Thursday, April 11, 2024

Roses on Thursday

The Roses Are in Bloom!

We are having another lovely, warm, sunny day with a high of 83F.  But, tomorrow's high will only be 69F and there's rain in the forecast for Saturday (and maybe Sunday, too) and cooler weather for the following week.  It seems that the roses in the back garden have decided to make the most of the sunny and warm weather and bloom all at once!  Makes me want to sing, "Everything's Coming Up Roses", even if I don't have a voice like Ethel Merman (but, then, she had a voice that was one of a kind, didn't she?)  

The First Yellow Rose

My new neighbors next door are painting the outside of their house and doing more renovations.  I woke up once to the sound of their drilling as they took off their window security bars to paint the walls, but, I went back to sleep and slept through the noise!  The next time I woke up was when Dancer asked for breakfast.  It was 9:30 a.m.

Pink Rose  (blooming through the osteospermum)

The last rose is looking a bit distressed; we might have to thin out some of the osteospermum plants to give the rose bush more air and sunlight.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- The roses blooming in the garden
- Another sunny and warm day
- Being able to open the windows and doors to let the warm air in
- The scent of jasmine from the vine outside the door
- Working phones!

Today's joyful activity was walking in the garden, admiring the roses and other flowers.

Brunch was French toast; dinner will be spaghetti with meat sauce (I made the sauce last night for dinner; need to cook more pasta for tonight's dinner)

How is your Thursday coming along?


  1. Your roses are gorgeous! Some trees here have tiny buds and a few hostas are breaking through the ground, but that's all so far. I'm glad you got your phone sorted. I hope your new neighbors are nice.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Sounds like spring is slowly making its way over there. Having the phone issues resolved has been a big relief! The new neighbors seem nice, so far. They are very busy renovating the house and garden.

  2. Your roses are so pretty. Do you have problems with mildew like many roses are prone to?

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, I get powdery mildew on the roses. We try to remove the affected leaves and stems and try not to get the leaves too wet when we water.

  3. Such beautiful roses. My Mum loved roses. When we were growing up she grew them in the back garden. They always grew so wonderfully.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. My mother, too, loved roses (when she was alive, we had close to 100 rose bushes!)

  4. Bless your roses are stunning. That yellow is such a lovely colour of yellow not too gold. I hope that your phone issues have resolved for you.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. Yes, the phone issues have been resolved. :)

  5. Your roses are looking so pretty. And 83 degrees is certainly a good temperature for you to take a walk among them.
    I'm glad you were able to fall back asleep with the work going on next door.
    It must be looking really nice with all they've done.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It was lovely weather to enjoy the garden, yesterday. Today is overcast and cooler.
      I'm getting good at sleeping through noises! The neighbors are still painting the house, today. I'm thinking of asking them how much they'll charge me to have my house painted!

    2. I think that's a great idea. They are right there and it doesn't hurt to ask. At least you'll have an idea as a starting point for budgeting for it.

    3. Yes; I need to wait until I can talk to the owner. I tried to talk to some of the people doing the painting, yesterday, but, there was a bit of a language barrier. :)

  6. Your roses are doing so well. Perhaps the rain helped the plants grow strong. I always liked Ethel Merman's "gutsy", exuberant, way of singing. There was no mistaking who was singing when she opened her mouth!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I'm enjoying looking out and seeing the roses. The rain certainly helped.
      Ethel Merman certainly had a powerful voice, didn't she?

  7. The roses are beautiful. I especially love the yellow one.
    Right now, I can only dream of such temperatures. I've just put the heater on, as I'm feeling so chilly. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules.
      Those lovely temperatures didn't last long! The weekend has been cooler and rainy. Today (Sunday), it is 53F and the heater is on!


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