Friday, February 7, 2020

Amma (Mother)

My Mother 
Today is the 14th anniversary of my mother's death.  I've written about her, several times, for example here and here.  So, I won't repeat myself and bore you with details.   I am blessed to have had her as my mother.  I will be hosting tomorrow's prayer gathering in memory of her.  Today's plans include visiting her grave and the Temple.

Mother: 1920-2006

Anicca vata sankhara (All things are impermanent)
A Buddhist meditation

May you attain the ultimate release of Nibbana (Nirvana), Amma.


  1. Beautiful photos and your posts were wonderful tributes to your mother. She sounds like a wonderful woman who went through a lot of changes in her life. She definitely sounds like a woman who didn't do exactly what was expected of her but forged her own path.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. She was a very special person to me.

  2. Your Mum was a beautiful woman. Blessings to all of you xx

  3. What a beautiful lady. May your day be filled with lovely memories

  4. Your mother is so beautiful Bless xxx From decades of healing, clairvoyance and repression, I can tell you that when we go to the Heavens, between incarnations on this Planet of Blue, our spiritual heart (and this is nothing to do with the heart chakra, it is a strong reality, and in that heart, is everyone whom we have ever loved. So, forever in our hearts is on this planet, and in the heavens, too.

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. I know she is with me; I have felt her presence. :)

  5. Your mother was beautiful! Always important to remember and pray for our deceased. Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, remembering and offering up prayers for our departed is very important. :)

  6. Does your daughter look like her grandmother? That's what it looks like from what I remember. Hope you have a day of good memories.

    1. Yes, my daughter does resemble her grandmother quite a bit! Not only in looks, but, personality, too! Something that many family members and friends have noticed and commented on! :)

  7. Your mother was beautiful.
    May your mother attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana. 🙏

  8. You had a beautiful and wonderful mother ... who raised a remarkable and caring daughter ,,, who has now done the same- i love your 'family remembrances'-
    Thank you for remembering my girls at your prayer service- that means so very much- please know that you and yours are always in my thoughts and prayers too-
    Fondest regards-

    1. Thank you, Barb. You are very kind. :)

      It is a blessing to me to be able to pray for others, Barb; I believe in the power of prayers.

      I hope you have a lovely weekend. Are you still at your house or have you gone back to be with Paige?

  9. What a beautiful lady. I am sure you must miss her terribly. I hope you have a gentle and kind weekend. x

  10. Your mother sounds like a remarkable and strong lady. You must miss her. X

    1. I do miss her, Jules. She was a force to be reckoned with, as they say. :)

  11. Thank you for your prayers for us, Bless.
    Your mother was lovely and it's clear how much she meant to you.

    I hope your prayer gathering in her memory is a comfort.


  12. Your mother was a lovely lady....

    Gentle hugs....

  13. Your mother was a beautiful woman. May her memory be eternal.

  14. Just to let you know Bless, that I did write a comment here the other day, but it disappeared into the ethernet as soon as it was sent. I am forgetting what happened exactly, but I had a feeling it did not go properly. I waited a couple of days to see if it might pop up here.

    I told you that you must miss your mother's physical presence, especially on the anniversary; but that you must also feel her spiritual presence all of the time, and that must be reassuring. I think you "honour" her every day of your life.

    I got your message about prayer and thank you kindly.

    1. Susan, I'm sorry, but, I didn't get your earlier comment. I checked my spam folder, just now, to see if it went there, by mistake, but, no, nothing there, either. Thank you for commenting again.

      I do feel her spiritual presence, and it has manifested itself in a couple of ways that lets me know that she is watching over us. For example, one time, my daughter needed a new computer for some reason - I think she needed one with more capacity than the one she had at the time for school work. I was not sure if I should indulge her and buy her a new one; she was still a young teen at the time and I used to have this fear of spoiling her and enabling her to feel entitled. I told her I will consider her request, but, told her, "If your grandmother was alive, she would have told me to buy you the computer and given me the money to do so". I am not making this up, but, the very next day, at work, I got an email from my Human Resources section, saying that my retroactive check was waiting for me to pick up! What retroactive check, I asked. Apparently, I had received a raise that was effective from the beginning of the year, that I hadn't known about! I don't know how I didn't know about it, but, I was never told anything about a raise! There was about 6 months of retroactive pay in that check - more than enough for a new computer for my daughter! All I could think of was, this was a message from my mother - "here's the money to buy the child a new computer!" Yes, we went and bought a new computer that very evening!

      Yes, I mentioned the names of several people to pray for good health. I pray for them every night when I say my own prayers.

  15. There is no doubt in my mind that was your mother's hand.


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