several black skirts in my closet (different lengths, different styles).  Maybe I can hold off on buying new pants!  
I am planning to go through my closet, this weekend, and see what else I have that fits/can be altered to fit.   
Today, I am grateful for:
- Abundance in my closet
- Being able to put together a few outfits to wear to the office
-Safe drives to the office and back
- Phone calls from family and friends
- Video chatting with my daughter


  1. What a great idea to plan your day to day outfits. I usually only plan if it's something special. Maybe I should change this as I always just end up throwing on some jeans and a jumper.
    You look lovely, as always, in all the photographs and especially suit purple. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I used to have 5 or 6 different pairs of pants and an assortment of tops I could wear with them - mix and match; practically all my tops went with each of my pants. Occasionally, I'd wear a skirt to change things up a bit. Dressing for work was easy - I didn't have to think! But, since I lost weight, those pants are too big and I haven't been able to buy new replacement pants, yet. I'm digging in the back of the closet, among those items I kept from my thinner days, to see what I can put together. :)

  2. You've done really well with 9 items and every outfit looks totally different. My favourite is the red skirt with the black blouse and cardigan. I'm a sucker for red and black, I always think it looks really elegant. I have a lot of red in the house as well - it's definitely my colour!

    Glad you are taking your time getting back into the office routine and building up your days gradually. xx

    1. Thank you, Suzanne. One really can put an entire wardrobe of outfits together with just a handful of clothes, can't one? I would want a few additional items and colors for variety, though. Glad someone else likes the combination of red and black! I have two other red skirts, as well (different lengths, fabrics).

  3. Looking forward to seeing what else you can put together from your closet. Even if you aren't trying to find out what clothes fit these days, it good to go through your closet every now and then. I get stuck in a rut and wear the same things in the same way. Upon closer examination, I see that I can mix and match differently for some "new" outfits.

    1. Yes, I, too, tend to wear the same combinations, over and over again. Good to go through and rethink combinations - it's as good as getting a new wardrobe, at no additional cost!

  4. It's good to have a plan and since you're dreading shopping for the pants so much, you can rest easy that you have skirts to wear to work and then you can wear your baggy, comfy pants at home!

    I hope you have a great day today, Bless :)

    1. Thank you, Nathalie. I now have another reason to dread shopping - I've recently added a few more stores to my list of places I will no longer patronize. Not that I am a big spender; the measly amounts I spend at the shops won't make much of a difference, if any, to their bottom lines, but it makes me feel better if I don't support their businesses. :)

      Hope you, too, have a lovely day, Nathalie.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Granny J. I am enjoying the challenge! It is like getting a whole new wardrobe at no cost!

  6. You've done well and I note you still have other possible combinations you have figured out! You will find those replacement black pants one of these days and when you do find the right ones, maybe you might consider buying two pairs if you think you can maintain the same size that you are now. Black pants are so useful, and you seem to have plenty of clothes to go with them.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, I'll probably buy two pairs (that's what I've done, before). As for maintaining the current size, I don't know if I will be able to maintain my current weight and size or for how long. I seem to be still losing weight. I don't want to buy a lot of new clothes right now, in case I continue to lose weight; and I don't want to get rid of a lot of my current clothes in case I gain it all back! :o

  7. Aren't separates awesome? So versatile and so many combinations. You did great!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn, and yes, they are! Love being able to create the different outfits with what I have. Some might end up being a bit "hit or miss", but that's OK, too.

  8. Great job putting together these awesome outfits.. Love separates so you can mix and match. My favorite is the plaid skirt.. Love it. and it looks so good on you. The red skirt is pretty too though..[of course, my favorite color.ha] ... I have been organizing my file cabinet [Thank God, it is]. So, I think my next thing is I am going to work on my clothes closet .. Some things need to be donated , some worked on.. just a general clean up.. Not fun for sure..
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Judy. That plaid skirt is a favorite of mine! I've looked for plaid wool fabric at the store, to make myself a similar skirt, but the fabric they had felt more like flannel and not wool. Of course, I haven't been to the fabric store in over a year.

      Congratulations on finishing the file cabinet! I, too, want to work on my clothes closet - I'll join you! My problem is, I don't know if I'll stay at this weight, continue to lose, or gain weight again! So, I don't know if I should keep things that are too big now, or do I hold on to them (like I held on to some of the too small things which are starting to fit, again, now?) Such decisions!

    2. Yes BLess.. that is a hard decision.. Might pay you to stay away from the clothes closet for a little while. [Aren't I good at getting out of] ..
      Have a great day.

    3. LOL, I think a bit of closet reorganization is called for, even if I keep everything. The too big clothes can go to the back of the closet and the other items can be brought forward. :)

  9. Wow -- great job, Bless! I love playing around with my clothes, too and seeing how I can use what I have to feel like I've been graced with a new wardrobe.

    I love your long, full skirts.

    1. Thank you, Laura. Being able to come up with outfits from what I have is a bit of a blessing, right now! Not only does it save me some money (not a huge amount because my annual clothing budget is $120), but I've also decided I won't be shopping at certain shops in the near future due to a matter of principle, which makes it a little more difficult to shop. But it ties in with my goal of "thoughtful spending", so I am fine with it.

      I do like my skirts a bit longer! I find them more comfortable and I am at a stage in life where comfort is important. :)

  10. I love all the outfits that you have put together. :)

    1. Thank you, Debbie. I am slowly making my way down my closet!


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