Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Free Movie at the Library

Yesterday evening, I picked up friend R and we went to one of the branch libraries in the adjoining city to watch a screening of Downton Abbey, the movie.

The library system in the adjoining city consists of three branch libraries and they show screenings of movies twice a month at different locations, one evening screening and one afternoon screening (different movies).  These screenings are free, thanks to funds made available through their Friends of the Library.  Although I am a member of the library (and have been for many years), this was the first time I've attended one of their free movie screenings.  But, it won't be the last!

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and so did friend R.  She is a fan of the Downton Abbey series on TV.  I have watched a few episodes and knew enough of the story to know who the main characters were.  This particular screening was closed captioned, too, for the benefit of anyone who needed it; one member of the audience objected to it, but, we were informed that it was part of the agreement under which the movie was to be screened.    I didn't mind the captioning, at all.

The movie was from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  Afterwards, I asked friend R if she wanted to stop somewhere for dinner (we were passing by one of our favorite cafes) but, she declined.  I dropped friend R off at her apartment and came home.  I was tempted to stop for a hamburger on the way home, but, resisted the temptation, came home, and made myself an easy dinner of a baked potato and a scrambled egg, followed by the last of the fresh tangerines (I had eaten rice, fish curry, dhal, and cashew curry for lunch). 

Since the movie was free and I didn't buy any dinner, afterwards, it was a very frugal evening of entertainment! 

The next movie they will be screening (at a different branch library) will be "Judy", based on the life of Judy Garland.  It is an afternoon showing, so friend R will not be able to attend as she is working.  But, I am planning to attend it. 

Yesterday, I was grateful for:
- Feeling well again
- Friend R being able to attend the movie with me
- Free movies at the library
- A very enjoyable movie and evening
- Frugal fun

My joyful activity for the day was going to see the movie with friend R.

Does your library have free movie screenings?  If so, do you attend them? 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it was fun. We enjoyed it - both the movie and the outing. :)

  2. I’m glad you are feeling better, and had a good time.

    Cashew curry! Yum! 😃

    1. Thank you, Nil. Yes, cashew curry is a favorite, around here. :)

  3. I'm a real Downton Abbey fan and more so because I once used to live in the next village over from Highclere Castle (where Downton Abbey is filmed). Nearby is Beacon Hill where you can see a lovely view of the castle. The 5th Earl of Carnarvon is buried on top of the hill.

    1. How wonderful, Bushlady! Have you seen the movie?

  4. I love the series! My name is on list at library for the movie.

    1. I hope you get to see the movie soon, Brenda. :)

  5. So good to hear that you felt better, and were able to go to the film. I loved it too. No free screenings here though! The writer, sir Julian Fellowes lives near here. He insisted the first screening of the film was shown locally, and all the profits went to the Dorset Blind Charity.

    1. Thank you, Angela. I remembered that you wrote a blog post about seeing the movie, last year, and went back and re-read it because I remembered that you had mentioned two of the actors were married to each other, but I had forgotten exactly who they were. How lovely that the first screening was shown locally and the profits went to a local charity!

      Charity is something I have been pondering about, lately. What it means to be "charitable". I even referred to my copy of the Bible! Maybe there will be a blog post about it, one of these days. Is there an equivalent of a Pause in Advent before Advent?

  6. So nice you got to see the movie! I saw it at a local theater that is cheap. I actually like closed captioning so that I don't miss any details! I didn't really think the movie was any better than the series. But like you, it was good to know who everyone was in advance. Andrea

    1. It was a fun movie, I thought. The plot was a bit silly, and the closed captioning made at least one mistake, but, on the whole, it was a nice movie. Besides, the price was right! :D

  7. I have never watched any Downton Abbey episodes and don't know any of the characters. Do you think I would enjoy the movie anyway?

    1. I think you would, Live and Learn. It's a bit of a fun movie. :)

  8. Mmmm, I'd like to have had a word with the audience member, who complained about Closed Captioning. Someday, she too, may need CC, to enjoy films. I know, I do.

