Blue Skies and White Clouds |
On Tuesday, we had a daytime high temperature of 100F, in the afternoon. I think that was another record high for this date.
I received my natural gas bill ($35.29); my baseline for the billing period is 13 therms at a rate of $0.84 per therm and I had gone over that baseline by 1 additional therm and used 14 therms during the billing period! That additional therm was billed at $1.24. In addition to these basic charges, there are other charges in the bill - a customer charge, a gas transportation charge and a gas commodity charge, both based on the amount of therms of gas used, and taxes and fees added on, too. Plus, there was an insert in the bill about a proposed rate increase!
Earlier in the month, the gas company had sent me an email notification, that I had used 8% more energy than "energy efficient" homes, with a bar graph showing "energy efficient" homes using 12 therms and stating I had used 13 therms. Apparently I used one additional therm between then and the billing date! Must have been the fact that I used the oven to bake that cake! My stove/oven, heater, clothes dryer, and water heater are all natural gas appliances. I haven't used my heater yet (although I do have the pilot light lit) and I haven't used the clothes dryer; I haven't used that much hot water (at least, I don't think I have) and I haven't used my oven that much, either, but, I guess I cook too much?
In the winter months, when I have the heater on, my gas bill goes sky high and the gas company emails me that I use way more than average. They do say that they are doing this to make one more aware of gas use and help with conservation and in no way is it a judgement based on use, which is good to know! LOL.
I did a load of laundry in the morning and hung everything up inside the house to dry. Then, I brought the empty trash cans in, took the kitchen compost to the pile in the garden, did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen sink, cleaned the litter box, perused the grocery ads, chatted with friend R, checked with cousin P's daughter to ask if they are in the path of Hurricane Ian (she said they are expecting some rain and maybe being without power), and replied to blog comments. Thank you, everyone for your very kind comments about the front garden.
Neighbor S called me in the morning and offered me some pizza! The funny thing is, I had dreamt of pizza in the night! She gave me two types of pizza and I had a slice of each with the salad I had planned to have for my brunch, today! Dinner was another slice of pizza and a piece of mango, followed by some cake and ice cream!
Today, I am grateful for:
- S treating me to pizza
- Working appliances
- Being able to hang laundry to dry inside the house (my daughter, for example, isn't allowed to hang any laundry to dry inside her apartment, according to her lease, due to concerns about mold, since it is so humid up there)
- video chatting with daughter
- Warm, relaxed days
Today's joyful activity included feasting on pizza, cake, and ice cream! LOL!
Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M, doing some tidying up in the family room, and sewing.
How was your Tuesday? What are your plans for Wednesday?