Monday, October 18, 2021


Stripey Hugs the Curry Leaf Tree

Stripey Cat (also known as Will, as in "Where there is a Will there is a way" for his determined efforts to sleep in the planter with the chard plants and get into the okra bed) decided to hug the curry leaf tree, the other day.  I think there might have been a mockingbird on a higher branch that he was watching, but, he showed no signs of wanting to climb up the tree!  Instead, he clung to the tree for several minutes and then, jumped down.  He and the mockingbird have a little routine - the moment he comes into view, the mockingbird will dive bomb him and Stripey will give chase to the mockingbird.  When the mockingbird flies out of reach, Stripey will wander off and the mockingbird will dive bomb and it starts all over again!  Today, I watched him as he walked up and down the length of the garden wall, trying to figure out how to get down from it, until finally, he found the place where the asparagus fern is growing and jumped down, knowing the plant would cushion his fall!  His antics make me laugh!  Daughter says I am easily amused!  

I felt a little stiff and sore this morning when I woke up, so I took it easy and relaxed.  A cup of tea and morning prayers, then, leftover pancakes and a slice of ham for breakfast.  A phone chat with cousin P and neighbor T, both of whom told me to stop chasing rabbits!  LOL.

In the afternoon, I took out a tray of 4 chicken half breasts to thaw to cook for the upcoming week.  Then, I decided to do an inventory of the meat that I had left in the freezer, because that was the last tray of chicken that I had!  There is one single half breast (not a tray) and that is it for chicken!  Time to stock up on some chicken!  

I then decided to inventory the rest of the pantry which led to organizing some kitchen cabinets and sorting through the food storage containers!  Three lids without matching containers were discarded in the process, although, the last time I tossed what I thought was a container-less lid, I found out that my daughter had the container with her in Berkeley!  Of course, when she brought the container down, I had no lid for it!  LOL.

Midway through my pantry inventorying, I stopped for a sandwich (toasted ham and cheese - not quite croque monsieur, but, yummy!) and a cup of tea.  Dinner was leftovers - rice, green beans, and Italian sausage; daughter had rice and green beans for lunch and leftover pasta for dinner.

In the evening, I chatted with friend R.  

Later in the evening, we put in an order for groceries.  It included some baking supplies in preparation for the upcoming holiday baking season (butter, flour, and cornmeal), a couple of trays of chicken thighs for the freezer, fresh produce, and a few stock up items (canned condensed milk for my tea, coffee for my daughter, etc.)  I will find out, tomorrow, if everything I ordered will be available or not.  The convenience item was another packet of pot stickers and the splurge item was a package of bacon (on sale for $4.99 with digital coupon and loyalty card; $6.99 without coupon, loyalty card only).

Today, we had pleasant weather; sunny and a high of 76F.  The forecast for tomorrow, however, says it will be cloudy with a high of 66F.  No rain in the forecast, though.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Stripey/Will for keeping me amused
- Chats with family and friends
- Being able to order groceries online
- Pleasant weather
- What I was able to accomplish (kitchen cabinet organizing, etc.)

Today's joyful activity was chatting with family and friends.

Plans for tomorrow include picking up the groceries, the usual Monday routine cleaning, and cooking the chicken breasts I kept to thaw.  

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. Stripey Cat, aka Will, is quite a pretty cat & I'm with you on being entertained by his antics. I often find that's how my cupboards & frig get organized is when I go looking for something when meal planning.

    1. He is a cutie, isn't he? :) He's feral and afraid of me, but, knows that I'm the lady who doles out the food!

      My cabinets and fridge never seem to stay organized! Especially when I try to find room for the new items I buy!

  2. I had a little casserole dish that we used a lot, but lost the lid for it. We looked for over a year and finally decided to give it away. A couple of weeks later my son found the lid in his stuff. I think this was a classic example of Murphy's Law. :)

    1. Ha, ha, this is why I am so reluctant to get rid of things!

  3. What a beautiful cat! I'm happy to hear that you have regular entertainment from the Stripey and Mockingbird show. We never tire of watching the critters or the dog next door.
    It's cooling down here, single digits (celsius) today. I like to switch on the fake log stove in the evenings and put on the 4 flameless candles to give a cosy feel to the living room. Not authentic but a lot less work and safer.

    1. He is a cutie, isn't he? As naughty as they come, too, but, very cute. :)

      Sounds like you are getting ready for the cooler autumn evenings. The glow from a fireplace and candles can really make a room feel cosy. :)

  4. Sorry you are still feeling sore from your fall. Stripey cat seems quite a character and knows how to make you laugh. I hope you receive everything you ordered. here the site states what is unavailable at the time and it seems to be more and more items unavailable but we manage alright. Today I have had a lovely beach walk with the pup, she loves running around and I hope you have had a good day.

    1. I'm feeling much better, today, Eileen, thank you. Stripey is definitely a character. :D
      I received most of what I wanted - the store didn't have the specialty noodles that my daughter wanted, but, otherwise, they had everything else.
      A walk along the beach sounds wonderful. My day has been good, too, thank you. :)

  5. Hi Bless, sorry to hear you were feeling stiff and sore after your fall and hope it's easing off. Are you listening to the advice to stop chasing bunnies?

    I had a quiet Sunday but quite a busy Monday. I went shopping today, then home for an online class and lunch, then back to town to buy the rest of my spring bulbs and to meet J for coffee. It's been a good day.

    What are you planning to make with the thawed chicken please? I am looking for ideas.

    1. I'm feeling better, today, thank you, Eileen; it must have been a bit of a delayed reaction, yesterday. :) Ha, ha, yes, I haven't chased any bunnies since Friday! :D

      You did have a busy Monday and got a lot accomplished! I'm glad you were able to meet up with J for coffee. :)

      I was going to pan sautee two of the chicken breasts with a little salt and pepper and some onions! Nothing fancy. Once cooked, they will be added to pasta or salads, etc. With the other two, I want to try something called Thai chicken tenders, a recipe I found online, which calls for sauteeing strips of the chicken breast in sesame oil and adding hoisin sauce and creamy peanut butter! The recipe calls for garnishing with scallions, which I don't have, but, I might garnish with parsley, instead (there's some growing in a pot in the garden).

  6. What fun it would be to watch the cat and the mockingbird! They seem to have quite a dance going.

    1. It is fun to see them! I think they are playing; the bird seems to enjoy egging on the cat! :D

  7. Stripey is a pretty cat with those markings. I don't recall seeing him all stretched out like that. We know he bundles up well to fit in those pots he enjoys!
    I need to get some chicken for the freezer too. I got a couple pounds of butter for Holiday baking last week when they were on sale.

    1. Stripey is almost more spotted than striped, but, Spot sounds more like a dog's name than a cat's! :D
      Glad you were able to get the butter on sale. Hope you can get the chicken, too. I have some canned chicken on hand for an emergency, but, I prefer fresh/frozen for most of my meals.


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