    Since our library system has millions of films, I prefer to rent them and watch them at home. {This way, I can stop, for "Pottie breaks"! >,-)}

    In fact, I just saw that a new film, I'd like to watch, has come out on disc, so I can get it soon. :-)


    1. I, too, thought the closed captioning was a good thing, although, I was amused to see that whoever did the captioning made a mistake in one place, misidentifying the song being played.

      Renting movies from the library is a very good idea! In fact, I should do more of that, myself. :)

  9. How nice to have the newer movies available at the library ... and to get to see them (first run prices at theaters can be absolutely shocking)- I applaud the captioning for those who do have hearing issues ... why should a very important segment of our population be excluded? Your outing sounds like it was fun, and it's good to already have another one all lined up-
    Paige's first few days of radiation are behind her now ... we will just play it by ear from this point on until she finds the driving that distance is too inconvenient-the 2-year-old (she's baby Jamie) has a good care system in place here, and when things get rougher, I will go with Paige to Shreveport and get rooms there so I can care for both of them- we are finding that things are going to work out if we just go a day at a time-
    Let's not discuss my cold ... when (IF) this blasted thing ever gets well, I may build a monument to it for its epic inconvenience!
    Take care there ... and fondest wishes your way-

    1. Ha, ha, you had me laughing over your building a monument to your cold! Too funny! If you can, though, I urge you to have yourself checked out because, I've learned that a neglected cold can easily turn into bronchitis or worse.

      I'm glad Paige's first few days of treatments are behind her and she is still up to the long drive there and back. Sounds like you've plans in place to deal with things as they happen, but, yes, take things one day at a time, and have faith that things will be OK. (((HUGS)))

  10. I don't know of anywhere locally offering free screenings but there are plenty of places to see films very cheaply compared to the high prices of the cinemas. Interestingly these cheaper places are currently showing Downton Abbey and next month will show Judy. I wonder if that's a coincidence or whether certain films are made available for wider distribution (beyond the cinemas) each month.

    1. Hm, that's interesting that the same two films are/will be shown! Are you planning to see Judy when it becomes available, next month?

    2. At the place I usually go it's a daytime screening and at the moment it clashes with something that's been in my diary for ages. If I can find a different venue I'd like to go.

    3. Hope you'll be able to find a different venue. If not, maybe you can rent the movie from your library, when it becomes available.

  11. I'm not sure. The movie about Judy Garland sounds fascinating. I worked with Mickey Rooney, and he adored her. That's great that you are attending. I just checked out three dvd's at the library. I have been watching movies up at the cabin, and it's such a treat! Free, too. You were disciplined to pass on the hamburger...

    1. I hope you will be able to see the movie, Stephenie, it sounds like you will enjoy seeing it. I don't know if you want to drive all the way to Burbank, but, it will be shown on January 24, at 2:00 p.m.

  12. I don't know of anywhere that offers free screenings. I may have to do a little research as it never even crossed my mind that such a thing might be available

    1. Hi Cherie, yes, check around your area and see. I am finding out that there are quite a few free/low cost activities and entertainment available, often through the libraries or park services, etc.

  13. Glad you feel better and had fun at the movie. I saw Judy and really enjoyed it. I thought Renee Zellweger did a great job.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I watched the trailer for Judy and I think I will like the movie, too. :)

  14. I'm glad you're feeling better and able to enjoy your evening out. I've never seen any of the Downton series, although I believe it is supposed to be very good. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. The movie was quite enjoyable. I am not that much of a movie goer, myself, but, I am glad I went to see this one.

  15. I didn't realize the movie had been released on dvd. I added my name to the wait list at the library.

    How nice you were able to see a screening of it at the library.
    I enjoyed the series so I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.

    1. I am sure you will enjoy the movie, Debra. I hope you don't have to wait long to see it. This month, they are showing "Chinatown" and "Harriet" at the library. I will not go to see Chinatown as that is not quite my type of movie, but, I am planning to see Harriet. :)


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