Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Another good day!  Air quality fluctuated between being 'moderate' and 'unhealthy for sensitive groups', but, I didn't experience any difficulties and I was able to keep a window open most of the day.  

Today, I watered the back garden, knitted, practiced the piano, brought in my trash cans and neighbor T's trash can (she called and thanked me, later), and ran the dishwasher.  I also watched some TV (cooking shows and news, for the most part).

My daughter sent me today's drawing:

Day 6: Rodent 

The drawing is of hamsters from a Japanese anime series known as Hamtaro; depicted in the drawing are the main character, Hamtaro (in the green monster mask), Bijou (dressed as a witch), and Penelope (as a ghost), all ready for Halloween!   Daughter recalled the time when one of the fast food/hamburger chains gave out Hamtaro toys in Halloween costumes with their kids' meals and how we used to go there to get the toys!  She still has them!  

By the way, Eileen at A Bracelet of Days has said that the theme for the October mini photo challenge is Animals, if anyone is interested in joining.  You have to take a minimum of 5 photos of animals during the month of October and then, post them on your blog.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Better air quality

- Water for the garden

- Working appliances and electricity to run them

- Emails and phone calls with friends

- Reminiscing with my daughter

Today's joyful activity was knitting.

Plans for tomorrow include vacuuming.

How was your Tuesday and what are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. Glad your air quality at least is not absolutely horrible.
    Love your daughters art!

  2. Good to hear the air quality is improving for you.

    Are you just following the election news or is it any news story that catches your eye?

    1. Thank you, Eileen.

      I watch a mixture of national and international news (British, Japanese, French, and German, all broadcast in English on our public TV channels); the election is one of the dominating news items, of course, along with the pandemic and the economy.

  3. I didn't notice the air quality, either, Bless. I slept with my windows open last night. I am doing some housecleaning today. I did a big shop at Costco. Phew! I have to work on a writing assignment this afternoon.

    1. I'm glad the air quality is better, Stephenie. I am not brave enough to sleep with a window open! Sounds like you've had a busy day! Hope your writing goes well. :)

  4. I'm glad your air quality improved slightly so that you could open a window. Is it still so hot where you are?

    I've been cleaning the side of my garage. It's very shady and scuzzy green algae stuff (my technical description) was on the shingles so I've been scrubbing it off so we can paint.
    It's a pain but well worth the effort as it looks nice and fresh.

    My trees still haven't been removed. It's been difficult getting someone to do the work.

    I have a company committed to the work - they said they could schedule me in 3 weeks "or so"
    That was 3 weeks ago so we will see

    1. Thank you, Debra. It is cooling off, now. Today's high is only 85F. I'm thinking of asking M to take the window air conditioner down. I used it a grand total of three times, this summer! :D

      It sounds like you are busy! I hope you are having someone helping you with the scrubbing of the algae! I also hope you are able to find someone to help with the removal of your trees. Maybe time to call the company and remind them? Good luck!

  5. I should show you daughter's drawings to my kids. I think they would appreciate them even more than I do because they probably know the characters she's drawing.

    Glad you were able to have your window open. Here's hoping that are a lot more days like that to come.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn.

      It would be fun to know if they recognize the characters in the drawings!

  6. Glad the air is a little better. Love the drawing! My 'kids' love Anime. Middle son is always trying to get us to watch some of the shows meant for adults.

    1. Thank you, Sharon.

      My daughter loves anime and manga so much that she learned Japanese in order to be able to read the stories/play the games in Japanese. :)

  7. I'm glad the air is better for you, Bless. What is it that causes the poor quality? X

    1. Thank you, Jules. The nearby wildfires are what is causing the poor air quality. All that smoke and particulate matter. There's one a few miles from me - far enough not to be a threat, but, close enough for the smoke to drift over, depending on wind directions, etc.


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