Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Quiet Days


Another Set of Three - Candle Holders

I took this photo as part of the WPSH, for prompt #1 A Set of Three, but, chose the trio of elephants for that, instead.

On Saturday, I felt a bit under the weather, as, towards the evening, I began to get my sinuses blocked and the back of my throat feeling a bit scratchy.  In pre-Covid days, I would have thought it was a cold and not thought twice about it.  But, these days, my first thought was to wonder if I had been exposed to the dreaded Corona virus!  But, I had not gone out and come into close contact with anyone who was not masked, etc., so, through a process of elimination, we concluded that it was allergies.  Probably from all the dust with daughter cleaning her bedroom and me going through all the dusty piles of magazines and papers she was decluttering, tearing them up for recycling, etc.  Or, maybe it was the lovely, but, potent, perfume from the rose scented candle as I am not used to it!  

On Sunday, I couldn't get warm!  I was bundled up in wool sweaters and scarf, sitting in front of the heater, and still feeling cold deep inside me!  But, at least, the sinuses were clear and I didn't have a scratchy throat!

I had put mung beans to soak on Saturday night, which I boiled for our breakfast on Sunday.  Often, we eat boiled mung beans with grated coconut or katta sambol or lunu miris (which is another spicy mixture of raw onions and dried chilies, ground together) for breakfast, but, on Sunday, I chose to eat it plain and my daughter had hers sprinkled with sugar!

Afterwards, I took the kitchen scraps to the garden to be composted, tore up more papers to recycle (removing name and address labels, etc.), and did a couple of loads of laundry, including the dust sheets on one of the family room sofas.  Daughter finished cleaning her bedroom and set up her desk with her work files and work computer, in readiness for work on Monday.  Then, she vacuumed the family room for me and took a virtual "couch parkour" class, which uses the sofa or couch as the obstacle course!  I watched her doing her routine, including kick overs, back limbers, and shoulder rolls from the living room.  It gives jumping on the sofa a whole new meaning!  LOL! 

Daughter had leftover rice and curries for dinner; I felt sort of bloated all day and didn't feel like eating much, so had a scrambled egg and an orange.  

Yesterday, Monday, I felt much better.  Whatever it was that was affecting me over the weekend seemed to have worked its way out of my system, thank goodness!  I got up just before daughter woke up, made my tea and put her coffee to brew.  Later, we had leftover boiled mung beans for brunch.  I did more laundry, filled the recycling bin to the brim, took the trash bin and recycling bin to the curb for pick up in the morning, flattened some cardboard boxes to put down in the side yard as a weed barrier, sewed the seams of the sweater I've been knitting and picked up the stitches around the neck to knit the neck band.  By then, it was 5:00 p.m. and daughter had finished her work for the day.  We had parathas with chicken curry with our evening tea and watched some news.  We both took a short nap on the sofa, while watching news!  Afterwards, I watched the rest of the news while daughter cooked teriyaki chicken and steamed broccoli and snap peas for our dinner.  Later, I practiced the piano, chatted on the phone with friend R, and cleaned the litter box.  

Today, I made us waffles for brunch.  I brought in the empty trash bin and recycling bin.  I have more papers to be put into the recycling bin!  It is now just after 1:30 p.m. and daughter is working.  There are leftovers from last night's teriyaki chicken and vegetables that she made and we will have that for dinner.  Plans for today include going through the rest of the papers for recycling and watering the houseplants and the garden. 

Today, I am grateful for:

- Feeling better

- Daughter being able to work from home

- Daughter sharing the cooking

- Sunny, warm weather 

- Fresh oranges from the tree in my garden

Today's joyful activity will be knitting.

How is your week coming along?


  1. I sure am glad you are feeling better. Sounds like all is well otherwise :)

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, all is well, other than my asthma acting up, today.

  2. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I think we all fly to "oh no is that COVID" these days, especially with the new strain circulating. Good that you & your daughter are getting things cleared out, what a great way to start the new year.

    1. Thank you; yes, everyone is starting to feel just a bit paranoid these days, I think!

  3. I am so glad whatever it was passed quickly for you. I am also glad your daughter is with you to help out and keep you company in these trying times. :)

    1. Thank you, Debbie. Yes, it is such a blessing to have my daughter home with me!

  4. I enjoyed reading about your day! Somedays it seems we don't get a lot accomplished but once you write it down it definitely adds up. Sewing the seams of your sweater sounds like you got a huge task done!

    1. Thank you, Miss Kim. Sewing the seams of the sweater is one of the least favorite tasks of making a sweater, as far as I am concerned!

  5. I, too, think twice about every little discomfort or malady I have when in the past I might not even have noticed them. Does it help when you are tearing paper if you wear a mask?

    1. I have managed to get rid of all the papers, for now, but, yes, in the future, I will be wearing a mask! Apparently, I need a mask when I water the garden, too, because I had an asthma attack, yesterday, after watering the back garden!

  6. Like the others, I too am glad you are fine. Sounds like the very picture of domestic bliss! (I find myself fancying curry!)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I wish I could send over a plate of rice and curry to you!

  7. Is your daughter more ruthless with her decluttering than you would be? I wonder if there are any treasures going that you would like to save. I like your glass candle holders - do they make pretty patterns on the walls from the candlelight?

    1. My daughter is much more ruthless with her belongings than I am! But, these are all her stuff - posters, old anime and dance magazines, text books from when she was at university, her old class notes related to her degrees, and various manga books she feels she has outgrown, etc. She feels that she hasn't needed any of it in the past 5 years and is ready to let it go.

      To be quite honest with you, I haven't noticed if the candle holders make a pattern on the walls. I shall have to pay more attention to that, the next time I use them!

  8. So glad that whatever you had passed quickly. I think many of us immediately think COVID when we get a scratchy throat. So far, so good here.
    Decluttering here and I have a daughter that just purges constantly...but she doesn't have the 'connection' to pieces with history that I have. Kind of sad, really.
    Have a good night- xo Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana. Glad you are doing well, too. Yes, it is hard for me to declutter because I am so sentimental! Just about everything around me has a memory attached to it.

  9. Glad you are feeling better! So nice your daughter can still be at your home. Andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Hope all is well with you, too.

  10. The candle holders are so pretty. I am glad you are feeling better. DH sneezes and snuffles at times but it is due to allergies. However, these days one always wonders!
    I guess when you wrote your post today, it "was" a quiet day, until the afternoon. We have been glued to the desktop watching events. I am glad that you have your daughter with you as it is all very distressing. But this too shall pass.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, I wrote the post yesterday. Today, we were eye witnesses to history, weren't we? I, too, have been glued to the TV, from basically midmorning and only stopped to go to the dentist's!

  11. I'm glad you're feeling better, Bless. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I worry a bit more than usual, when I don't feel quite 100%, these days!

  12. I'm glad you're feeling better and, yes, it was probably from all the dust and paper particles stirred up from cleaning.
    (maybe why we shouldn't clean too hard! lol)

    I was thinking your daughter was doing all of the work on her room to get it ready for a spot to work from home when she started back to work.
    I'm glad your house is such that she has space to do that. It will aid her in her work productivity.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, it was probably dust, I should have worn a dust mask!

      Cleaning her room was something she had been intending to do, but, hadn't really had the time to do on previous visits. This time, she was motivated because she had a reason to do it! She could work from the dining table, if she wants to, but, she prefers being in her bedroom - she can close the door if she's having a Zoom meeting, etc.


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