Saturday, January 9, 2021


Daughter and I slept in on Saturday.  I spent the rest of the morning replying to blog comments, reading and commenting on some other blogs, checking emails, and playing sudoku online.  I had a piece of toast and the last of the seeni sambol (spicy onion relish) for brunch, followed by a pear.  

In the afternoon, daughter and I drove over to see friend R.  Daughter had decluttered eight purses/handbags that she no longer wanted which we gave to friend R to pass along to her daughters and granddaughter and friend R gave us the rest of our Holiday gifts that hadn't arrived in time.  Daughter and I stayed in the car and R took the bag of purses from the trunk and put the bag of gifts in the trunk - it's our version of contactless pick up and delivery!  

After we came home, I practiced the piano and then, walked in my driveway for 15 minutes.  It was a sunny day with a daytime high of 73F and daughter came to sit outside in the garden while I walked.  While we were outside neighbor S's daughter N called out to us from across the street and brought over some food she, her mother, and grandmother had made:

LAUSD Coffee Cake, Kufta, and Blinchik

The coffee cake is made according to the recipe used by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to make the coffee cake that is served in their school cafeterias.  According to my daughter (who attended LAUSD schools from kindergarten till she graduated from high school), it was a favorite snack and brought back childhood memories!  The kufta is a type of meatball and the blinchik are crepes filled with cheese or meat (there were a couple of them with a mixture of feta and mozzarella for me because they know that my daughter doesn't like cheese and the rest had a meat filling).  I sauteed them in a little oil and we had them with a cup of tea (me) and coffee (daughter): 

Blinchik, after being sauteed

They were delicious!  Then, we each had a piece of the coffee cake, too!

A few minutes later, N texted my daughter - a friend of hers had just delivered a box of doughnuts and would we like to have some?  Well, of course we would!  LOL.  She brought over two glazed doughnuts which daughter and I ate in lieu of dinner!*  They were the first doughnuts we've eaten since the pandemic started!  Afterwards, we shared a pomegranate and some carrots as a snack!

* Update: I ate some turkey meatball curry and bread, much later, for a late night snack dinner!  

In the evening, I started undecorating the Christmas tree with daughter's help.  I didn't finish taking down all the decorations, however, because I got tired.  Undecorating will continue, tomorrow!  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to visit friend R
- Being blessed with more delicious food by my neighbors
- Doughnuts!
- A sunny, warm winter day
- Daughter's help with undecorating the tree

Today's joyful activities included visiting friend R and enjoying the food my neighbors provided.

Plans for tomorrow include more undecorating and perhaps doing a load of laundry.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. cake. I might just have to bake some now that all our Christmas treats have disappeared. X

    1. Sounds like a good idea, Jules! Got to have some treats to take on your walks and have with a cup of tea or glass of milk! :)

  2. How lovely that you and your neighbors have such a good relationship! When I was a child we had a close knit community here in the cove. Sadly those neighbors are gone and most houses are only lived in seasonally now. Have a great week!💖

    1. I am blessed to have such good neighbors. They have become friends over the years. :)

  3. You and your neighbors share the most interesting food. This delivery looks like the treats were fairly labor intensive to make. How nice they shared.

    1. Yes, they are labor intensive to make and I am very grateful that they shared. One of my former neighbors showed me how to make the blinchik because I really liked them when I had some at one of their parties, but, I'm afraid I never made them after that!

  4. Sounds like another good day and all the treats looks delicious, especially the blinchik - yum!

    1. It was a lovely day, Martha, and, yes, the treats were delicious! :)

  5. Hilarious how the food kept arriving! I can understand why the coffee cake was made at home. I have fond memories of some items we had at school, including chocolate puffed wheat squares.
    Another sunny day so we walked in our woodlot.

    1. Oh, I remember having puffed wheat cereal as a child! I don't think it was chocolate, though, but, it was a favorite!

      Glad you had another sunny day in which to enjoy a walk. :)

  6. I think following up the donuts with a fruit and vegetable makes it a balanced meal, right?

    Those blinchiks look very good. It was very considerate of S to remember your daughter doesn't care for cheese.

    You sure do get a lot of food gifts!

    1. Yes, I think the fruit and vegetable balanced out the doughnuts! :D I do receive a lot of food gifts, don't I? Love every mouthful of it, too! :)


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