Monday, April 13, 2020


One of the Pink Roses (taken on Saturday, when it was sunny)
Another cloudy day, although no rain, yet (at 2:45 p.m.).  Yesterday, it drizzled on and off during the day, but, the rain held off until later in the night; maybe it will do the same, today, too.

I spent a very relaxed day, yesterday.  Cousin P called and so did neighbor S (my piano teacher) to check on me, and I called aunt T to wish her for Easter.  I read a bit, walked about the garden for a bit, practiced the piano, watched the evening news, and knitted.  I had some of the Easter bread for breakfast, a late lunch of rice, fish curry, and green beans, and more Easter bread with my cup of tea in the evening.

Then, around 6:30 p.m., I had a phone call from friend S - "Husband is standing outside your door with dinner for you"!  I opened the door, and, sure enough, her husband was there, offering me a bag! (Friend S was in the car).  I was overwhelmed!  Friend S apologized for the "simple meal" saying she couldn't make a lot of curries because she had to work earlier in the day (she works at a grocery store and the grocery stores are open here, even on Easter Sunday).  I don't know what she was talking about:

Easter Dinner, Compliments of Friend S and her Husband
There was rice, pork curry, cashew and green peas curry, fried eggplant curry, two fish cutlets (fish and mashed potatoes made into balls which are then dipped in beaten egg and coated with bread crumbs and fried), two hard boiled eggs, fried pappadum in a bag, and a small container with a serving of watalappan pudding (made with coconut milk and palm treacle) for dessert!  If that is her idea of a simple meal, then I don't know what a fancier meal would be!  And I know she took a meal over to friend R, as well, because R called me later!  There is enough food here for me for several meals!  I don't know how to thank S!

In any case, I wasn't very hungry, last night, because I had eaten lunch so late and then, had some of the Easter bread, as well.  So, I just had the two fish cutlets and left the rest in the fridge.  I think I might freeze some of it, because I need to finish what I have cooked, first.

Brunch today was one of the leftover waffles with fish curry.

Neighbor T called a little after noon, today, and I chatted with her for a bit.  It had been a difficult Easter for her, yesterday, because her daughter couldn't visit her.  I think it was a difficult Easter for many people, wasn't it?

I know that many of us are chafing at the need to stay at home, but, I think of the alternatives and I am glad that I can stay at home, safely, and that, by doing so, I am avoiding the chances of getting infected by the virus and ending up in the hospital on a ventilator or worse!  I don't mind being told to stay at home.  In fact, I probably would have chosen to do so, even if I hadn't been required to stay at home!  I know that on my last trip to the grocery store (March 16) and my last visit to the post office (March 18), I felt very worried about being out in public, knowing I was increasing my risk of getting the virus every minute I was out and about.

My doctor's office called, too, to reschedule my appointment; it was moved to mid June.  I still need to call and reschedule my dental appointment.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being so generously blessed by friends
- Being so well cared for and looked after by them; I feel very cosseted! 
- Being able to stay safely at home
- Good health
- Being alive

Today's joyful activity was indulging in some of the watalappan pudding!

Monday's To Do List:
- Change bed sheets
- Load of laundry (bed sheets/towels)
- Dust living room & dining area
- Clean the fridge
- Take trash cans to the curb for Tuesday trash pick up

How is your Monday coming along?


  1. Oh Bless you have some wonderful friends. That watalappan pudding sounds so yummy. You are so right about staying inside, I had a reminder how important it was as a very close friend in France died of the virus last week. It has knocked me for six, because we have had such low numbers here in NZ ( 5 deaths) it wasn't quite real.
    I am really grateful that our country went into lockdown very early!

    1. Sharon, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's death. It must have been such a shock to you. I hope your numbers continue to be low.

      Yes, I do have some wonderful, kind, and caring friends, don't I? I feel very blessed.

  2. Hi Bless,
    The picture of your rose is beautiful. When I read your comment about what could you do for your friend, my immediate thought was to knit her a sweater. You do such beautiful work! If that’s too much, perhaps a scarf or a shawl. I make prayer shawls, but when I am just doing something for a friend, I will make a scarf and call it a friendship scarf. Just a thought. Glad you’re doing well with staying at home.

