Friday, September 4, 2020


We warmed up, again, today, with a high of 96F.  I kept the living room drapes closed to keep the afternoon sun out (west-facing window), in an attempt to keep the house cool.  The stand fan was sufficient to keep me cool for most of the afternoon, but, I turned the ceiling fan on, later.

Today's main accomplishment was more cleaning in the kitchen.  I pulled out everything from one small lower cabinet and washed the inside of the cabinet before putting everything back.  I keep several small appliances in this cabinet, including the waffle maker, the blender, and the hand-held mixer.  I rearranged everything and now, things are easier to access and there is room for everything.  I also cleaned the rest of the kitchen counter, cleaned the microwave, and washed a couple of cabinet doors.  I have two more lower cabinets to clean - the corner cabinet and the under the sink cabinet. 

My daughter received a grocery delivery, today, and she said that she, once again, received several fresh produce items free of charge!  Extra peaches, extra bananas, and an extra lettuce!  She is pleased!  LOL.

Today, I am grateful for:

- M tending to the garden

- Water for the garden

- Electricity

- Daughter received extra free groceries

- What I was able to accomplish 

Today's intentional joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.  Although, cleaning that kitchen cabinet was a close second!  It was something I had been wanting to do for some time, now, and it made me feel very happy to get it done!  I don't always like to clean, but, every now and then, I get into a cleaning frame of mind and it is almost therapeutic! 

Friday's To Do List:
- Clean the bathrooms - DONE
- Do one deep cleaning task (kitchen) - DONE
- Tend to the garden with M - DONE
- Practice the piano - DONE

Saturday's To Do List:
- Practice the piano
- Clean one kitchen cabinet?
- Water the front garden

I generally don't schedule any cleaning tasks on Saturdays, but, I will see if I feel like doing one of the remaining kitchen cabinets, tomorrow.  If I do, it will have to be in the morning before it gets too hot.  Tomorrow's forecast calls for a high of 111F - I just might turn on the a/c in the bedroom and clean out my closet, instead!

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday?  Anyone having special plans for the long, Labor Day weekend?


  1. I'm feeling that I want to tackle housework and more decluttering so that's what I'll do over the next few days ... you've inspired me, Bless.

    The extra fresh produce was a lovely bonus for your daughter. I wish we had the same on our deliveries. I think next week I may attempt a shopping trip for food items so I can choose my own produce and hopefully pick up some yellow stickered items for the freezer.

    Our weather seems to be the opposite of yours. It's sunny but chilly, only 18°C as I write this, but we're not due any more rain for the next week so that's good.

    1. Well, that's good to know I've inspired you, although you're mostly decluttered by now, I think, and you do a good job keeping up with the cleaning.

      I hope you have a very successful shopping trip and find lots of good bargains. :)

      We usually see our hottest temperatures in September. The cooler, fall weather doesn't start until sometime in October. Glad you are having some dry weather in the forecast. You'll be able to go out a little more.

  2. It is a lot of hard work at the time but it does feel good to know everything is thoroughly cleaned and you can stand back and admire the results.
    I hope you have a more restful weekend. I plan to. X

    1. Yes, it is rewarding to look around and see cleared surfaces and tidy shelves, etc. I think I will have a more restful weekend; I am not feeling very energetic this morning. Glad that you are planning to rest, too. Have a lovely weekend, Jules. :)

  3. Your weather sounds about like mine, so hot! Hope you are able to finish up today. Have a great weekend :)

    1. Yes, this weekend is supposed to be hot! Thank you. We shall see - my energy level seems to have dipped way down overnight.

  4. Hi Bless, You do such an excellent job with your cleaning! I need to do the same. Just took a swim in the lake, and basked in the warm sunshine. It was so therapeutic. I chatted with my neighbor, who was also there.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Can't let you have all the fun of cleaning like you did, the other day! :D I imagine the lake was nice and cool for a swim. It is rather hot, down here. Stay cool!

  5. You’ve been in a cleaning and decluttering mood lately. Hehee
    I too find cleaning very therapeutic.

    I don’t have special plans for the weekend. I spent both yesterday and today grading assignments so I can relax on Sunday and Monday.

    1. Yes, I have, haven't I? I did another kitchen cabinet, today!

      You've been busy with your grading! I hope you have a nice little mini break over Sunday and Monday. Take care.

  6. You are getting a lot done despite the high temperatures. You must have a nice sense of accomplishment.
    I hope you are drinking a lot of water.

    I have been working in our garage getting rid of things, cleaning and rearranging so that things are more easily accessible.

    1. Thank you, Debra; yes, I am feeling a nice sense of accomplishment. :) I am feeling like I am taking care of a few neglected areas.

      I am trying to drink plenty of water, although I probably should drink even more!

      Sounds like you are busy with some cleaning and tidying, yourself. The garage is another area I need to clean, but, that needs to wait until it is a little (or a lot) cooler!


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