Thursday, June 14, 2018

Productive Wednesday

Or, maybe I should say, "Sleepless Wednesday"!  It was 3:00 a.m. when I last looked at the clock, this morning!  Then, much to my surprise, I woke up at 7:00 a.m. feeling wide awake!  Not at all tired!  Didn't even feel like drinking a full cup of coffee!  I drank half the cup and put the rest in the fridge and had "iced coffee" when I came home from work, although I had a cup of tea, as well!

I had a productive day at the office and got a bunch of work done!  A lot more than I thought I'd be able to complete!  I did feel a little sleepy around 3:00 p.m., though.  If I had been home, I might have taken a nap around that time.  But, because I was at work, I couldn't do that!  Instead, I walked around a bit and drank some water.  It was freezing inside the office, as usual, but 90F outside!

After I came home, I put water to the front garden.  Then, put away the laundry from yesterday, did another load, and hung it up to dry.   Then, I cooked the chicken breasts I had bought, earlier.  I just pan sauted them with some onions, salt and pepper.  They will go well with salads or cooked vegetables or even in sandwiches.  Later, I did the dishes.

I filled out more retirement paperwork, today.  And made photocopies of all the documents I need to submit (birth certificates, divorce papers, etc.)  Later, when I was video chatting with daughter, I was telling her about the paperwork involved and she said I sounded stressed.  I was!  Some of the decisions I am making will impact her; even though the ultimate decisions are mine to make, I want to be able to discuss some of the details with her, so that she is involved and informed, as well.  We have decided that she will come down, next week, to go with me to the retirement counseling session.

Today, I am grateful for:
- A productive day
- My daughter will be able to accompany me to the retirement counseling session
- Water for the garden
- Safe commutes to the office and back
- A warm summer-like day

How was your Wednesday?  Does paperwork stress you, too?


  1. I was lucky in that I didn't have to go through all of the form filling relating to retirement. My pension is from my time when I worked for the Civil Service and was paid automatically in the month of my 60th birthday. There was only one phone call to confirm contact details and bank account, and that was it. I've been self employed since I left the Civil Service so provided for my retirement with a private pension plan which also paid automatically on my 60th birthday. It's been a lot easier than your experience, thank goodness.

    Glad to hear that you woke feeling refreshed and had a good day at work.

    1. I think I like your Civil Service system! As far as I know, there is no age when a pension gets paid automatically, over here, with the exception of an IRA (Individual Retirement Accounts), which must begin distribution at the age of 72.

  2. It's good that you are getting your daughter involved with retirement stuff. Paperwork can stress me too. So sometimes I start doing them very early. I'm very famous at work for turning in forms way before they are due. 😀

    1. I think your way of doing them early and getting them done and out of the way is the best way to go! All my procrastination is just adding to the stress! But, yes, I am glad I can get my daughter involved. I don't want her to miss out on receiving any benefits just because I was unaware of them. I want to make sure that she is provided for, when I die. :)

  3. Mostly, I just dislike paperwork. But if there are important decisions to be made and I don't know what to do, they definitely stress me. I'm sure you and your daughter will figure everything out.

    1. I think it is the decision making that is stressing me more than anything else. I didn't use to be that way; I used to be more self confident; make my decisions and go forward with things. But, now, and this is something my daughter has noticed and commented on, too, I feel less confident and dither!

  4. I hate paperwork! I don't think it stresses me, but I get bored with the details. However, think of what you are gaining! It will make the paperwork worth the trouble!

    1. It's the decision-making involved with the filling out the paperwork that is stressing me, Anne. The pros and cons of Option A vs. Option B! Health plan A or health plan B? I guess I want a sounding board, more than anything else, but I'd like daughter to be involved with decisions that I make that will impact her, as well.

  5. Isn't it amazing how sometimes one can have a short night's sleep and yet still wake up perky! I just wish it always happened that way. I did read that we shouldn't worry too much about our lack of sleep, just try to get enough all the same. I also read that when you are sleepy in the day, it helps to walk around and drink water - exactly what you did!

    I'm so glad your daughter will be able to accompany to the retirement counseling session. She will benefit from knowing what is involved, as she will be better able to understand what this new phase of life will be like for you.

    I drove to another town for an eye appointment today and then did some shopping and scored a dress and a skirt. Yay me!

    1. I guess, some days, a certain amount of sleep is all one needs, while on other days, one could sleep all day!

      Thank you, Bushlady; that's exactly what I was thinking, too - daughter will know all what is involved and she'll be in on the decision making.

      Well done on getting a new dress and skirt! I was just telling myself I need to go shopping for a few items of clothing, myself. I have a gift card my friend gave me for my birthday...that was 7 months ago!

  6. Making decisions has always been difficult for me. I like to discuss pros and cons with other people, usually by arguing against their advice so that I can see both sides. Sometimes, if I procrastinate long enough, the decision is made for me; and that is not a good position to be in. I'm so glad your daughter will be there with you.

    1. Susan, I was thinking of you and what you said in your post about having to make decisions on your own. I used to be better at making decisions by myself, but, increasingly, I want to talk things over with my daughter; I feel she needs to be involved, especially at this point in our lives.


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