    1. Chris, that is a very good suggestion, to make a shawl or a scarf! Maybe I'll do one for her and one for her daughter, as well! Hope all is well with you and yours, Chris. Take care.

  3. The food looks delicious. You have some generous and thoughtful friends, Bless. X

    1. I do have some lovely friends, Jules. I feel very blessed.

  4. Wow, that is a huge meal and it looks so tasty! How thoughtful and generous of your friend.

    It's very cold here today, only 15° according to the thermostat in the living room so I have switched the heating back on. Maybe when I warm up I will get on and do something but so far this morning (it's 10:40 am on Tuesday) I haven't managed to get myself started!

    1. She is very generous and kind, isn't she? That's too much food for me for one meal! I think I will freeze some of it, but, first, I must make some room in the freezer!

      Ooh, that is cold! Hope you warmed up, later! We are having a sunny day, today, and the forecast says it will be warm, but, I am bundled up and have the heater on, yet!

  5. I know what you mean about going out & worrying about catching something. Thankfully you have abundance of caring & thoughtful friends. Staying home is definitely the way to prevent COVID-19. It's a virus that needs a live host to survive, so putting everyone out of the way, doesn't give the virus what it needs. Still so many people trying to figure ways to cheat the lockdown.

    1. I am blessed by friends who are helping me to stay safe and well. I try not to impose on them too much because I know that they are risking exposing them to the virus when they go grocery shopping, etc. But, they are still going to the grocery store because they have to (friend S, who brought me dinner, works at a grocery store). Otherwise, I can try to have groceries delivered to me. No matter what, I will try to do my part to keep the virus from spreading by staying home!

  6. Easter dinner at the door, you are blessed with wonderful friends. Watalappan pudding sounds yummy. Easter was a mixed emotional bag this year, but we are still counting our blessings around here. We weren't able to be with family, but were happy to know they were all happy and healthy, if a little stir crazy.

    1. I am being thoroughly spoiled by my friends, am I not? You have the right attitude, Susanne; it helps to count our blessings at times like these. Stay home and be safe and healthy. :)

  7. Just passing through to remind you that you are awesome, that the gift of lunch was probably because of that awesomeness and the kindness you show and that your pics are amazing. I love that rose, so beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Lyssa! Hope you pass through again, and soon! :D

  8. You are very lucky to have the friends you have.
    Like you, I would probably self isolate even if we did not have to, just to keep from passing anything on to Mom.

    1. Yes, I'm blessed when it comes to my friends. Yes, you need to be extra careful because of your Mom. You are a good daughter, but, we already knew that, didn't we? Take care of yourself and continue to self isolate for as long as needed.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Your friend gave you a fabulous feast and enough for several meals. It looks delicious. Self isolating is the best thing to do, to slow the virus, and stop the strain on hospitals and staff, so it is good we are doing that.

    1. She gave me way too much food! But, she is very generous, like that. Yes, I have several friends and family members who are on the front line, so to speak, working as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc., and they are all feeling the stress of the current pandemic.

  11. Your friend S is a marvel! What a nice person she is.
    Her kindness towards you shows just how much she cares and that is lovely.

    The other food she dropped off to friend R - Is that your same friend R that you visited a few times with things for her in your trunk? The same friend R that helps you often when you host your gatherings?

    (I'm just trying to keep everyone straight) lol

    1. S is really a very kind and caring person. She brought me food back when I was undergoing chemo, as well.

      Yes, it is the same friend R. :) We are all mutual friends. You are doing a good job of keeping track of who is who!

  12. I enjoyed a quiet Easter at home, but had lots of well wishes by email and phone. You have very loving friends who care for you Bless. You may never have to leave your house ever again. Ha,ha.

    My sister spent her Monday having a covid test done before her surgery. She says it is not very pleasant, but necessary.

    1. I'm glad your quiet Easter was brightened by the well wishes by email and phone, Susan. Yes, I do have some lovely friends, don't I?

      I hope all the test results will be good for your sister and she can proceed with the surgery. Will be keeping her in my prayers for the surgery to go well and for a complete recovery.


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