Thursday, June 15, 2023



The rescued chrysanthemum plants that M planted, last year, are flowering!

On Wednesday, when M was here, we picked all the peaches on the upper branches that had to be reached by ladder.  We must have picked at least 15 lbs. of fruit!, if not more.  But, some of them were rotting and others were split (and some of the split ones had insects inside them).  I tossed the rotting ones (they went into the compost heap), but, thought I could salvage the split ones.  

Then, as I was bringing the fruit inside, the handle on the patio door broke!  It has happened once before, too, and I replaced the handle.  But, these handles only seem to last for a few years before they break!  So, while M was still watering the garden, I went to a nearby big box building supplies/DIY type store.  They had replacement patio door handles, but, not the right size for the pre-existing holes in my patio door!  They suggested I try a local hardware store and I did, but the only one they had in the right size was without an outside key lock (it could be locked from inside, jut not from outside).  Which was inconvenient for me, because I use this door when I leave and enter the house as it is the closest door to the garage.  But, I bought it, anyway, because I needed to close and lock the door at night.  

M urged me to go to a different DIY store that he likes to go to, saying they will probably have handles there.  So, I had a sandwich (it was about 3:00 p.m. and I hadn't eaten anything), had a quick chat with my sister who called right then, and went to the store that M had recommended.  But, again, they didn't have the handle that would fit my door .  So, I went to a 4th store, another big box store, and they, too, didn't have a patio door handle which can be locked with a key which would fit my door.  They suggested that I order one online.

I tried one more store on the way home, but, they only sold new doors and windows and the hardware for those.

Considering the fact that I haven't been inside a store (other than the pharmacy and that one trip to the dollar store, last week) at all in the past 3 years, I managed to go to five stores in one afternoon on Wednesday!  I am so glad I had my latest Covid booster last week!  I feel more confident about having to go shopping in person!

I also put gas to the car while I was out and about as I was down to 1/4 tank of gas.  Gas was $4.69/gal. if you paid cash; it was $4.79 if you paid with credit, at the station I went to.  At a different station across the street from that (different brand of gas), it was $4.79/gal. if paid with cash and $4.89 if by credit.

In the end, daughter and I ordered a new patio door handle with a key lock online.  In the meantime, I fixed the handle I bought - it will work as a temporary fix until I get the new handle.  

I was tired when I got home, but, there were all the peaches to deal with!  I washed them all, cut up the ones that were split and bruised, made a batch of jam with them and kept the rest of the peaches in the fridge to deal with on Thursday!   

Today, I am grateful for:
- M helping with picking peaches
- I had my newest booster when I did!
- I managed to get some type of patio door handle in the right size
- Gas for the car
- Phone call from my sister

Today's joyful activity was picking peaches.  

Plans for Thursday include processing the rest of the peaches and taking some to friend R.  Oh, and doing a load of laundry!  All the kitchen towels need to be washed!  

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. That sounds like a very tiring day. Shopping always wears me out. And then to come home to peaches to process. Hope you slept good last night.

    1. It was a tiring day, June; I'm no longer used to shopping in person and going from store to store in search of one particular product! In the end, I got to the point where I couldn't relax enough to fall asleep! But, I slept well once I did fall asleep. :)

  2. At least you have a temporary lockable door handle but it must have been frustrating not to find the one you really need locally. We don't have that situation here where petrol is cheaper if you pay by cash but I wholeheartedly agree as I prefer to pay cash. You really have had a bumper crop of peaches and I'm glad you are able to use most of them.

    1. Yes, Eileen; I wanted to be able to lock the door at night when I went to sleep! In addition, I placed a cut off metal broom stick in the groove in which the door slides (it's a sliding glass door) to prevent the door being slid open, if the lock didn't hold.
      The dual rates for gas/petrol is a relatively new thing, here; I think it went into effect when businesses were charged a fee for processing credit card payments. I usually pay by cash, anyway.
      I am enjoying a lovely crop of peaches, this year! I shall preserve as much of it as possible, eat some fresh, of course, and share with friends. :)

  3. You really were out and about to all those hardware stores! Yes, it's a good thing you recently had the booster. Too bad none had the right door handle. That is a lot of peaches to deal with! I imagine they are delicious. Today I went to a farm store where they sell their own strawberries. I will freeze some, but eat most fresh. There's nothing better than fresh picked fruit!

    1. I was out and about wasn't I? My sliding glass door has predrilled holes that are 4 15/16 inches apart and most of the door handles that were available were for doors with holes either 3 15/16 inches or 6 inches apart. Either my door is an oddity or it is the most popular and the handles sell out quickly!
      I have an abundance of peaches, this year! I made some room in the freezer to freeze some for later, but, the rest will have to be preserved in some manner.
      Yum! Fresh strawberries! Enjoy them!

  4. So glad you managed to get the right size in the end!

    I was a little apprehensive about being out and about at first, but now it seems pretty normal except I am more cautious around people coughing or getting too close. I wasn't a fan of people getting close to me in the first place!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, ordering online was the way to go, which is sad, in a way.
      I was very nervous about being out and about, but, it was something I needed to do as I wanted to be able to lock the door that night. I was very glad that I had received the latest booster! I think I will continue to be careful in the future, going out only when I need to.

  5. You are going to get a reputation as a lady who shops ;)
    I am glad you have a temporary solution at least.
    Yay! to even more peaches. Xx

    1. Ha, ha, yes, that's me, a lady who shops! :D Thank you, Jules; the door handle has been fixed. Lots more peaches still on the tree!

  6. Wow! You did reenter the retail world with a bang didn't you? lol
    What a shame your trips weren't more fruitful but I guess you're getting all your fruit-full experience from dealing with the peaches. (haha I couldn't resist)
    It's good you were able to order the exterior lockable handle online and also good you picked up something to get you over the hump.
    15 more pounds. It's almost a good thing they weren't all eatable because that is a lot to deal with. Not that I wouldn't be grateful to have such a probable. :)

    1. I sure did, Debra, and the thing is, I was so upset about the door handle that I couldn't even enjoy it! But, I'm glad I had taken my booster shot a week or so prior. The door handle has been fixed and now, I have a spare should it break again (hopefully not, though!)
      The peaches were plentiful, this year, but, they spoiled too quickly.


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