Stringhoppers and Pol (Coconut) Mallung |
Thursday was a gloomy, rather cool day (highs in the low 60s).
Daughter was feeling a little better, but, still headachy and fatigued. She took the day off from work and rested.
I walked around the garden in the morning and checked on the plants; the pea vines are all but dead, but I managed to pick about five or six small peapods. I'll add them to the others I've picked this week and make a stirfry over the weekend.
In the early afternoon, I went to pick up the groceries. Again, no waiting or delays at the store and, this time, they had everything I ordered! I bought:
2 boxes frozen chicken potstickers/gyoza @ $6.99
1 can cream of celery soup @ $1.59
1 package flour tortilla @ $2.99
1 box raspberry flavored gelatin mix @ $1.99
1 jar dry roasted peanuts @ $2.19
2+ lb. bananas @ $.65/lb = $1.44
1.7 lb. grapes @ $1.29/lb. = $2.19
1 cucumber @ $.99
2 trays (family packs) of chicken thighs (buy 1 get 1 free) = $10.49
2 lb. pack ground beef = $8.98
1/2 gal. half & half @ $3.99
1 doz. large eggs @ $2.89
10 lb. bag potatoes @3.99
Total = $57.70
Some of the items, like the gelatin mix is for daughter when she has her wisdom teeth extracted (yes, all four of them!), next week! The canned soup is to replace the one I used when I made the ham tettrazini, last week, but, it can be made into a soup, too, if needed (I'm planning to make her some homemade chicken soup, as well or some other soups which I will blend for her and, of course, mashed potatoes). The potstickers (dumplings) are in lieu of meals out, but, they are also soft enough for daughter to have once her gums have healed a bit.
Daughter helped me to sanitize and put away the groceries. I froze the package of ground beef without portioning it. Each tray of chicken held 12 thighs. I froze the contents of one tray and four pieces from the second tray, in portions of four pieces each. I cooked the remaining eight pieces from the second tray and made a chicken curry with them.
Later in the afternoon, daughter and I received a delivery of stringhoppers and coconut mallung (grated coconut cooked with turmeric, onions, curry leaves, and other spices), compliments of friend R! She had ordered some for herself and some for us! How very kind and considerate of her! She is truly a blessing in our lives. The person who delivered them (the husband of the lady who made them) delivered my portion first as I am located on his way to R's apartment; I sent R a container of bread pudding and some curry leaves through him. I also offered him curry leaves any time he needed them; he was very appreciative of the offer.
I had eaten leftover waffles with the last bit of the old chicken curry for breakfast and daughter had the leftover gyoza (potstickers). But, after I made the new batch of chicken curry, daughter and I enjoyed a late lunch of stringhoppers, chicken curry, and coconut mallung.
After lunch, daughter took a long afternoon nap! I debated doing some gardening, but, it was so cold and gloomy, that I didn't feel like doing anything. Instead, I, too, took a nap! A shorter one than daughter, though! But, daughter said she felt much better after her nap, so, obviously, she needed it!
In the evening, I practiced the piano, although, currently, I am having a bit of a struggle with it.
Dinner was more of the stringhoppers with chicken curry, etc., although there were other choices in the fridge.
Speaking of the fridge, I think I need to figure out a way to vacuum the coils. I feel the fridge is not keeping the food cold enough and, probably, the coils are full of dust and cat fur! I've never vacuumed the coils before and the instructions say to unplug the fridge before you do anything else. But, in order to unplug it, I need to pull the fridge out of its spot between the wall and the kitchen cabinet. It is a side-by-side fridge/freezer and I am not strong enough to pull it out by myself (or, even with daughter's help). I might ask M if he can pull it out for me. Or, do you think it will be safe enough for me to vacuum the coils (which I believe are located under the fridge) while it is still plugged in? Has anyone vacuumed their fridge coils? Do you unplug the fridge before you do so?
On Thursday, I was grateful for:
- Friend R treating us to having a meal delivered to us
- Curbside grocery pickup
- Receiving everything I ordered
- Daughter feeling better, especially after her long nap
- A safe drive to the grocery store and back
Thursday's joyful activity was taking an afternoon nap of my own! LOL.
Today, Friday, is another cool and cloudy day (high of 64F). Daughter is feeling well enough to work, today. I practiced the piano and watered the back yard. Did a tiny bit of weeding in the front and chatted on the phone with neighbor T who called with a question. I am expecting M, later in the afternoon/early evening, to tend to the garden.
How was your Thursday? How is your Friday coming along?