Saturday, February 17, 2018


On Friday, I went for my blood test.  They drew six vials of blood!  That was a lot!  Afterwards, I debated going to the fabric store (which was a few blocks up the road from the lab) to buy quilt
batting, but decided to do that another day.  I had been fasting, so, on the way home, I stopped by my favorite hot dog place to get a chili dog.  Back when I experienced loss of taste, their chili dogs were one of the few things I enjoyed eating!   I had some cantaloupe as well, and I saved some of the seeds to plant, later.  I don't know if I'll get any cantaloupe, but, if the seeds germinate, the plants will add a bit of greenery,

After brunch, I went to the garden center to get some plants for my garden.  I spent a pleasant half hour or so, walking around and looking at what they had.  I wanted something that would be water wise, sun loving, had some flowers, and, if possible, be edible, as well!  That was a tall order, wasn't it?  In the end, I bought five lavender plants, on sale for $5.98 each.  My total came to $32.74, with tax.  My gardener friend M planted them for me in one of the flower beds in the front garden, where the roses we planted a couple of years ago had died.  Hopefully, they will thrive and I'll get lots of lavender flowers.  I forgot to take a picture, but will do so, tomorrow.

Friend M also changed the bulb in the garage door opener overhead fixture, replacing the LED bulb with a regular bulb.  Then, I re-engaged the automatic opener (I had disabled it and had been opening and closing the door manually) and tried it.  It worked fine when I pressed the button on the wall, but the remote didn't do anything.  So, I guess it wasn't the LED bulb or the battery in the remote (I had put in a new battery), after all.  Which means it is something with the remote, itself.  I probably need a new remote.  I will look into that, tomorrow.

Neighbor T came over to talk to M (he does her garden, too) and I handed her a piece of mail that had been addressed to her but was delivered to me, instead. 

In the evening, friend R called and we chatted for a bit.  Another friend called, too, to ask for a ride to the prayer gathering on Sunday.  And, of course, I video chatted with daughter. 

I spent the evening watching the Olympic games coverage.  Dinner was some of the leftover beef steak I had cooked earlier, with half a baked potato (it was a big potato) and broccoli.  More cantaloupe for dessert.


Today, I am grateful for:
- Getting the blood tests done
- Insurance coverage
- Friendly staff at the lab
- New plants for the garden
- A sunny day

Plans for tomorrow include doing some much needed housework!

How was your Friday?  What have you planned for your weekend?


  1. Your going to have a nice smelling front walk with all of those lavender plants. I hope they do well.

    1. Thanks, Live and Learn. I am actually unable to smell lavender, but I love the color. I had another lavender plant, once, that M's aunt had given me - it died after awhile, but I am hoping that these new plants will do well. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    2. One thing that amazed me when we visited the fields of lavender in France is that the lavender actually doesn't smell unless you brush it or crush it between your fingers! I always imagined the Provence countryside smelling of lavender so I was a little disappointed!

    3. Yes, the scent is released when the plant is touched.

  2. Wow! Six vials of blood IS a lot. Maybe they thought you were there to donate blood. Ha.

    What a lovely way to spend some free time....walking around the plant nursery. I hope your lavender plants thrive. The flowers last so long into the season and the foliage is very pretty even when it is not in bloom. I bought some cantaloupe seeds earlier in the week. I have had success growing it here and freshly picked cantaloupe tastes amazing.

    1. Yes, I should have told them I was not there to donate blood! :)

      The nursery had so many lovely plants! I might go back and buy a few more, a bit later.

  3. Lavender is lovely and quite drought resistant so a good choice.

    Thursday we reached a cloudy record setting temperature if 80! Friday turned very cold and this morning light but wet snow. Just came in from cleaning off the sidewalk, steps and driveway. This type of slushy snow will refreeze at night so certainly didn't want that.

    Glad your blood work went well.

    1. Sandy, that is a quite contrast in weather in just a couple of days! Glad you were able to get the steps, etc. cleaned. Definitely don't want it icing over!


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