The last time I did a pantry inventory was in September of 2016, which is found
Today, I updated that inventory, to reflect the recent purchases of 60 lbs. of sugar and 24 cans of tuna. Also, there was a very good comment about having sufficient storage space for stocking up. I have sufficient space in my kitchen cabinets for the items I buy. These pictures were taken today:
Storage for Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Hot Cocoa, etc. |
Three of the bags of sugar are stored in this cabinet. The shelves are adjustable if I need to fit in more. I could move the top shelf a little higher to accommodate another bag of sugar on top of the bag on the 3rd shelf, for example. The little white canister on the second shelf holds extra tea bags and there are two unopened boxes of tea behind it. The other canister holds sugar and there are two unopened boxes of hot cocoa mix behind it. The lower shelf is where I keep the canister of tea bags I use on a daily basis, the opened boxes of other teas which my daughter likes, the opened box of cocoa mix, pain relievers, etc. All in easy access. I might donate the coffee since I no longer drink coffee.
More Sugar, Jams, Chutneys, Cooking Oil and Sauces, and Ramen Noodles |
A fourth bag of sugar is stored on the top shelf of this cabinet; there is room for another bag of sugar, next to it, if needed. There are several jars of tomato chutney and three jars of jam stored on the shelf below. The shelf below that has a canister of oatmeal, the box of cream of wheat, the box of corn meal, and a big jug of teriyaki sauce. The lowest shelf has a bin with ramen noodles, a jar of chicken bouillon powder, cooking oil (vegetable and sesame), sauces (Worcestershire and soy) and a canister of salt. This is my only bottle of vegetable oil; I will buy a new bottle when I am about half way through it, otherwise, it goes rancid before I can use it all up. I also have an unopened jar of coconut oil in a different cabinet (which I didn't photograph because it is a bit of a mess and I didn't feel well enough to tidy it!).
I opened one of the bags of sugar and decanted most of it to a food storage container; what didn't fit in that container is stored in another similar container, and they are labeled and stacked one on top of the other in the cabinet I didn't photograph. The bag of sugar for my daughter is also stored in that cabinet.
This is my main pantry cabinet:
Canned Food Pantry |
The very top shelf stores rarely used china and my souvenir thermos mug from a visit to Disney World in the winter of 1975 - it has a bicentennial design on it. The blue and white Currier and Ives print china was bought from a thrift store for $.10 a piece, when I first came to this country. There were six plates that were used until they eventually broke; I still use the set of bread and butter plates on an every day basis, and the three coffee cups. What is stored up on the shelf are the soup plates, some tea cups and saucers, sugar and cream bowls (two of each).
The two jars of peanut butter I bought are stored on the second shelf up; all the cans of tuna are stored on the lowest shelf. I opened a can of cream of chicken soup for my dinner, tonight, so this picture is already out of date!
Here's my updated pantry list:
Approx. 10 lbs. of long grain white rice ( a little less than 1/2 of a 25 lb. bag)
Approx. 5 lbs. of basmati rice (1/4 of a 20 lb. bag)
Approx. 2 lbs. of red rice (lightly polished)
6 x 1 lb. boxes of spaghetti (and 2 opened boxes that were decanted to a container)
1 can of Manwich sauce
which could be used as pasta sauce if needed, I suppose
Flour/Pancake Mix/Cornmeal/Cream of Wheat/Oats:
5 lb. bag of all-purpose flour (in freezer)
1 box pancake mix
1 box cornmeal
1 box cream of wheat
1/2 container of rolled oats
1 can corned beef
3 cans mackerel
25 cans tuna in water (the 24 I bought plus 1 that was still in the cabinet)
1 jar fried dry fish (Sri Lankan food; there's an opened jar in the fridge, as well)
3 cans condensed milk
1 can coconut milk
5 cans cream of chicken
2 cans cream of mushroom
1 can cream of celery
9 packets of soup noodles
6 cans chicken broth
1 can vegetable bouillon powder (opened)
1 jar chicken bouillon powder (opened)
1 can sliced pears
2 cans sliced peaches
2 cans mandarin orange segments
2 cups applesauce(individual servings)
2x 64 oz. bottles apple juice
1 bottle mango drink
1 can coconut water
2 cans breadfruit
1 can garbanzo beans
2 cans pumpkin
2 cans red kidney beans
2 cans green peas
2 cans corn
dried mung beans and red lentils
Peanut Butter/Jam:
2 jars peanut butter
1 jar of homemade apple/pomegranate jam
2 jars of homemade lemon marmalade
60 lbs. white sugar
1/2 box powdered sugar (open)
1 lb. juggery (palm sugar)
open jar molasses
open jar honey
open bottle pancake syrup
open box of brown sugar
several bottles of palm treacle (some opened; some not)
2 cake mixes (chocolate)
1 cake mix (yellow)
1 cookie mix (snickerdoodle)
1 box cook and serve chocolate pudding mix
1 box flan mix
1 box instant pistachio pudding
2 packets pectin
2 envelopes yeast
1 bottle canola oil (opened)
1 bottle coconut oil
Open bottles of condiments, cooking sauces, etc.
Several packages of cereal (most opened)
I really need to clean out the other cabinet where I store the cereal, opened boxes of pasta, crackers, etc. Also, I could probably do with a couple of cans of chicken and maybe some green beans, etc., in my pantry. I certainly don't have enough stocked up for a year, but I'd like to have enough to see me through a major earthquake, when grocery stores will be closed and food deliveries will be uncertain due to road and infrastructure damage. What I'd really like to do is put together some well-planned pantry meals.
Today, I haven't felt too well. The cough has settled in my chest and I am thinking it was a mistake to have gone grocery shopping, yesterday. But no fever, although I took a Tylenol for the general aches and pains.
Today, I am grateful for:
- the abundance and blessings of a fairly well stocked pantry
- having enough space to store everything
- being able to work from home, especially when I am feeling ill
- a rest on the sofa in the afternoon
- my gardener friend mowing my back yard for me.
The monthly rosary prayer meeting is being held at a friend's house, tomorrow night, but I called and excused myself, since I don't feel well enough to attend and don't want to infect anyone else, either. One of my aunts, a cousin, and a friend called to check on me, although I told them to stay away so they don't come down with what I have. I am hoping I'll be well enough, next week, when my daughter comes home for a visit, as I certainly don't want her to get sick.
How was your Friday? What do you have in your pantry? Where do you store pantry items you buy in bulk?