Monday, October 18, 2021



Today, October 18, is the 101st anniversary of my mother's birth.  I have written about her in previous years, so, all I'll say here is that she was a wonderful mother to me.  I visited her grave this afternoon and, after saying a prayer or two for her, I sang Happy Birthday to her.  LOL.  She would have appreciated it!  She liked to celebrate birthdays.

I didn't order any flowers from the grocery store to take to the cemetery, partly because I know she would have preferred flowers from the garden.  Unfortunately, this year, there weren't many roses in bloom, only one small white rose.  But, I managed to put together a small mixed bouquet with some stems of moringa flowers, the blue plumbago from the plants she persuaded M to obtain for her when they were out and about one day (M still talks about that experience), a couple of cosmos flowers (out of the frame of the picture; she loved cosmos and grew them in the garden), and some greenery from the garden. 

Mixed Bouquet of Garden Flowers

The cemetery isn't that far from my house and I think I might have the answer to where the coyotes that occasionally wander in my neighborhood come from:

Sign at the Cemetery
This sign is posted every few feet along the driveways at the cemetery!

It had rained early in the morning (while I was still sleeping), even though the forecast had not mentioned any rain!  The rest of the day was partly cloudy and partly sunny.  The high was 66F, but, it felt warmer in the sunshine!

I had picked up the groceries before I went to the cemetery.  They had most of what we had ordered; the only item they didn't have were the shirataki noodles that my daughter had wanted.  They had substituted a name brand butter for the store brand that was advertised, but, since they charged me the same amount, I am happy with the substitution!  I will probably do another post about the groceries, but, in brief, I stocked up on chicken, baking supplies, coffee for my daughter, and my total came to $142.95.  

Dinner: Compliments of Neighbor S!

Yesterday was neighbor S's mother's birthday and this evening, S brought us dinner!  Rice, barbecue, hummus, marinated/pickled vegetables, and two pieces of her homemade gata!  Daughter and I enjoyed our dinner (and we'll enjoy the leftovers, tomorrow).  I know I keep saying this, but, I have been blessed with some lovely neighbors.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- My mother, for the years I had with her, for the memories, for being able to visit her grave
- My daughter, for all the many ways she shows her love and caring for me
- Neighbor S and her family for being some of the best neighbors and friends
- The availability of groceries and being able to buy them
- Being able to pick up groceries curbside

Today's joyful activity was chatting with cousin V who called to say she remembered my mother with a special prayer.  That meant a lot to me.  

Plans for tomorrow include cooking the chicken I didn't get around to cooking, today!  

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. How lovely to honour your mother's birthday as you did. The flowers are lovely. Cosmos are so pretty with their delicate foliage. As you read in my blog, my week is going to be quiet until tomorrow, the Big Day

    1. Thank you, Angela. I used to host the October monthly prayer gathering in her memory, but, the prayer gatherings have stopped due to the pandemic. I am keeping you and Bob in my prayers and I know everything will be OK. (((HUGS)))

  2. Your love for your Mum shines out in your words.

    I'm glad you were able to collect your groceries and that only one item wasn't available. I don't know if the shortages are more to do with media scaremongering than the true reality of the situation. I have decided to keep a little extra in stock though.

    The meal from S looks so delicious. She really is a generous friend to you.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. She was very special to me. :)

      I was very pleased I was able to get most of the items I wanted. I haven't been to the stores, myself, but, I do remember the empty shelves back in March of 2020, just before the first lockdown! It's always good to have extra supplies, though; especially for someone like me who lives in an earthquake prone area!

      I am overwhelmed by S's generosity! I think I need to get busy with some baking, this weekend, so I can reciprocate even a little!

  3. What a lovely tribute to your Mother, very pretty bouquet of flowers.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. She preferred garden flowers to ones bought from a florist and she preferred potted plants to cut flowers! :)

  4. Your mother was a beautiful woman. Do you think you look like her?

    1. Thank you, June. When I was younger, everyone told me I looked like my father, but, now that I am older, I'm starting to look more like my mother! Earlier this month, when I was visiting with my cousins, one of them looked at me and said, "For a minute, I thought it was Aunty L!" :)

  5. Beautiful photo of your mother. The flowers are just right and have meaning. How sweet of your cousin to remember and to call you.
    I think I heard coyotes the other night, haven't heard any for months.
    Well, S is determined that you will not starve but feast regularly! Such a kind person.

    We have a glorious sunny day even if it was only 3C when we got up (that is rather too close to freezing for my liking.). DH is working in the yard, I have been doing morning chores but will get outside later. Yesterday I transplanted 3 rudbeckia to the front entrance and repotted the lemon tree. I've noticed that the sprig of basil I brought indoors has developed. roots so I will need to put it in a pot for winter use.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The flowers weren't showy, but, as you say, they have meaning. :) It was very sweet of my cousin, wasn't it? It's the first time she has done that and I think it is because she lost her mother, last December.

      S is such a kind and generous person! She is always sharing her delicious food with us!

      Oh, but, that is cold! Brr! But, at least, it is sunny! Sounds like you've been busy in the garden! I bought a basil plant, earlier this summer, but, it promptly died! It might be a winter plant for us!

  6. Your mother looks a lovely lady, our mothers are so special aren't they. My mother 's birthday was Boxing Day and I suspect she knew her last one would be her final one here on Earth and she died in the February. I'm glad you got most of the groceries you ordered and your meal looks delicious. On Monday the pup had a nice run on the beach but today has been quite gloomy with showers of rain so we just went for a short walk. I hope you are feeling less achy now, take care.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, our mothers are special to us and we miss them when they are gone.
      I'm sure Tilly enjoyed her walk, today, even if it was a short one due to the weather. Stay warm and dry!
      I'm feeling fine, now. There are the usual aches and pains, of course, partly due to the side effects of the various medications I take, but, no additional aches from the fall. :)

  7. Beautiful mother and smile. My mum was born on October 17th, and passed away at 68. Mothers leave such love in our hearts.

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. Your mother was a Libra, too! 68 seems to be so young to pass away. I'm sure you miss her.

  8. I always enjoy reading your posts about your dear Mother, and the memories you share of her. I recall all those years ago when you were working full-time and your daughter was active in dance and other activities … you were super busy but had your Mother there to help. I especially loved reading about her love of roses and if I recall correctly, there were over 100 Rose bushes in your garden. Sweet memories! She was such a beautiful woman! The bouquet of flowers is lovely.

    1. Carolyn, thank you! It's so good to hear from you, again! You have a good memory! Yes, I was super busy back then, wasn't I? Especially after my mother broke her hip and had her strokes and dementia set in - then, there was the care of her in addition to everything else! Yes, we had almost 100 rose bushes, back when she was alive and could garden. :)

      I hope you are well and your family is well too. Looking forward to hearing from you, again. Do, please, keep in touch; I'd love to hear how you are doing! I've checked your blog from time to time, but, haven't seen any updates.

    2. We're all doing well. I really do need to get back to maintaining my blog - it was such fun. I ran across an email address for you from back in our GON days and just sent you can email. It's been fun to follow along on your adventures through the years!

    3. Thank you, Carolyn; I replied to your email! It was lovely to catch up with you!

    4. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Happy Birthday to your Mother, Bless. The bouquet you made for her is lovely.

    My husband's father's birthday was the 19th. He would've been 104.

    And more delicious looking from your neighbor S!

    1. Thank you, Debra; I guess my mother and your father-in-law were of the same generation. :)
      Yes, neighbor S's mother's birthday was on the 17th, and she brought us our share of the birthday dinner! Such a generous thing to do!


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