Red Roses in the Front Garden |
The last time I took the car in for a service had been in July, 2021. I was supposed to bring it back for another service in November, but, our new Covid case numbers were on the rise and I postponed taking the car in. I wasn't driving it all that much, anyway, so I ignored the dealers' reminders that the car was due for a service. Finally, last week, I called and made an appointment to take the car in on Monday.
My appointment was at 9:20 a.m. and I was there, at the dealership, on the dot! The service technician ran off the list of services that were due - oil change, check fluid levels, tire rotations and alignment, etc., etc., etc. It would come to $XXXX. I handed him the coupons that I had received in the mail from them towards various services and the estimate was still, $XXXX - $xxx. Of course. This is why there is a line item in my monthly budget for car maintenance and repairs; I don't put it in a separate account, but, I have the funds earmarked for such expenses.
"How long will it take?", I asked. "Oh, probably until lunch time, maybe later." Sigh. They used to offer a free ride back home, but, they didn't seem to do that, anymore, and, in any case, that would have left me having to find a way to get back to the dealership to pick up the car. I was planning to wait for the car, no matter how long it took. But first, I made sure he had my cell phone number - there was one time when I sat in the waiting room, for hours, until past 6:00 p.m. because the technician called my home phone number and left a message that the car was ready, even though I had told him that I would be in the waiting room! Then, I made my way to the waiting area.
They had remodeled the building since I had been there, last; the big sales floor was now the waiting area and the former, rather small, waiting area was now some offices. There were two seating groups with upholstered arm chairs and a big screen TV, individual tables with some not so comfortable looking plastic chairs, high bar stool type seating along a counter with charging stations, etc. I chose to sit in one of the arm chairs as that seemed the most comfortable seating option. Except, these chairs had extra deep seats - good if you are tall, I suppose. Shorty me, at barely five feet tall, would have my legs sticking straight out if I sat all the way back to lean! I ended up putting my tote bag and purse behind me, as cushions so I could lean back!
Once seated, I pulled out the crochet project I had taken with me and worked on that, while I watched the entire morning program on the channel being shown on the TV! I normally don't watch daytime TV, but, now, I watched the talk shows and even an episode of a soap opera, before the afternoon talk shows came on! All the while hearing the "soft rock" music being piped in, as well.
I wore one of my N95 masks while I sat in the waiting area, but, I was about the only person with a mask, there. The office staff and salespeople weren't wearing masks. The vast majority of other customers waiting for their vehicles to be serviced or waiting to buy or lease a vehicle weren't wearing masks, either. One or two customers came in with their masks on, but, they pulled them down or took them off while waiting. I was very glad I had a N95 mask on and had recently had my 2nd booster!
At noon, the service technician came to see me - they checked the car and changed the oil, but, my battery (from 2018) was low and my tires were worn (they are the original tires, I believe, and have 41,000+ miles on them); he recommended I replaced the battery and all four tires, of course. They had a special on the tires, he assured me - buy 3 and get the 4th one free (I had seen the sign as soon as I walked into the building). I've experienced dead batteries (once while on the freeway, which was rather scary; I managed to coast to a shoulder) and a tire blow out while driving (a previous car), so, I said to go ahead and replace both. "How much longer would that take?" "Oh, another 3 hours or so." Well, it's a good thing I didn't schedule anything else for the day! The good news was I didn't have to replace my brakes, yet. Well, thank goodness for that! LOL.
I asked him if there was anywhere with a seat outside to eat the crackers I had with me and he said there was a bench at the very back, in their parking lot. I went there and took my mask off to eat a couple of crackers and drink my water. Then, I went back inside to wait. I finished the skein of yarn I had taken with me, so I couldn't crochet anymore. Instead, I pulled out my crossword puzzle book and did a few of those. Finally, the technician came to tell me the car was ready and I went to pay and collect my car. I was admonished to bring it in again in four months, even if I don't drive it that much, to have the fluid levels checked and a tune up done! Oh, joy!
It was 4:30 p.m. when I left the dealership - 7 hours after I went in and $2,275 poorer! But, I did receive two free bottles of water while I waited and a coupon for a free car wash! Yay! LOL.
I was tired when I got home! But, I took the trash cans out to the curb before I came inside and rested a bit, ate a snack (crackers, cheese, half an apple) and had a cup of tea. Later, I watered the front garden and did two loads of laundry. I had the last serving of soup with a piece of toast for dinner, chatted with friend R, replied to blog comments, and video chatted with my daughter.
Today, I am grateful for:
- Getting the car serviced, new battery, new tires, didn't need new brakes this time
- A comfortable waiting room in which to wait
- Time to crochet while I waited
- N95 masks
- Being able to pay the bill for the car service and new battery and new tires, etc.
Today's joyful activity was crocheting while I waited for the car to be serviced.
Plans for Tuesday:
- Relaxing
- Putting away the laundry
- Meal planning and cooking
How was your Monday? What are your plans for Tuesday?