Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Groundhog Day

Well, according to the news, Punxsutawney Phil the Groundhog saw his shadow this morning and predicted six more weeks of winter!  Which is probably why it got so windy and cold, over here!  But, the day was sunny and clear, if windy; I opened the windows in the afternoon to air out the house.

In the morning, M was here to tend to the garden.  He brought me some camellia flowers from his garden and a hollyhock seedling.  He also watered the front and did some tidying up and cleaning in the back.

I tidied and vacuumed the family room, today, watered the few indoor plants that I have, and checked the grocery ads.  I will probably need to pick up half & half for my daughter by the end of this week and I'll probably pick up a few other things, as well (I keep a running list of items needed on the fridge door).  

I made French toast for brunch, at my daughter's request.  We had leftovers from Monday's dinner so I didn't cook the fish curry I had planned to make.  I'll make it for tomorrow night's dinner, instead.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- A sunny day, even if it was windy
- M helping with the garden and sharing plants and flowers from his garden!
- Emails and phone calls with friends
- A safe and warm house
- What I was able to accomplish

Today's joyful activity was walking around the garden and admiring the plants and flowers with M.

Plans for tomorrow include:

- Cleaning the kitchen
- Tidying my bedroom
- Some mending

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Does Punxsutawney Phil always get it right or are his predictions open to interpretation?

    I like camellias and you know the colours or will that be a surprise?

    I'm expecting friend L today. She's coming round to lunch and will probably stay for the rest of the afternoon. Apart from that I've been trying to play a very simple duet (2nd part is a recording) without much success ... it can only get better!

    1. Oh, I'm sure Punxsutawney Phil gets it right, every time, but, he conveys his prediction to the President of the Groundhog Club in "groundhogese" (according to the news sources)and it's possible that the President is not always translating it properly, him being human and all that. According to the news sources, Phil has been accurate about 40% of the time in the past 10 years. :D

      The hollyhock plant is supposed to be a "black" hollyhock, with dark maroon flowers. We shall see! I had a camellia bush with dark pink flowers (with white markings) in the back yard, but, it died, along with the majority of my rose bushes, during a 4-year long drought, a few years ago. I have not replaced it.

      Sounds like a lovely day, Eileen. Enjoy your visit with your friend and learning your new piano piece. :)

  2. It sounds like it was a good day! I had to work for a few hours, took care of paperwork and phone calls, and visited a few blogs. A quick run to the grocery store and continuing some deep cleaning are on the agenda for today. I hope you have a nice Thursday. :)

    1. Yes, it was a good day. :) Sounds like you had a very busy day as usual! I wish I had some of your energy! Hope your day is going well. Stay safe!

  3. It was not sunny here yesterday. It was cloudy all day and there's going to be rain all day today. However, I think Phil got it right. February is our snowiest month and it's still cold in March although warming has started.

    1. Are you in the path of this predicted winter storm? Hope it passes you by! Stay safe!

  4. I am doing a severe kick start food plan this week so I am trying to not look at anyones meals, but I saw French Toast and started drooling!
    Have a great week with hopefully beautiful weather!

    1. Oops! Sorry, Anne! You did not see French Toast, I promise! It was your keto soup! I just called it by a different name! :D

      Thank you, Anne; hope you, too, have a lovely week.

  5. I had to look up Punxsutawney Phil the Groundhog and was surprised it means six more weeks of winter just as you said :) I think Spring may arrive early here as we have had a fairly mild winter, well fingers crossed.

    1. Phil apparently has a 40% accuracy in predicting the weather in the past 10 years, but, I think it might be due to human error in translating from "groundhogese" to English by the President of the Groundhog Club! :D I hope spring arrives early for you. :)

  6. Camellia and hollyhock are surely welcome additions to any garden! Hope they thrive for you. Gosh, six more weeks of winter ... I guess that could be about right though. We are told the prospect of snow is not out of the question. It has been very cold all day here, even indoors with the heating on.

    1. I had a camellia bush growing in my garden, but, it died a few years ago and I didn't replace it. But, maybe something to consider growing again (M brought me some camellia flowers). The hollyhock seedling he brought me is supposed to have "black" flowers (a very dark maroon from what I've read). I hope it grows! Yes, six more weeks of winter! Today is a sunny day, here, and 67F. I think you'd like it. Even I was comfortable in just my blouse and sweater when I went out to the garden. :)

  7. My parents' house had a lovely Camellia bush in the garden. I seem to remember reading that Camellia and Tea plants are related.
    Wednesday was mild for the first time in weeks and I went up the road to the mailbox in the sleet with an umbrella. Today it is freezing again and the trees are covered in snow - so pretty. We had the driveway plowed this morning in time for me to go into town.

    1. Yes, the tea plant is a type of camellia - Camillia sinensis. My camellia plant died during that long drought period we had a few years ago; I didn't replace it, but, I am thinking that it might be nice to have another bush or two. They do require a lot of water, though.

      I'm glad you had a mild day, although, I've a feeling that what might be mild to you would still be downright freezing to me! :D Glad your driveway was plowed in time for you to drive into town. Have a lovely day, Bushlady. Stay warm!

  8. It's very hot and muggy here in Auckland, New Zealand. I love camellias. My youngest has always had them outside her home, since she was a wee one. And that's why I love them.

    1. You are at the height of your summer, aren't you? Try and stay cool! Camellias are very pretty, aren't they?

  9. French toast sounds good. It's been awhile since I've made it. We usually have it for dinner instead of breakfast. Yes, it looks like the little rodent is calling for 6 more weeks of winter. I'm okay with that, I like winter. We just had a snowstorm come through our area. It's beautiful but it sure caused a lot of chaos with car crashes, car pile ups and fender benders. Some people were stuck in their cars for hours. It is very, very cold. Bitterly cold, and will be for the next few days. Have a good Friday. Denise

    1. French toast is good at any time of the day! When I was growing up, my mother would make it for a tea time snack. It's amazing the amount of damage a snow storm can do! It doesn't have to be a lot of snow, either, especially in areas that are not used to snow and often lack the proper equipment to clear roads, etc. Stay warm and safe out there, Denise! Hope you have a lovely day, today, and a good weekend. :)

  10. I think it is just as well that there is 6 weeks more of winter, as Easter is very late this year. So it may all work out just fine.

    1. Easter is in mid-April this year, isn't it? Hopefully, winter will be over and there will be nice spring weather, then. :)

  11. It was cold and windy here as well. It's definitely 'hide under blanket' weather here.

    1. It has warmed up nicely, here. Still breezy, but, a high of 70F and sunny. It's still sweater and socks weather for me, but, it is nice and springlike. :)

  12. Reading about your French Toast reminded me of that box of pancake mix I bought and haven't used.
    Might be time for some pancakes soon.

    I hope you can get that little hollyhock to grow. Is it too warm in your area for hollyhocks? I guess not since M brought the seedling. Such excitement at your house!

    1. Maybe pancakes for Sunday breakfast?

      Hollyhocks will grow here; my mother grew some several years ago. :)


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