Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Status Update

Had a consultation with the surgeon, this morning. He wanted some additional tests, including blood work, EKG, and an X-ray, done prior to surgery. So, next step is getting all that done - it'll be the usual round of paperwork with his office sending the request for additional tests to my doctor and she requesting referrals and authorization, etc.  Probably won't be scheduled for surgery for another 2-3 weeks. But that's OK - it's additional time for me to get my affairs in order. 

It was a good consultation. The surgeon was very reassuring.  DD went with me. She had 2 pages of written questions to ask! Surgeon answered all her questions, and, afterwards, turned to me and said, "She's good!"  :D

The surgery will be done on an out-patient basis (no hospital stay).  He will do what is known as an "open biopsy" which will consist of the removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue and several lymph nodes for testing to see if the cancer has spread.  Results will be sent to the oncologist and treatment, including any additional surgery, will depend on results and what the oncologist has to say, but most probably will be chemo followed by radiation. 

Afterwards, daughter and I went to one of our favorite Japanese restaurants to have an early lunch.  We stopped by one of our favorite bakeries for their raisin buns and had to wait for them to be taken out of the oven!  Nothing as good as freshly baked raisin buns, still warm from the oven!    Then, came home and we both took a long nap!

I did a load of laundry, later in the evening, and need to wash the dinner dishes.

Today, I am grateful for:

- A good consultation with the surgeon
- Daughter being there to ask the questions
- Lunch out with daughter
- Freshly baked raisin buns from the bakery
- All the phone calls from friends and family

How was your day, today?  Did you do something fun and special?


  1. Sounds like it's very little. Outpatient is good. The other tests you're having done before the lumpectomy are just routine for any kind of surgery. Be reassured.

    1. Yes; I am feeling much more hopeful and positive about things, after this consultation. Thank you. :)

  2. So glad your appointment was reassurung and your sweet daughtwr was there. Nice to have her compile the questions ... One less thing you have to coordinate. What a nice outing to the bakery ... And you cant beat fresh out of the oven! {{{hugs}}} to you both!!

    1. Carolyn, thank you. She's studying epidemiology and took a cancer epidemiology class, so this is right up her alley. :)

  3. I'm glad your daughter was there to help ask questions. She's a smart girl.

    1. Thank you, Jess. I'm glad she was there and knew what questions to ask (she went on-line and visited some cancer info. sites and researched).

  4. Bless, I am proud you got the consultation , out of the way. And so happy DD was with you.. This within it self, is helpful for you. SO happy the doctor talked with you, and was willing to answer all yours and DD's questions. This definitely will help you both to feel better. Praying for your surgery and recovery time.


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