Sunday, January 3, 2016

January Goals and Balance Wheel

-   Focus on prayers and meditations; on gratitude and being thankful; appreciate the blessings. 

- Undecorate from Christmas and start cleaning and decluttering and organizing!  Loads to be done!
- She still has 2 weeks of Winter break left, so she'll be home for a bit longer.  Then, she returns to Berkeley to begin her last semester of Grad. school.

- Most, if not all, contacts will be on the phone or on-line, this month.  I need to call and wish one cousin and one aunt on their birthdays.
-  Again, contacts will be mostly on the phone and on-line.   
-  I plan to continue to work from home on the good days.

- I will continue to budget and manage my finances to the best of my abilities.  The big bill due this month is daughter's tuition and fees.

- Once again, the main focus will be on health.  I've a hydration session scheduled for Monday, January 4, a blood test on Tuesday, January 5, and the second chemo therapy session on Friday, January 8.  It will be followed by another blood test the following week and a hydration session on the Friday of that week.  And depending on the blood test results, more immunity booster injections, and "lather, rinse, repeat".

Time Management:
- Procrastinate less!  Go back to making daily to do lists and actually do them!

- I plan to finish knitting the scarf I am making and start on the Mountain Climbing quilt.

I am keeping this year's New Year's resolutions in mind and trying to incorporate them into the monthly goals.  To that end, I've included a new segment to my Balance Wheel - Time Management.  I tend to procrastinate and waste a lot of time, so, my new year's goal is to be more efficient with my time.

Anybody else wants to try to do a goals/balance wheel of your own?


  1. This sounds like you have given it a lot of thought and sounds really centred. Have a great year! x

    1. Thanks, Sybil. I've been doing this Balance Wheel thing for a few years, now, and find it really helpful.


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