Saturday, December 3, 2022

Monthly Balanced Life Goals: November Review and December Goals

It's time again for a review of my monthly goals for a more balanced life!

Very briefly, I picture my life as a wheel with ten spokes, each representing a different area of my life.  I have stated goals for each area and below each goal, I list how I plan to attain those goals.  The numbers within parentheses show my satisfaction ratings, with the beginning of the month ratings in black and the end of the month ratings being shown in blue. 

Spiritual (9.5)(10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life:

- Continue with daily prayers, meditation, being grateful, positive, resilient, and joyful
- Continue to cultivate non-attachment by being generous and giving to the extent I am able
- Visit the Temple

I finally visited the Temple in November and am happy I was able to do so when I did (Covid numbers, including testing positivity rates and hospitalizations have since increased!)
I have raised the rating back up to 10.

December's Spiritual goals will be the same as above, but, without a repeat visit to the Temple.  

House & Garage (7.5)(7.5):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming:
- Clean - Clean the house and garage as needed
- Organized - Continue to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place
- Well maintained - Keep "erasing the evidence"; implement daily and weekly cleaning schedules
- Decluttered - Continue with the decluttering process
I cleaned and tidied the house prior to my daughter's visit for Thanksgiving.  I am very glad that I did so and the house has remained tidy for the most part!  I didn't declutter the 30 items I had wanted to, but, I am happy with what I did declutter, which included several magazines and brochures, glass jars and food containers, a cardigan, and a set of bath mats.
I am keeping the rating at 7.5.  

December's House & Garage goals:
- All the above (Clean, Organized, Maintained, Decluttered)
- Decorate for the season
Garden (6.5)(6.5):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant:
Maintaining (water, fertilize, and weed)
- Start improving the parkway in the front

The garden is being maintained. M has been watering, tidying, weeding, pruning, etc. The parkway improvements haven't progressed much as M hasn't had time to buy the pebbles for me, but, so far, people haven't dumped any trash in the parkway since the pavers have been put in place! 
We put peas to germinate and they are just starting to do so and some self-seeded broccoli seedlings have popped up, too!   
I am keeping the rating at 6.5.

December's Garden goals will be the same as above.  

Daughter (10)(10) The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her:
- Keep in daily contact with her

I continued to have a close relationship with my daughter.  She was able to visit over the Thanksgiving holiday and having her home was wonderful.
A definite 10!

December's Daughter goals will, hopefully, include another visit home over Christmas and New Year's Day!    

Family & Friends (8)(8):  The goal is to have a close connection with family and friends:
- Regular phone calls and emails to check on them

I kept in touch with family and friends through texts, emails, phone calls, etc., especially on my birthday!  Friend R treated me to a birthday meal which was delivered to me and which made me feel very spoilt!  I hadn't anticipated having any in-person get togethers in November, but, as things turned out, there were several visits to be by friend A's side at the hospital and to share a Thanksgiving meal with her family.  I'm very glad that I did so, though.  
I am keeping the rating at 8.0.

December's Family and Friends goals will be the same as above; I do anticipate a family gathering or two at Christmas.  I might just drop off gifts at one of the gatherings and attend the other, instead.  

Community (10)(10):  The goal is to be involved in my community:
- Continue to participate in the various community groups to the extent possible in the following ways:
  - Participate in the blogging community
  - Participate in the online organizing group
  - Weekly phone calls with neighbor T
  - Food exchanges with neighbors from time to time
  - Participate in temple events if and when I feel it is safe to do so

Once again, I participated in my community in the ways that I felt comfortable participating, online or on the phone for the most part.  Neighbor S has kept me well supplied with treats and provided my daughter and me with a Thanksgiving meal and I've exchanged regular phone calls with neighbor T who is still at the assisted living facility.      
I'm keeping the rating at 10.

December's Community goals will be the same as above.

Finances (10)(10):  The goal is financial security:
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

I have continued to manage my finances, budgeting and spending as mindfully as possible.  The biggest expense in November was paying my property taxes, but, I budget for it throughout the year, so when the time comes to pay, there's money set aside for it.
I am keeping the rating at 10.

December's Financial goals will be the same as above. 

Health & Well Being (8.5)(8.5):  The goal is good health:
- Focus on continuing to improve my health through diet, hydration, adequate sleep, etc.
- Attend my medical appointments
- Continue to take my medications as prescribed
- Continue to take necessary precautions against viral infections

I maintained my health and well being in November.  I got my latest Covid booster, did some lab tests, had my annual appointment with the ophthalmologist and a follow up visit with my primary care physician.  Both appointments went well and my test results were mostly good.  
I am keeping the satisfaction rating at 8.5.

December's Health & Well Being goals will be the same as above.  I have one screening scan scheduled for December; otherwise, the month is free of medical appointments.

Time Management (8.0)(8.0): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner:
Spend time purposefully, mindfully
- Continue to focus on making my schedule work for me
- Procrastinate less

After slacking off quite a bit in October, I did better in November!  I did the paperwork and tidying up that I had been procrastinating on and, more importantly, I made the time for the important things such as being there for friends as needed.   
I am keeping the rating at 8.0.

