Friday, March 10, 2023



Plum Flowers

My biggest accomplishment on Thursday was taking the tax documents to the tax accountant's office and handing them to her!  She will review them and do my taxes for me; I have an appointment with her to finalize the taxes, sign the documents, and pay her, of course.  

I spent a fairly relaxed morning, answering blog comments, catching up on a couple of blogs, cleaning the litter box, etc.  Then, in the afternoon, I dropped off the tax documents and came home.  I spent the rest of the afternoon watching online videos and repairing the quilt.  I had to insert new quilt batting in some area because the old batting had disappeared!  Either it got wadded up and migrated to another portion of the quilt or, it came off!  

Osteospermum Flowers

Later in the evening, I watched news and knitted.  Cousin V called and we chatted for a bit and later, I called friend R to check on her.  

Afterwards, I cooked rice and a dhal curry to have for dinner, with some of the chicken curry I had in the fridge and cucumber slices.  I did the dishes while dinner was cooking.  After dinner, I made a batch of yogurt.  I put the yogurt mixture in the oven, after preheating the oven for a few minutes at the lowest setting, to firm up overnight.  I might have to reheat the oven for a few more minutes before I go to sleep.  Sometimes, in cold weather, especially, it takes longer than overnight for the yogurt to form.  

The week's grocery ads came in the mail and chicken is on sale for $0.99/lb. again.  I still have some chicken in the freezer from when I bought two trays of chicken in February.  I wasn't planning to grocery shop this week, but, now, I'm wondering if I should stock up on chicken at that price or wait!  Well, the prices are good through next Tuesday, so, I still have time to decide.

Crocosmia Flowers

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to drop off the tax documents for the tax accountant to work on
- A safe drive to the tax accountant's office and back
- Phone calls with family and friends
- Video chatting with my daughter
- Working appliances 

Today's joyful activity was dropping off the tax documents with the accountant!  

Plans for tomorrow include some housework, making the ham and split pea soup, and more quilt repairs.  It is supposed to rain, tomorrow, which will be good for the garden!  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?


  1. Your osteospermum flowers are so pretty and plentiful. It's good that your taxes are done for you and that takes a lot of pressure off you. I like to stock up when things are on offer as you never know what the price will be afterwards. Most of our snow has gone now thank goodness but we didn't have nearly as much as other parts of the country.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I love how the osteospermum looks. I used to do my own taxes, but, have been using a professional tax preparer for the past several years. Don't have to worry about being audited!
      Glad your snow has mostly melted; we are having rain!
      Yes, I'm tempted to stock up on the chicken at that price; you never know what the price will be the next time it goes on sale.

  2. The flowers are lovely, all in their own unique way. You must be happy to get the tax documents delivered. DH is mailing his return today, I am just working on mine, in between adjudicating in squirrel squabbles on the front porch!

    1. The flowers cheer me up. :) Yes, I'm very happy to get the tax documents off my desk! Ha, ha, enjoy settling those squirrel squabbles! One of the monks at the temple has been feeding the squirrels that visit the temple and apparently, they will climb up to his lap to get a treat and if he ignores them, they will pull on his robes to get his attention!

    2. Yes, squirrels can be quite demanding and I can remember one like that years ago. I reflected at the time that it was a good lesson in why one should never feed bears!!

    3. Too funny about feeding the bears! :D

  3. I didn't remember that you had a plum tree. Is it new?

    1. We bought it a couple of years ago, along with the Asian pear, the nectarine, and the persimmon trees. There were two tiny fruits the first year, which fell off before they were fully developed, and there were about 6 or 7 fruits, last year. I'm hoping we'll get a few more fruits this year.

  4. Your osteospermum look lovely. Mine definitely haven't survived the winter ... I wasn't really expecting them to but M said it was worth a try. We usually treat them as annuals over here so I will be getting some more plants this year.

    I'd buy the chicken while it's on offer if you have the space in the freezer. It's something you eat regularly so will be good to save on the cost if you can. I'm planning to do a few trips to the supermarkets next week to see if I can pick up some yellow sticker bargains on their chicken and fish, bringing the costs of meals down where I can.

    I joined the new history group and enjoyed the talk about the Princes in the Tower. I'm not sure that I'll go to all their meetings but there are a few talks in the future that interest me. xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen; these are the osteospermum growing under the orange tree. I'm sorry your plants didn't survive the winter, but, it's good that you will be getting new plants this year. Maybe try saving their seeds and see if they grow for you?

      Yes, I am thinking it would be good to stock up on the chicken. The way prices keep going up, I wonder if they will be on offer at that price for much longer! I can take advantage of a couple of other sale items, too, and I can make room in the freezer.

      Glad you enjoyed the talk about the Princes in the Tower and joined the new group. :) Your social calendar is filling up nicely, isn't it?

  5. Hi Bless, I was thinking the same thing about chicken for .99 a pound at Stater Bros. I try to buy an extra whole chicken at that price, and keep it in the freezer.

    1. It makes sense to stock up when there is a sale, doesn't it? Having an extra chicken or two in the freezer would be a good thing. :)

  6. Sounds like a good day. Glad you got the taxes dropped off. Hope they go okay.

    1. Thank you, Sharon; yes, it was a good day. :)

  7. It must feel good to have the tax documents all organized and handed off to your accountant. I always feel a sense of accomplishment when that is all taken care of.
    You are still diligently working away on your quilt repair. Good for you.
    I have widow inserts that I put in in the window on a few of my north facing windows in the winter. I have decided to use my old quilt to wrap them in prior to sliding them under the bed for their off season rest lol
    So the quilt I've never gotten around to fixing now has a new job :)

    1. It does feel good to have the tax documents organized and given to the accountant. I spoke with her, yesterday, to confirm the appointment, so that's all taken care of, too.
      I'm about half way done with the quilt repairs! I plan to wash it once I'm done with the repairs and no doubt, I'll find a few more new repairs will be needed!
      I'm glad you found a use for your old quilt! I'm assuming that you'll leave it as it is? :D

  8. It is so lovely to see all those flowers. It is looking a lot like spring has arrived in your garden. X


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