December's Time Management goals are the same as above, with the addition of getting ready for the holidays (Christmas and New Year).

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Self-Care (10)(10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.
- Engage in daily joyful activities
- Engage in leisure activities
- Do crafts and pursue hobbies

I had another good month in this area of my life in November, too.  I started on a craft project, but, didn't finish it, which was fine; I participated in the monthly photo challenge, I did a bit of gardening, and relaxed.  
I am keeping the rating at 10.  

December's Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Self-Care goals will be the same as above.

November was a good month, overall, when it came to maintaining balance in my life.  The majority of the ratings stayed the same and I raised the rating for my Spiritual area with the long delayed visit the Temple!   I am rather pleased with my ratings, too, even if there is room for improvement in certain areas.  I am looking forward to December.

Do you make any monthly goals for a more balanced life?  If so, what are your goals for December?


  1. It sounds like you've more than met your goals. Well done!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I was quite happy with my month! I know there are some areas with room for improvement, but, I'm happy with the current ratings. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I did have a great month! Even if there was loss and sadness at the very end, it was still a very good month. :)

  3. You had a good month and kept your "wheel" balanced well.
    I know you are happy that you were able to visit the temple. Hopefully things will improve with covid and you will be able to do so again soon.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I am well pleased with how November turned out, all told. I will try to go to the Temple again in January, as I want to give some donations to the monks; I'm not sure if I will be able to hold an almsgiving again, next year, but I can drop off some donations, instead.

  4. I am inspired each month when you post these. One because you take time to be mindful about the different areas of your life, and two because you have a high rate of success of achieving your goals.

    1. Thank you, June. It helps me to note what I've done in each area; otherwise, I tend to feel that I didn't do anything in some areas and then, feel bad about it! As for the rates of success, I've lowered my bar time and time again! Maybe I am just fooling myself and playing mind games, but, I'm ignoring those things I can't or am not willing to do right now. I guess what I am trying to achieve is contentment with what I have, where I am, and what I am able to do. :)

  5. You've been very successful! I don't make monthly goals, really, no goals at all! I should consider some for the upcoming year. Yours are very clear and focused.

    1. Thank you, Celie. As I explained in my response, above, success is easy to achieve when one keeps ones expectations low! :D
      You might not be making monthly goals, but, I do believe you have some goals. I think you mentioned something about plans for retirement, in a few years. That can be a goal to strive towards and mini-goals might be steps to take towards that - finding out your retirement benefits, getting your financial matters in order, deciding where you will live after retirement and whether there would be a relocation or downsizing, etc.

      Something I learned when I was making my goals was to ask myself, "Why?" My original goal might have been "getting together with family for a meal once a month" - "Why?" - "to spend time together" - "Why?" - "To have a closer connection to them" (which is my current goal). With Covid, monthly get togethers came to an end, but, there are other ways to keep in touch and have a close connection with family.
      Another example: Goal is to lose 10 lbs. - Why? (In my case, at least) for better health (losing some weight has helped me get off two medications and reduced dosage on another two).
      The goal is not necessarily to lose 10 lbs., the goal is better health, and one way to achieve it is losing that weight.
      Asking the "Why") helps to clarify what the goal is and what steps must be taken to achieve that goal.
      Maybe you might consider something similar in the new year?

  6. Another good month, and I suspect you could increase the rating for the garden as despite the drought, you and M do a great job of organizing and maintaining a lovely and productive environment.
    We had a walk this afternoon and it wasn't overly cold and not windy, but I find that my nose runs and then I have to take off my gloves or mitts to find a tissue and then my fingers go white. Still, it's good to get out. We saw the cutest young squirrel down by the river.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The garden is doing well, but, I don't want to increase the rating until the parkway is completed. I picked up two tiny fejoa (pineapple guavas) that had fallen and enjoyed them, today. I didn't think there was any fruit on that tree, this year, so I was both surprised and happy!

      I'm glad you were able to enjoy a walk, but, that having to remove your gloves to find a tissue and having your fingers turn white must be a problem! It rained a little here, this morning, which was very welcome!

  7. An enviable state of affairs! Good for you :o)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I'm happy with how November turned out. :)

  8. Another good month for you Bless, and I'm glad your spiritual goal has returned to its #10 rating. Your response to Celie has helped me enormously and I will be reviewing my own approach by asking 'why' of each goal. Many thanks. xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. :)
      I'm glad that my response to Celie helped you, too. I had to take a goal-setting workshop for my work at one time and I learned that goals should be a broader concept ("good health" for example; it is usually something that can't be quantified) with more specific objectives (what good health means to you - "a healthier weight, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar" etc.; objectives can be quantified or measured) and steps to reach those objectives (a low fat, low sugar diet, increasing activity/exercise by walking, getting adequate sleep because there seems to be a connection between weight gain and sleep, etc.) I hope that helps. :)

  9. I really admire that you track your life goals like this; you are definitely reaping benefits from it.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. I'm wondering whether to continue doing so in the new year...


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